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Good & Bad News Regarding YouTube - Hurry Before It's Gone

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Good & Bad News Regarding YouTube - Hurry Before It's Gone

Post by Pauven » Sun Sep 15, 2019 9:19 am

I just read an article that Google is killing off it's web based TV interface for YouTube: ... interface/

I had no idea YouTube had a web based TV interface, and the article immediately caught my attention. Could there really be a web based version of YouTube optimized to work with remote controls on a HTPC?


Try it out yourself, at either or

So this is bittersweet news, as now that I've finally discovered this, Google is taking it away...

If you want to use it with CMC, go ahead and create a custom External Link to one of the URL's above. Then enjoy YouTube on your HTPC the way it should be enjoyed... but hurry, it's almost gone.

EDIT: Bonus tip. There's no button to go full-screen on the YouTube TV interface web page. Instead, you can hit F11 on your keyboard, and most browsers will toggle between a windowed mode and true full-screen mode.
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