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[UPDATED Oct 2, 2020] CMC Metadata Exporter Roadmap & Bug List

How-To and general support for the CMC Metadata Exporter (CME) which exports My Movies data via the My Movies API.
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[UPDATED Oct 2, 2020] CMC Metadata Exporter Roadmap & Bug List

Post by Pauven » Wed Sep 04, 2019 12:16 pm

The following are planned enhancements for future versions, and known bugs and issues in CMC Metadata Exporter (CME)

Last updated Oct 2, 2020.

Known bugs/Issues:
  • [Fixed in v1.1.2019.1031] Timeouts when accessing API are not handled properly - require restarting CME to recover
  • [Fixed in v1.1.2019.1031] Duplicate backslashes causes issues when adding the root of a drive as a folder/share (i.e. M:\\)
  • [Fixed in v1.1.2019.1031] Metadata is wrongly exported for offline discs and goes into wrong folder
  • [Fixed in v1.1.2019.1031] XML file header is too short, forum prevents them from being posted
  • [Fixed in v1.4.2020.0420] When running minimized to System Tray you cannot start CME a 2nd time and don't get any feedback
  • [Fixed in v1.4.2020.0420] CME instructions indicate to point at My Movies Server, when only My Movies Desktop has API service
  • [Fixed in v1.4.2020.0420] Links to Online Help were broken after recent web site redesign
  • [Fixed in v1.5.2020.0525] Test Only option does not correctly show file paths with Standalone TV Series Export
  • [Fixed in v1.6.2020.0704] Custom Episode Title name tags were being discarded - this data is needed for future functionality
  • [Fixed in v1.6.2020.0704] CME is unresponsive for 3 minutes and buttons no longer work after an API connection failure
  • [Fixed in v1.6.2020.0704] CME hidden from view until first export finished if "Autostart Export on CME program start" is enabled
  • [Fixed in v1.6.2020.0704] "Could not find parent mmTitle.xml file" error when episode is an ISO in an Online (Folder)
  • [Fixed in v2.0.2020.1001] Structured TV Series metadata was written to the wrong folder for ISO's in an Online Folder

Planned Enhancements:
  • [New in v1.1.2019.1031] API Connection and Read Timeouts configurable in the settings
  • [New in v1.1.2019.1031] The Watched Status Sync now exports Episode metadata too (addresses a MM API bug)
  • [New in v1.1.2019.1031] Export Episode Metadata for DVD Title+Chapter based episodes
  • [New in v1.1.2019.1031] Option to suppress Offline Episode error messages
  • [New in v1.2.2019.1130] Include YouTube Trailer ID
  • [New in v1.3.2020.0321] Create pre-rendered boxset.png cover images to make CMC navigation faster
  • [New in v1.3.2020.0321] Export discless TV Series & Episodes that point to a converted media file
  • [New in v1.4.2020.beta] Starting CME a 2nd time now restores the 1st instance hiding minimized in System Tray
  • [New in v1.6.2020.0704] Quick API Connectivity Test before export with helpful troubleshooting info if test fails
  • [New in v1.6.2020.0704] Disc Paths Validator report to test that all stored file paths in MMCM exist
  • [New in v2.0.2020.1001] Implemented OXml library for faster XML processing - exports now about 10% faster on our test systems
  • [In Development] Direct writing/updating of CMC Movie Database - eliminate CMC Movie Metadata Syncing

This is a notification only thread, and it is closed to replies.

If you need to report a bug, please start a new post.
President, Chameleon Consulting LLC
Author, Chameleon MediaCenter
