A result of this is that I've added Zoom as a preconfigured External Link for CMC v3.3, out soon. But this will simply launch Zoom to the default view, and you may want to have it directly open a meeting instead, especially if you have a recurrent meeting for which the # and password never changes.
So here's a quick tutorial on configuring a custom External Link to launch a static meeting.
As a reminder, only External Links 8, 9, 10 and 11 can be customized, so you will need to use one of those links to complete this setup. I'll use Link 8 in my examples here.
- Go to Settings > External Links
- Select the External Link you want to configure, "Link 8", and set it to "Custom App"
- Assign the Exe for that Link, "L-8 Exe" for Link 8, browse to the Zoom.exe: C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Zoom\bin\Zoom.exe
TIP: you can alternatively paste this value into the File name box and click Open: %appdata%\Zoom\bin\Zoom.exe
- For the Icon, "L-8 Icon", select LinkIcon_Zoom.png (available in CMC v3.3) or whatever you want if you're running an older version.
- Finally you want to set the Exe Parameters to launch the specific meeting, "L-8 Exe Params". You'll want to use this format for the value:
--url=<meeting url goes here>
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