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The Digital Media Zone - Entertainment 2.0 Podcast

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The Digital Media Zone - Entertainment 2.0 Podcast

Post by Pauven » Sun Jan 19, 2020 3:59 pm

If you haven't discovered this gem already, all HTPC enthusiasts like ourselves should check out The Digital Media Zone. They have great info for media, gaming and smart homes, plus several podcasts. One of their podcasts is the Entertainment 2.0 weekly podcast that covers the latest entertainment tech news, and is hosted by Josh Pollard and Richard Gunther. So far I've only had a chance to listen to a few episodes, and they typically talk about home theater and media center type solutions like WMC and Plex and Xbox and HDHomeRun and so much more. Things that are definitely of interest to HTPC users.

They came to my attention when CMC came up in discussion in Episode #504 of their Entertainment 2.0 podcast back in December. They talk about CMC starting around the 2 minute mark.

And now just a few weeks later they have talked about CMC again in the Episode #507! Definitely listen to the whole podcast, it's great, but the CMC discussion starts at the 16:45 mark. Apparently one of your fellow users Jamie, who's pretty active here on the forum, decided to email them his thoughts about CMC (awesome, thanks Jamie). Josh and Richard seemed pretty happy to get the feedback from Jamie, and who knows, they might like feedback from other CMC users too. So consider yourself encouraged (but not pressured) to give Josh and Richard your thoughts on CMC via email to

And regardless of whether you give them any CMC feedback, definitely check out their podcasts. And if you hear any great news, feel free to share here.
President, Chameleon Consulting LLC
Author, Chameleon MediaCenter

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