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[Closed] Icon Bar customization or smaller background help Bar

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[Closed] Icon Bar customization or smaller background help Bar

Post by Jamie » Thu Feb 13, 2020 4:46 pm

Hi Paul,

Now that I am customizing my sister's view in CMC, I am finding it hard to remember what all the Icons are for on the Icon Bar above the covers. Is there a way for you to create an customized icon bar that has wording for what each icon on the bar does? I know that you have the background help that I have turned on but I think it is too large and should be shrunken a little. If you could find some way to do that, it would be great.


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Re: Icon Bar customization or smaller background help Bar

Post by Jamie » Thu Feb 13, 2020 4:48 pm

Settings and exit seem obvious to me and should not require any helpful wording. Others may disagree with that assumption

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Re: Icon Bar customization or smaller background help Bar

Post by Pauven » Thu Feb 13, 2020 6:31 pm

CMC is skinnable, though admittedly it is a manual process. You could take each of the icon images, and replace them with words or put words on them as you see fit.

If you choose to do this, you would go into the \Skins folder and make a copy of \CMC Default, i.e. call it \My Skin. Edit the images IconBar01 through IconBar11 as you want.

Then in CMC change the skin from CMC Default to My Skin in Settings > Display Settings > CMC Skin

The nice thing about making your own skin is that these changes will survive updates, though on occasion you may have to update your skin with new elements that might have been added by a new version.
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