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Star wars 4k UHD special features

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Re: Star wars 4k UHD special features

Post by Teddyboy » Sat Mar 13, 2021 5:32 pm

Paul I’ve been a little busy. The only set that’s not there is the skywalker saga set. With the exception of that set and about four movies, everything else is done, and all episodes are mapped. I had a problem with one of my friendly drives. It would not recognize any UHD disc, but blu-rays are fine. I forgot to flash the drive! Works fine now. So far 4k discs are ripping fine. I’m going to start ripping the Star Wars disc today. Fingers crossed that I don’t have a bad disc in that set. Having three drives with two of them friendly helps ripping go much faster. I still haven’t upgraded my htpc yet. Probably tomorrow.
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Re: Star wars 4k UHD special features

Post by Teddyboy » Sun Mar 14, 2021 12:33 pm

Hi Paul,
Regarding The Phantom Menace 4k disc. Yes 4k discs can be very temperamental especially if your dealing with triple layers discs. The laser can have a hard time reading the disc especially when it tries to transition to another layer. Any bit of dust or oil can cause it to fail reading the disc.

Like you I had some read errors while ripping that disc. I use teracopy pro to copy to my server. I can copy three discs at a time pretty quickly, and i'm on a wireless connection.

When I got some read errors on the disc. I took it out of the drive and washed it in warm water with liquid soap. It doesn't really matter what soap you use as long as it doesn't have any abrasive bits in it which can sometimes be found in body washes. Wet the disc and apply some soap to the disc surface, and gently rub the entire surface of the disc using only your fingers. Rinse it and blot (don't rub) dry with a fresh paper towel. Take a fresh micro fiber cloth that you would use for cleaning camera lenses or glasses and wipe it down. Put it back in the drive and re rip it. You should be fine after that. 9 times out of 10 this solves the read errors.

I was able to successfully rip it to my server the remaining files on the disc with no errors. Tera copy pro keeps a history list of files per disc, so it I get a error I can simply tell it to recopy again those files that failed.
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Re: Star wars 4k UHD special features

Post by Pauven » Tue Mar 16, 2021 1:21 pm

Wow, that's quite the collection of new additions! You have been busy.

Thanks for the ripping tips, though with a collection of over 2k discs it is all stuff I'm quite familiar with. I also have 2 different brands and 4 different models of friendly drives, plus other Blu-ray only drives, that allows me to try different drives and sometimes that makes a huge difference. Outside of a minor hiccup on the Attack of the Clones, I now have all ripped to folder, including the bonus discs. The hardest part was just removing the discs from the book.

After adding The Skywalker Saga to my collection, I noticed that my available storage was down to only 3.5 TB, so I ordered a couple more upgrade drives to give me another 10 TB - those should arrive today. Funnily enough, as I was prepping my server for the new drives, I discovered I already had a new drive ready to go - I mistakenly thought I had already used it - so that's another 5 TB there. 15 TB of new storage should last me a while, I shouldn't have to worry about it again until next year. This will bring my total storage up to 97 TB! I still remember buying my first 12 GB "Mega" drive thinking I would never fill that up...
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Re: Star wars 4k UHD special features

Post by Teddyboy » Tue Mar 16, 2021 3:49 pm


I only have 615 titles. My disc space is about 14.4 TB of free space left, so I have plenty. I have three spare slots for drives, so I won't run out of space anytime soon. All my drives are 8TB drives. I may just spring for three 10TB drives to fill in the last three trays. I have to start buying disc sox as I don't keep the cases. They take up to much space. The sleeves run about 25 for 19.95 or about .80 a sleeve. They give you a little break if you buy in larger quantities. They are not the cheapest, but I like them and they fit my needs. Right now I have my movies in plastic totes in case logic sleeves that I bought from Frys many moons ago. two movies to a sleeve. They used to be in binders, but it was easier to take them out and store them in stackable totes. They need to be put in individual sleeves and better organized.

I have some more movies sitting in my amazon basket ready to go, and I'm looking at used blu-rays as well. I just want to replace some of the DVDs with blu-rays. Used blu-rays are so much cheaper.

I'm getting Solo and Rogue One in 4k to complete my Star Wars 4k Saga Collection.

I did finish ripping all those discs over the weekend. Star Wars was the last of it. Now I'm just curating my collection in MyMovies.
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Re: Star wars 4k UHD special features

Post by Pauven » Tue Mar 16, 2021 4:42 pm

I was very disappointed that they didn't include Solo and Rogue One as part of The Skywalker Saga. I guess they had to draw the line somewhere, but those seems like obvious inclusions. I know it's been rumored there will be more "Star Wars Stories" movies in the future, so perhaps that's why they weren't included. Oddly, I don't feel compelled to pick up 4K versions of those at this time - mainly I guess because I've already spent way too much money on this franchise, plus I have a Disney+ subscription.

I mainly jumped on The Skywaker Saga after I made a huge mistake not getting the Marvel 4K box set a year ago - I had no idea it would be such a limited release, and now they are super expensive to pick up used, and the only alternative is to buy each movie or subset individually at a higher cost. So now I'm on the sidelines, waiting for the next phase of Marvel films to hit 4K, in hopes there will be a new super box set - I won't hesitate next time...

Storage of disc cases is an ongoing challenge for all of us. I personally have kept all my cases, but they are stored away in boxes in the basement. I used to have a huge custom built-in bookshelf I built in my previous home for displaying all my movies, and plan to do another display in my next home (whenever that happens) - but with 6 more years and way too many more cases since then, I might have to scale back those dreams. Perhaps I only display my favorites, or even just my collectible special editions.

Displaying collectibles is also my newest challenge, as I've started collecting movie prop replicas. Some I buy, some I make. Again, my dream is to have a display area in my next home, but the more display area for props, the less I have for movies. For bought replicas, I have a Terminator arm, a Thanos Infinity Gauntlet, an Iron Man Nano Guantlet, a Sky Lord mask, baby Yoda (sorry, I mean Grogu), and some John Wick medallions. For my made replicas, I have a Harry Potter wand (Dumbledor's Elder wand), a Davinci Code inspired Codex, an Iron Man mask, and an Indiana Jones fertility idol. I'm most excited about my fertility idol - I printed it hollow and then filled it with lead shot and resin, so it weighs 21 lbs!!! For something so small to be so heavy, it boggles the mind. I've also bought real 24k gold leaf, no fake spray paint here. I haven't applied the leaf yet, hope to get to that soon. The final cost to fabricate the fertility idol will be well over $500 - shocking for a homemade special - which includes about $100 in lead shot alone. Hopefully when I'm done it will look and feel like real, solid gold. And at 21 lbs, that would be about $582,000 worth of raw gold alone, but worth even more since it is an ancient artifact, hehehe. I like the fact that the "jewel" of my collection will be something I made, and essentially one of a kind.

There's lots more movie props I want to create in the future, too. James Bond gadgets, some Star Wars stuff (light saber, blaster), Ghostbusters traps, Big Baby Hellboy gun, and so much more. I can't watch a movie anymore without being on the looking for a cool movie prop. Some props, like a Luke Skywalkers light saber, I would like to make from real metal, and I need machining equipment like a lathe, stuff I hope to have a place for in my next home.

Wow, I really got off on a tangent there. I should probably add a discussion section to the forum just for sharing movie props.

Teddyboy wrote: Tue Mar 16, 2021 3:49 pm I did finish ripping all those discs over the weekend. Star Wars was the last of it. Now I'm just curating my collection in MyMovies.
I cheated. I didn't add The Skywalker Sage to My Movies. Instead, I treated each movie as a separate 4K movie. I already have a "Start Wars" movie collection defined, so they show up inside of that.

I did it this way because when you add a box set collection to My Movies, it shows up as a single film only (at best). I had the problem a few weeks ago when I added my new "Bad Boys I & II" 4K box set - it doesn't show up as either movie, and for that reason it didn't link into my Bad Boys movie collection with the 3rd film. So I added both I and II separately, and linked them as children to the box set, just to get them to display the way I wanted in CMC. I figured why go through all the work to setup The Skywalker Saga in My Movies if it wasn't going to display each movie separately.
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Re: Star wars 4k UHD special features

Post by Teddyboy » Tue Mar 16, 2021 8:17 pm

okay confession time. I didn't display them as a box set either. When I downloaded the box set I didn't like what I saw, so I downloaded the individual titles instead. Much better and I can put them into a collection. I don't like it when you have to have the same box set cover for each title when the title doesn't have it's own cover. I prefer collections instead of boxsets. In fact, I don't really care for boxset all that much. I have a box set of Godzilla movies called the godzilla collection. it's not worth the hassle of setting up a incomplete box set that was already there. They each come with there own nice case.

I tend to be a completest, so I'll get Solo and Rogue One. I tried to complete some of the titles in MyMovies, but I got my hand slapped because I wasn't paying attention. Two of the titles didn't have back covers one was okay but was rejected for a reason that I just don't recall right now. The other cover had the wrong barcode on it. I pulled it from amazon and didn't bother to look at it closely to see that the barcodes didn't match even though it's the same exact title. It must be a early cover.

I prefer not to display my movies with the exception of box sets. I'll probably display those as I don't have a lot of them. I want to keep my collection as compact as possible with easy access incase I need to re-rip a disc. I'll probably look for a long filing cabinet of some sort to store them in alphabetical order. At about .80 cents a sleeve I'm going this route.

I almost picked up that Marvel set as well, and now I'm kicking myself for not getting it. I just got some more movies in the mail. Re-Animator, Bride of Re-Animator, Blu-ray German versions of Dune and Children of Dune (these versions are supposed to be better then the other blu-ray versions and it they have the English language track) I read reviews about them from the digital bits, and I also received Franken Hooker. I'm still waiting for the blu-ray of Stuart Gordons From Beyond.

I'm definitely going to look for used blu-rays to replace some of my DVD titles. it's so much cheaper. The others I'll just upscale because they are out of print, and they probably will never be released on blu-ray.

Fertility Idol? Hmmmmm yes that's a whole other topic. Best to start another thread for that. ;)

it's cool that you like collectibles. I do too. I don't have that many, but I want to get more. I also build model kits, but I don't have the space right now. when I move in about a year from now, I'll look for a place that has appropriate space for that. I have to many hobbies, and tend to start multiple projects being half done.

I really like CMC. It's still got some teething issues, but I'm grateful that you made it. I don't know what i would have done without it as there is no real alternative that integrates with MyMovies as well as your app does, and I get to rip full discs with menus and extras and not hassle with further stripping down of the title.
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Re: Star wars 4k UHD special features

Post by Pauven » Wed Mar 31, 2021 2:12 pm

Teddyboy wrote: Tue Mar 16, 2021 8:17 pm okay confession time. I didn't display them as a box set either. When I downloaded the box set I didn't like what I saw, so I downloaded the individual titles instead. Much better and I can put them into a collection. I don't like it when you have to have the same box set cover for each title when the title doesn't have it's own cover. I prefer collections instead of boxsets. In fact, I don't really care for boxset all that much.
I'm right there with you. That's one of the reasons I put so much work into making Movie Collections work so well in CMC, these are what Box Sets should have been. My only real complaint now is that if I put a Box Set in a Movie Collection, I see both in CMC. I don't know if there's a feasible way for me to hide Box Sets that have been added to Movie Collections, but if not then I might just be ripping out the last of my Box Sets in My Movies.

Teddyboy wrote: Tue Mar 16, 2021 8:17 pm I also received Franken Hooker.
Franken Hooker, LOL. I don't know what that one's about, but my guess is so perfect that I fear the truth may not live up to my imagination.

Teddyboy wrote: Tue Mar 16, 2021 8:17 pm Fertility Idol? Hmmmmm yes that's a whole other topic. Best to start another thread for that.
Forgot to mention my Fifth Element stones. I printed these hollow and filled them with plaster of paris. They feel solid like stone and have the right weight. Still got to paint them (along with most of my other home-made props).
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Re: Star wars 4k UHD special features

Post by Teddyboy » Fri Apr 02, 2021 6:33 am

I like box sets because you can get movies usually pretty cheap, but I usually don’t like the way they are displayed unless they are individually put in there own cases. If I’m lucky, each movie will have its own upc attached to it. That way I can either keep it as a box set or break it up. I’m usually not that lucky, most box sets are slapped together into one case full of discs. I just got a set the other day of three Dreamworks animated movies. Chicken Run, Wallace & Gromit: The case of the Were-Rabbit, and Flushed Away in one case with no individual artwork for each title. When I downloaded the title it wasn’t even halfway complete. I started to fill it in, but I only got the box set container done. I submitted that, and decided to let someone else finish it. All the individual titles had 100% completion, so I downloaded those. Much better. Like you, I’m thinking I might just remove all box sets from MyMovies and use collections moving forward.

Franken Hooker is a cult classic. Arrow video did a great job with its remastering. They do really good work on the titles in their catalog. Scream/Shout! Factory also does good work on the films in their catalog as well.

In other news. Geez. The MyMovies moderator fixed one issue with The Munsters season 0 special that had a overlapping episode number with another season 0 episode. He ended up creating more problems. Four season 0 episodes are now missing! You can’t pick them from the drop down list anymore. They where there when I first mapped them. I went in and checked the season 0 mappings which is how I discovered the error. All the regular season episodes are okay. I replied to the email original email chain when I submitted the first report with screenshots and didn’t create another report. Brian is cc’d on the email chain. They’ll eventually get around to fixing it.
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Re: Star wars 4k UHD special features

Post by Pauven » Wed Apr 14, 2021 5:19 pm

Teddyboy wrote: Tue Mar 16, 2021 8:17 pmFertility Idol? Hmmmmm yes that's a whole other topic. Best to start another thread for that. ;)

I've added a new subforum for Life-Size Movie Props and Replicas, and added my first post on the Big Hero 6 Megabot.

It will take me a while to document all my props. I encourage everyone to share their props and replicas too. Though I do want to limit this to life-size props and replicas only, as I'm not interested in scale models or figurines.
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Re: Star wars 4k UHD special features

Post by Pauven » Fri Apr 16, 2021 11:55 am

I also just added the first chapter of the solid-gold Indiana Jones Chachapoyan Fertility Idol build.
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