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[Resolved] New movies i MyMovies DB not displaying in CMC

How-To and general support for the CMC Metadata Exporter (CME) which exports My Movies data via the My Movies API.
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Re: New movies i MyMovies DB not displaying in CMC

Post by dvoncannon » Tue Apr 06, 2021 4:55 am

That's a good point, this behavior appeared after the upgrade to 4.2. I upgraded a few days after 4.2 was released, not the first day. I have included the export log for your review. There are multiple exports in the log so search for the 4/5/21 exports.
CMC Metadata Exporter.log
Export Log 4/5/21
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Re: New movies i MyMovies DB not displaying in CMC

Post by Pauven » Tue Apr 06, 2021 8:45 am

The exports look fine, so I don't believe the problem is with CME.

My first impression is that CMC simply isn't running the Sync, or possibly running but not saving the results.

The weirdest part is that the sync debug log file isn't even created, as it is a special log file that is written line by line, as each program line is processed, so that if CMC crashes I can tell how far it made it in the sync process. Since you don't even get the file, that makes me think it crashes at the beginning, but your experience is that it is running for hours. I'm sure this will make sense one I will solve the mystery, but for the moment this is quite baffling.
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Re: New movies i MyMovies DB not displaying in CMC

Post by Pauven » Tue Apr 06, 2021 11:20 am

I'm having trouble replicating the issue - it's working for me.

Please send me your CMC.cfg file.
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Re: New movies i MyMovies DB not displaying in CMC

Post by dvoncannon » Tue Apr 06, 2021 11:38 am

.CFG file attached.

I have noticed some other weirdness since upgrading to 4.2 primarily with TV series, for instance in CSI the epoisde listing for each season is correct, however it will only play episodes from the first disk in the season. Happens with all seasons.

Dharma and Gregg just shows episodes from the first disk.

there may be others, that's just what I have discovered since the upgrade.
CMC.cfg file
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Re: New movies i MyMovies DB not displaying in CMC

Post by Pauven » Tue Apr 06, 2021 11:54 am

Your config file looks okay, thanks for sharing.

I have a hunch that you might be running CMC with the working directory being something other than C:\CMC. I don't know how you could be doing this, but it would explain why the Debug files are missing and why some of the other *.bin files are not getting updated.

For example, perhaps the way you are launching CMC is setting the working directory to C:\CMC_Test\ even though you are running C:\CMC\CMC.exe. If this were happening, then all of the output would be written to C:\CMC_Test\... instead of C:\CMC. This is partially my fault, as some of this code is really old (version 1.x) and is writing to the working directory instead of the program directory. Most of my newer code explicitly calls the program directory, which is why we see some of the debug log and other files being updated in C:\CMC.

By any chance, have you had multiple CMC directories, in the past or even now? Any chance you renamed the CMC program folder?

How are you launching CMC?
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Re: New movies i MyMovies DB not displaying in CMC

Post by dvoncannon » Wed Apr 07, 2021 12:25 am

No I haven't renamed any folders. I launch CMC by double clicking the icon on the desktop which links to C:\CMC\CMC.exe

I don't see a C:\CMC_Test\... folder

I have never had multiple CMC directories.

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Re: New movies i MyMovies DB not displaying in CMC

Post by Pauven » Wed Apr 07, 2021 7:47 am

Are there any extra files or folders on your desktop that look like they belong in the CMC directory? SmartSync.bin or Logs\, for example?

Try navigating to C:\CMC and running CMC.exe from there. Do a Full Sync.
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Re: New movies in MyMovies DB not displaying in CMC

Post by dvoncannon » Wed Apr 07, 2021 4:17 pm

There isn't anything on the desktop pertaining to CMC except the CMC icon and CME application.

I have tried running CMC and CME as administrator. Tried running CMC from C:\CMC.

I always run full sync's just in case. I have tripled checked the CME settings to make sure I didn't have "Test Export" checked.

Good thoughts all, but no change in symptom from any of them.

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Re: New movies i MyMovies DB not displaying in CMC

Post by Pauven » Wed Apr 07, 2021 4:32 pm

Okay, let's start from scratch. Delete your C:\CMC directory, and the shortcut you have on the desktop.

Download the current CMC v4.2 from the website and reinstall. Reconfigure it to scan your folders, and then run a Sync.

Sorry, I know that's a lot of work. But something obviously isn't working right, and I'm not able to replicate your symptoms.
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Re: New movies i MyMovies DB not displaying in CMC

Post by dvoncannon » Wed Apr 07, 2021 9:52 pm

I don't know why but that resolved the problem.

As always, thank you for your patience and support.

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