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[RESOLVED] CME export fails

How-To and general support for the CMC Metadata Exporter (CME) which exports My Movies data via the My Movies API.
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Re: CME export fails

Post by Teddyboy » Mon Jul 29, 2019 4:25 pm

I’m not sure about server essentials. I had uninstalled it sometime ago and I can’t recall if the icon was running in the tray or not. That really doesn’t make sense to me. If your trying to use a dune device the same requirements apply. It still needs to access the api as well for metadata directly from the web service.

I’ll try pointing to the local host on my pc. That’s not where the database is installed but if pointing it to local host works then problem solved. That does sound confusing to me though. According to your instructions you would use local host if your running CME directly on the computer that is hosting the database. I’ll give it a try when I get home although that’s not where I really want to run CME. I’ll ask Brian about the tray con not showing in my server essentials install on his forum.

I really appreciate the help Paul. I’m hopeful that we can get this up and running. This could be some wonky edge case on my server going on that I’m not aware of.
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Re: CME export fails

Post by Pauven » Mon Jul 29, 2019 8:45 pm

Teddyboy wrote: Mon Jul 29, 2019 4:25 pm According to your instructions you would use local host if your running CME directly on the computer that is hosting the database.

Perhaps my instructions were overly simplified. The technical requirement is to run CME against the PC that is running the API, which is handled by the My Movies tray icon. But I assumed, probably incorrectly, that this would also be the PC that is hosting the DB, so I wrote that thinking it would be easier for a new user to figure out what to do. I've no experience with server essentials, and it looks like it's making a fool out of me and my instructions.

I'm curious what Brian will say about it.
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Re: CME export fails

Post by Jamie » Mon Jul 29, 2019 8:53 pm

Teddyboy wrote: Mon Jul 29, 2019 1:15 pm The MMCM icon is not running in the tray, but the MyMovies general service is running.

I installed MM as a client on my PC
Sorry to butt in but I want to clarify something. I believe that Teddyboy says that his PC is installed as a client. You might try server

1. I tested this when I was helping Paul with the web service and testing the CMC exporter. If the MM CM icon is not in the tray, the web service will not run.

2. We tested my Movies for windows 7, 8, 10. Not windows - home and essentials. Maybe that version does not install the webservice mentioned in Point 4.

3. The web service for the sync is from It is external to your PC.

4. The web service Paul is using is installed on your PC and is accessing the mymovies DB on your PC, which I know is installed with MyMovies for windows 7, 8, 10

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Re: CME export fails

Post by Teddyboy » Mon Jul 29, 2019 9:46 pm

Jamie your not butting in at all. I appreciate the feedback.

1.) I have set up MyMovies for windows server essentials/home on my server, and I set up my pc as a client so I can maintain my collection without having to log into my server just to maintain my collection. I want CME to run on my server since Paul recommends for best performance that CME should be run locally where the database resides.

2.) That makes sense. I have two screen shots attached. Paul suggested the url using the api key which I did on both my server and my PC acting as a client. On the client side the call was rejected. It stated that it's only available to professionals through their installer program. On the server side all it says is the webpage can't be displayed. When I run the trouble shooter it says the remote device or resource won't except the connection. The devise or resource is not set up to accept connection on port 51414. The port is not blocked on either machine.

3.) Yes I understand that the call is going out to the webservice and not locally. Once MyMovies has synced that shouldn't matter to CME since its a local sync to the local database, but with everything being equal it should just work as I followed the instructions correctly especially on my PC.

4.) I do have the required 2500 points to be able to access the api. 5128 points to be exact. I bought the 2500 points and the rest of the points are through contributions.
Client Side Response
Client Side Response
cme 2019-07-29_18-21-46.png (149.31 KiB) Viewed 13569 times
Server Side Response
Server Side Response
cme server 2019-07-29_18-26-25.png (119.95 KiB) Viewed 13569 times
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Re: CME export fails

Post by Jamie » Mon Jul 29, 2019 10:19 pm

My guess is that Brian changed the port on windows for Home and essentials.

If Paul agrees with me, he might want to contact Brian to see whether the port is different on windows home and essentials.

The web service could run differently on Home essentials. Check all your mymovie services on that machine and see whether one is not running.

There are two web services. One for for the sync and mobile services. One for local use. The local DB

Paul should be able to figure it out.

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Re: CME export fails

Post by Pauven » Tue Jul 30, 2019 10:25 am

The server response for that URL is exactly as I suspected - the API Service is not running, at least not on that port #. I don't know if this is normal for Server Essentials or not. My guess is that it is normal, as I think Binnerup expects you to install a MM Client on each PC that you use MM, and that the API should be local on the client, and for that reason it wouldn't need to exist at all on the server.

My guidance for running it on the server assumes that the MM install is both a server and client on the same PC.

The client response for that URL was unexpected.

First, in your screenshot I notice that the API key is not in the URL - I assume you photoshopped it out?

Second, the response that "the data server is only available to professionals" is both a generic response and out of date (the data server is actually available to all users who have at least 2500 points, but Binnerup has not changed the message). By the response being generic, what I mean is that you get the same response no matter the cause - wrong API Key or User/Pass info, insufficient points.

Next steps:

1) I see you reached out to Binnerup asking about the MM tray icon - good.

2) Open the MM Settings on the PC Client, and make sure that the API is enabled and see if the API Key is different on this PC (I think it is a random, per-PC unique value).

Teddyboy wrote: Mon Jul 29, 2019 9:46 pm I want CME to run on my server since Paul recommends for best performance that CME should be run locally where the database resides.

Ideally, this would be best, but may not be possible with MM Server Essentials. I will say that I did most of my testing over the network, and performance was fine and comparable to what Jamie experienced running CME on his server.

Part of the reason I wrote that cautionary guidance is I'm trying to make sure that users only run 1 copy of CME, and really the best place to run that one copy is on the server (assuming the API is running there). It also eliminates the headaches of troubleshooting network issues and/or a down server but up client getting failures trying to query the server.

Of course, in my attempts to minimize support, it seems I've created a need for more support since there is more variables than I accounted for.
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Re: CME export fails

Post by Teddyboy » Tue Jul 30, 2019 2:53 pm

I blurred out the key. It’s a old habit. Okay. So we now know that the api service is not running on my server, and the response is appropriate. This is most likely by design. Then it’s confusing that when I installed MM as a client with the api running on my local pc pointing to my server running. It should not have given that error and CME should just work. The api key is correct.

He hasn’t responded to my question yet.

The MM settings on the client pc are correct. The api is enabled, and the key is correct. If I update the key, it’s also updated on the server as well. I assumed this was tested with server essentials. I guess our definitions of server are a little different. ;) your use case didn’t take into account a real server running under a domain.

As you mentioned and I agree with you the solution is to run CME locally where the database resides for best performance. With server essentials this may not be possible because the api is not run locally on my server as part of MM server essentials install. Given that, the work around should be to run a client install of MM on the htpc and have CME run from there. In my test case, I installed the MM client side on my pc that I use everyday. With the api installed on the client side, you’d think that CME should not have a problem.

I’ll keep checking for Brian’s response. BTW my username is the same on the MM forum as it is here.
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Re: CME export fails

Post by Jamie » Tue Jul 30, 2019 3:43 pm

Teddyboy wrote: Tue Jul 30, 2019 2:53 pm Then it’s confusing that when I installed MM as a client with the api running on my local pc pointing to my server running. It should not have given that error and CME should just work. The api key is correct.

I guess our definitions of server are a little different. ;) your use case didn’t take into account a real server running under a domain.

Given that, the work around should be to run a client install of MM on the htpc and have CME run from there. In my test case, I installed the MM client side on my pc that I use everyday. With the api installed on the client side, you’d think that CME should not have a problem.

Hi Teddy did you test the client pointing at the server, or localhost when doing Pauls test for the exporter? Localhost means that you are connecting to a service on your local PC which is the client in this case. If you place the server ip in the exporter from the client I bet you would get the no connection error. If there is no tray icon on your server it could mean that your install is messed up in some way and the tray app never got installed, or that server essentials uses a different app to run the service. Also the port could be different.

Regarding client server, it does not mean that you have to run a windows server environment. It means that you have a PC that runs the "Mymovie" server app and you have multiple pcs running the client app. Thus creating a client server relationship.

I bet if you install MYMOVIES for windows 7, 8, 10, as a server on current client machine you would be just fine. You can leave the other clients as is if they are using MYMOVIES for windows 7, 8, 10. What I do not know is whether you have to uninstall mymovies for windows essentials if you do that type of install.


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Re: CME export fails

Post by Pauven » Tue Jul 30, 2019 6:56 pm

Jamie wrote: Tue Jul 30, 2019 3:43 pm Hi Teddy did you test the client pointing at the server, or localhost when doing Pauls test for the exporter? Localhost means that you are connecting to a service on your local PC which is the client in this case. If you place the server ip in the exporter from the client I bet you would get the no connection error. If there is no tray icon on your server it could mean that your install is messed up in some way and the tray app never got installed, or that server essentials uses a different app to run the service. Also the port could be different.

From Efrain's screenshots above, he has tried localhost on both the Server Essentials MM server, and the MM PC client. We would need Binnerup to confirm whether or not a tray icon should be present on a Server Essentials install. You're right that the port # could be different, but since the tray icon isn't present, that would also mean that a completely different program is running the API on Server Essentials... if it is running at all. I don't see the benefit of Binnerup changing the port #, as it would just create support headaches, so my money is on the API not running at all on the server. But since I have no experience with the Server Essentials version, I don't want to rule out any possibilities.

Teddyboy wrote: Tue Jul 30, 2019 2:53 pm I assumed this was tested with server essentials. I guess our definitions of server are a little different. your use case didn’t take into account a real server running under a domain.

In the context of typical My Movies users, my references to server or client are actually references to My Movies Server and My Movies Client, Binnerup products, not to the underlying OS. When you install My Movies, you can install a Server, a Client, or both combined. I've never installed the Server Essentials version (I don't have one to play with), so I don't know what options you get with those installs.

Though I could be wrong, I don't think you running a real server with a domain is a factor in the API issue at all. Rather, I think it is purely a My Movies issue, or perhaps a lack of understanding on our part on how the Server Essentials version of My Movies operates.

As far as I am aware, you might be my only CMC/CME user running Server Essentials. By default, that makes you the tester... sorry.

Teddyboy wrote: Tue Jul 30, 2019 2:53 pm Given that, the work around should be to run a client install of MM on the htpc and have CME run from there. In my test case, I installed the MM client side on my pc that I use everyday. With the api installed on the client side, you’d think that CME should not have a problem.

I agree 100%. I don't know why the API is not working for you on the PC Client, and ultimately this is a Binnerup issue. When you tried the URL, that should have worked, but for some reason it is saying you don't have access. That has nothing to do with CMC/CME. When I did the development of CME, I exclusively used URL's to retrieve the data and reverse engineer the XML format long before I wrote any code. The URL's should simply work, and the fact that it doesn't is the reason CME isn't working.

I will say that I encountered numerous bugs in the API behavior - which I reported to Binnerup - so I know that the API behavior isn't perfect. Perhaps this is another API bug, but one that exists only on the Server Essentials version.

With as many points as you have, Binnerup should be jumping to help you - you've earned API access twice over. For all I know, that could be the bug, you have too many points! (just kidding, but who knows, I've seen weirder bugs).

If you haven't already, you should post a request for help with the API not working when you run it from your PC client connected to a Server Essentials server. The My Movies forum is currently experiencing their daily outage, so I can't check for myself right now.
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Re: CME export fails

Post by Jamie » Tue Jul 30, 2019 7:21 pm

Sorry to butt in again, but I think that if Brian does't respond then "Teddy?" could look into his installation folder on his server and see whether there is a tray executable for mymovies. By executable it could be exe, wssx, or whatever. ON my PC mymovies install it is "Mymovies Tray.exe". It may have a similar name or at least the word "tray". Just double click that file and try the export if you have that file. Hopefully Brian can get back to you tomorrow. Right now the mymovies forum is having SQL issues.

Sorry for not testing or thinking of testing windows server essentials but my budget and Paul's maybe, makes it hard to test every OS. I do volunteer testing for Paul from time to time and it seems that I have been doing a very crappy job as of late. At least the last release.

Here is a picture of my installation folder. The blue highlighted item is the tray file that I am referring too.
Mymovies tray exe.jpg
Mymovies tray exe.jpg (456.16 KiB) Viewed 13535 times

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