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Post by Jamie » Sun Jun 13, 2021 4:19 pm

Hi Paul,

I am playing with my laptop and found the home site has text running into the title. See attachment.
Chamsoft.jpg (436.91 KiB) Viewed 2816 times
Also in Firefox the forum continuously reloads. I don't know if it's my laptop firefox browser or the forum. I went to chamconsoft/cmc and the page tries to render as chamconsoft/cmc/forums.


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Re: ttext

Post by Pauven » Tue Jun 15, 2021 12:34 pm

Hey Jamie,

Sorry for the slow response. My main PC's hard drive died Sunday morning!!! I've been struggling to get back to normal operations.

The good news is that no data should have been lost, as I have all data backed up in real-time to multiple locations. Though with such a massive amount of data, it will take me a while to get everything restored.

The bad news is that apparently Samsung 970 Evo nvme drives run super hot and are known to have failures. Mine lasted 2.5 years. Over the past year, I've been noticing more and more system stability issues. I thought I had possible solved them by slowing down my memory speeds, which might have been too aggressive for 8 dimms. But I still experienced occasional sluggishness in the PC, very frustrating for my main rig to be slow especially with as much $ as I spent. Now that the drive has completely failed, I've discovered that it seems this drive was a problem for a long time. I put the drive in an external USB enclosure in hopes of accessing it (it still kinda works), but the result is that it slows down anything it is plugged into!

I'd been planning on doing an OS reinstall anyway, so this is my chance. I typically go into this with a more solid plan, primarily a list of all my current apps and their configuration. This time I'm flying blind. While my data is backed up, my app list isn't - which is why I hoped to access my old drive.

Oops... sorry for the sidetrack.

Depending upon your screen resolution, yes the main site's menu does run into the text. I had tweaked it for the more common resolutions, including mobile, though I guess your laptop's resolution found a gap in my tweaks. I appreciate you pointing this out.
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