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Error during CME export

How-To and general support for the CMC Metadata Exporter (CME) which exports My Movies data via the My Movies API.
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Error during CME export

Post by dvoncannon » Mon May 11, 2020 2:58 pm

When running CME the following error occurs:

"This operation cannot be performed with a node of type PCDATA"

It happens when attempting to save:

SAVING: \\DISKSTATION\TV Series\Cheers\Season 1\CHEERS_S1_D4\Cheers.S00e002.mmEpisode.xml

The export stops when this happens with no way to continue other than a restart.
What do I need to do to fix this?

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Re: Error during CME export

Post by Pauven » Mon May 11, 2020 3:42 pm

Another user had a nearly identical issue. CME adjusts the XML metadata provided by the My Movies API, to correct a few things before writing the file. It appears that this process is failing for a particular data element (PCDATA) in one of the My Movies XML records.

While helping the other user troubleshoot the issue, I discovered that the number of episodes he had was different than the My Movies shared online database. Somehow he had orphaned data in his TV series.

The issue was solved for this other user by deleting and re-adding the affected titles in My Movies Collection Management. After fixing the first title, this type of issue occurred a couple more times (for other titles), and again deleting and re-adding them fixed the issue.

Hopefully this helps.
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Re: Error during CME export

Post by dvoncannon » Mon May 11, 2020 3:50 pm

Ok, I will give that a try and let you know.

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Re: Error during CME export

Post by ScareDcrow » Thu May 28, 2020 12:18 pm

I had this too and updating my episodes fixed it.
Although, it would be nice if CME handled the error better :-)


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Re: Error during CME export

Post by Pauven » Thu May 28, 2020 1:48 pm


Part of the problem is that up until a few days ago, I had never seen this issue myself, so it was hard to analyze and resolve.

Last week it happened to me for the first time. Using my own debug analyzing tools, I stepped through the code, and to my surprise the PCData is not the primary error. There's actually another error that occurs, due to bad My Movies data, but CME kinda plows through that one and generates this PCData error instead.

Unfortunately, while troubleshooting the error, I resolved it in My Movies and now the error is gone, so I'm again having a hard time analyzing it to make CME better.

I will say this: the error was related to corrupt My Movies data. Something that happens to me on occasion is that file paths get corrupted in My Movies, typically when I've been changing folder structures and My Movies automatically recognizes the change and attempts to update the affected Titles automatically, but ends up making a total mess of things.

I will keep working on this issue in the future, when I can, but for now I think the PCData error is safe to interpret at corrupted My Movies data. Doublecheck file paths for all disks/episodes, make sure there are no phantom episodes, and remove/re-add the title as a last step to troubleshoot.
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Re: Error during CME export

Post by dvoncannon » Wed Jun 03, 2020 6:11 pm

I apologize for the long delay in getting back to you. Your suggestion about deleting the entry and adding it back solved the issue for me. Thanks for your quick and accurate response.

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Re: Error during CME export

Post by Pauven » Wed Jun 03, 2020 6:26 pm

No worries, I appreciate you letting me know.

By the way, I just released CME v1.5.2020.0603 today, which has a small tweak to add some extra error handling where I think this error is occurring. It won't prevent the error, but might prevent CMC hanging because of the error.
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Re: Error during CME export

Post by blctech » Wed Dec 23, 2020 4:27 pm

Hi. I moved my mymovies server to another computer (from Microsoft 2012 server to a Win 10 machine). Installed mymovies (collection management) on the new Win 10 machine. I made a copy of the mymovies database and imported it to the new Win 10 server. Good install. I can't figure out how to tell collection management on the Win 10 computer to change the server to the Win 10 machine.

I Installed CMC on that Win 10 server. I moved all my movies from that Microsoft 2012 server to a NAS. I can play all the movies on that NAS on the new server with CMC

The problem is that Collection Management wants to still go to the old MS 2012 machine. Consequently, when I run CME Export I get errors from the API that it cant find the movies. It is still looking on the old server: The address //DVD-SERVER2/DVD_s/The Naked Jungle in the error message below is the old server address. How can I change that address in Collection Management to look at the Win 10 sever and the associated NAS for the movies and Metadata? I assume it is getting the old address from the imported database. I can't change the server credentials in Collection Management.

Exporting Title ID 65 - "The Naked Jungle" - Retrieving Update...
http://Localhost:51415/?command=GetTitl ... d=Fes9F7Kx
http://Localhost:51415/?command=GetMovi ... d=Fes9F7Kx
* ID 65 - The Naked Jungle
Disc "The Naked Jungle" Type="1" LocationA=smb://DVD-SERVER2/DVD_s/The Naked Jungle
SAVING: \\DVD-SERVER2\DVD_s\The Naked Jungle\mmTitle.xml
[ERROR] The Disc's File Path is not accessible: \\DVD-SERVER2\DVD_s\The Naked Jungle\
SAVING: \\DVD-SERVER2\DVD_s\The Naked Jungle\fanart.jpg

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Re: Error during CME export

Post by Pauven » Wed Dec 23, 2020 6:06 pm

Hey blctech,

One of our fellow users, klpaint, just went through this exact same change. I've asked him to post how he did it.

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Re: Error during CME export

Post by blctech » Wed Dec 23, 2020 6:12 pm

Thanks Paul

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