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[RESOLVED] First Time CCC Install and Run

Chameleon CentralController (CCC) is used to export My Movies metadata directly to CMC's Movie DB, and manage User Accounts and Parental Restrictions, and tracks Watch History and WatchLists on a per-user basis.
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Re: First Time CCC Install and Run

Post by Pauven » Sun Jan 17, 2021 3:11 pm

CMC is not configured correctly in the firewall. The local port should be Any.
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Re: First Time CCC Install and Run

Post by Teddyboy » Sun Jan 17, 2021 3:25 pm

I changed CMC outbound rule for the tcp port to any. it still times out. I did verify that the CCC share does indeed point to the correct location in the drivepool. I'm going to leave it alone as it's where I want it to be, and the CCC share path is correct. Pic attached to show you that the share is pointing to the correct folder. I'm sorry that I'm being such a pita, but this is going to be great once I figure this out.

I just started getting a access violation when I leave the configuration screen in CMC.
cmc access violation 1.png
cmc access violation 1.png (11.46 KiB) Viewed 10922 times
cmc access violation 2.png
cmc access violation 2.png (6.54 KiB) Viewed 10922 times
ccc share path.png
ccc share path.png (11.12 KiB) Viewed 10921 times
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Re: First Time CCC Install and Run

Post by Pauven » Sun Jan 17, 2021 4:27 pm

Don't worry about the access violations. Those will fix themselves once you have connectivity to CCC.

I know a lot of this is rehash, but perhaps by writing all this out again in a new way, it will help identify the problem.

Something to consider: connectivity issues can be caused by local firewall (CMC PC), remote firewall (CCC PC), or something in between the two PC's (network equipment). Since I don't know the layout or configuration of your home network, I want to make sure that you're looking at all places.

CMC Network Access
First, CMC needs unblocked TCP network access, and the ability to reach the CCC PC on the network using TCP. Don't assume this works just because you can reach the network shared folder (though that is a good sign). An easy way to test this is to temporarily disable the firewall and see if CMC connects. If CMC now connects, then the CMC PC's firewall is the culprit. I don't know what firewall software you use, but it is possible that you have multiple firewall parameters competing with each other, and even though you've opened TCP Any for CMC, it might be blocked by another setting.

Another good test is to open a Command prompt and Ping the CCC server using the same name you configured in CMC, to validate that name resolving is working.

CCC Network Access
Next, CCC needs unblocked TCP inbound on port 1031, and CCC must be running. Again, a good way to test if the CCC PC's firewall is the issue is to temporarily disable the firewall and see if connectivity begins to work. And as with the CMC PC, it's possible you have multiple rules and even though you unblocked port 1031, another rule might be blocking access. Also, from your screenshot I can't quite see the full path to the exe that you have excluded.

Other Thoughts
On the CCC Firewall, I see you are only opening port 1031 for [assuming CCC.exe, but can't see it in the screenshot]. This is a step more restrictive than I normally recommend. Typically, we just open for 1031 Inbound for the entire PC (all apps) - the only thing that will be using 1031 is CCC, so it's essentially the same thing, but eliminates the possibility that the firewall is opening 1031 for a different filepath than the currently running CCC.exe.

EDIT: I also couldn't see in your screenshot if the CCC rule was inbound or outbound, it needs to be inbound.

Final Thoughts
That's pretty much it.
  • CMC needs TCP Outbound general access
  • CCC needs TCP Inbound Port 1031 (but usually we just open 1031 for the entire PC, not just CCC)
  • CCC needs to be running
  • The CMC PC needs to be able to ping the CCC PC.
If the individual firewall tests described above don't work, you may want to try disabling the firewall on both the CCC PC and the CMC PC at the same time.
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Re: First Time CCC Install and Run

Post by Teddyboy » Sun Jan 17, 2021 7:22 pm

1.) CCC has it's inbound rule set to any port for the entire PC that it's running on.
2.) CMC has it's outbound rule set to any port for the entire PC that it runs on.
3.) The CMC PC is able to ping the server successfully using the servers name.
4.) I am still able to successfully test for CCC network share connectivity.
5.) I still cannot successfully pass CCC connectivity. CCC is running on the Server.
6.) I completely disabled the CMC PC's firewall and tried to connect to the CCC server and that had no effect. I still was not able to connect.
7.) I completely disabled the CCC servers firewall, and I was still not able to connect.
8.) With both firewalls disabled I still was not able to connect to CCC.

The CMC pc is not joined to the domain nor is my workstation. I'm just using the server for backups and mass storage. As far as I can tell joining the domain shouldn't make a difference. I'm able to ping the server successfully and verify that I have CCC network share connectivity. I don't think the domain really matters. The PCs are in a workgroup that can access shared folders on the server. I guess I could try to run CMC on my workstation and see what happens since it's a different pc. I'm guessing I'll get the same result.
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Re: First Time CCC Install and Run

Post by Pauven » Sun Jan 17, 2021 8:00 pm

Wow. I'm at a loss.

I agree, domain should not be a factor.

Can you provide a screenshot of your CMC Settings for CCC?
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Re: First Time CCC Install and Run

Post by Teddyboy » Sun Jan 17, 2021 8:34 pm

I've also tried different timeout values from the default 2 seconds. I went all the way up to 60 seconds, and it still timed out. I've double check all settings. I made sure that the firewalls where set correctly. The server is online and CCC is running.
Although the two are probably not related, I was able to scan my music folder and listen to my music. I got a couple of sync errors for illegal characters in the names, but that's easily fixed. At least that's something. :)
cmc ccc settings.png
cmc ccc settings.png (44.61 KiB) Viewed 10907 times
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Re: First Time CCC Install and Run

Post by Pauven » Sun Jan 17, 2021 8:45 pm

Try replacing the CCC PC name with it's IP address.
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Re: First Time CCC Install and Run

Post by Teddyboy » Sun Jan 17, 2021 9:45 pm

Pauven wrote: Sun Jan 17, 2021 8:45 pm Try replacing the CCC PC name with it's IP address.
I already tried that. I got a error stating that it couldn’t connect to the share folder. Changing it back it was able to connect to the share.
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Re: First Time CCC Install and Run

Post by Pauven » Sun Jan 17, 2021 10:16 pm

But how did it affect the CCC Connectivity Test?
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Re: First Time CCC Install and Run

Post by Teddyboy » Mon Jan 18, 2021 5:23 pm

I’ll try again tonight after work and take a screen shot for you. It didn’t work, I can’t remember what it’s error message was. I think it said it couldn’t find the server to even test for connectivity. I’ll double check when I get home. I was tired last night.
Mechanical Engineer, Solidworks junkie, Reef aquariums, sci-fi, weight training, orchids, Ferns, Kaiju, model kit building, balboa park, scripps aquarium

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