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Error during CME export

How-To and general support for the CMC Metadata Exporter (CME) which exports My Movies data via the My Movies API.
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Re: Error during CME export

Post by klpaint » Wed Dec 23, 2020 6:36 pm


It's funny reading your post as I just finished an almost identical migration. I also ran into the same issue.

Go into MyMovies and select a movie. Then select "Disc(s)" and then go to Location Side (a). In the example below my previous name was LIIVNAS-2653 and I updated one movie to the new Server name of MOVIE-SERVER. When I saved it, it then came up and asked me something like "we found 1400 other movies with the same location, would you like us to update all of them". I said yes and it changed them all. It was awesome.

A couple of things to remember.

1. Make sure you name all your directories the same on both systems and then you have to share the directories (this is important).

Mine were MoviesLS1-D1 which translated to LIIVNAS-2653\MoviesLS1-D1 after the above it changed to MOVIE-SERVER\MoviesLS1-D1
MoviesLS1-D2 which translated to LIIVNAS-2653\MoviesLS1-D2 after the above it changed to MOVIE-SERVER\MoviesLS1-D2
this repeats up to D9

So assuming you have the same Directory names and the only thing that changes it the name of the machine (this was the case with mine), you update 1 and then MyMovies will change the rest. It was awesome. If that did not work, my plan B was to make my new server the same as the old name but I really wanted to get away from that so I was really happy it worked.
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Re: Error during CME export

Post by Pauven » Wed Dec 23, 2020 6:49 pm

Thanks klpaint, much appreciated!!! Hopefully this works for Brian.
President, Chameleon Consulting LLC
Author, Chameleon MediaCenter

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