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[RESOLVED] Movie library is not populating

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[RESOLVED] Movie library is not populating

Post by mikemack » Tue Jul 12, 2022 9:35 am

I am replacing my last WMC PC with a new Win10 build and CMC. However, I have run into a problem where I have added my Movie library folders to be scanned but CMC is not populating with any of the titles. I have disabled CCC as I am not using it yet. The libraries where my titles reside are reachable by the computer as they are on my other CMC build in my theater room.
I have run a debug on the sync and this is what is returned.

Debug Log Generated 7/12/2022 9:21:02 AM with CMC v4.2.2021.0203
Saved New Movie SmartSync Directory Snapshot "CMC_SmartSync.bin"

Comparing Old vs New Movie Directory Snapshots
Completed Directory Snapshot Comparison

Removing Discs/Titles that no longer exist:
Completed Removing Discs/Titles that no longer exist

Adding New/Updated Discs and Titles
Completed Adding New/Updated Discs and Titles

Evaluating Box Sets:
0 Box Sets found and evaluated


The directory scan log of the movie library also returns all of the titles within the directory. For example.

Scanning Directory: \\wsms\Movies\Own\
Scanning Directory: \\wsms\Movies\Own\1917
Found Media File: \\wsms\Movies\Own\1917\1917.iso
Found Artwork: \\wsms\Movies\Own\1917\folder.jpg
Found Artwork: \\wsms\Movies\Own\1917\mymovies-back.jpg
Found Artwork: \\wsms\Movies\Own\1917\mymovies-front.jpg
Scanning Completed: \\wsms\Movies\Own\1917
* Keeping Directory Results - Playable Media Found

Any idea what I have done wrong or missed in the configuration? I have compared it to my working install of CMC in my theater room and I have not come across any difference in the configurations.

Thanks for any assistance.

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Re: Movie library is not populating

Post by Pauven » Thu Jul 14, 2022 10:35 am

Hey mikemack,

It's hard to tell from the data you provided, but I do have a theory.

While CMC found "Playable Media", it did not find any MyMovies.xml (created by My Movies) or mmTitle.xml files (created by CME). So CMC keeps the result, but without the metadata doesn't know how to categorize it, so it categorizes it as "Other". If you change your view to show Media Type of Other, then I think you will see them.

To successfully use the CMC's folder scanning, you either need to force My Movies to export all those MyMovies.xml files (a total pita!, not recommended) or alternatively use Chameleon Metadata Exporter (CME) to generate the mmTitle.xml files.

But to be honest, I don't recommend any of the above. CCC is soooooo much better! It's easier, quicker, provides more data, and is more accurate.
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Re: Movie library is not populating

Post by mikemack » Thu Jul 14, 2022 12:27 pm

Thanks for the response. I think this is the opportunity to migrate over to using CCC instead of using the old mymovies.xml method. However, I need a little clarification. I appreciate the very detailed CCC instructions on the forum but I am not translating some of the details to my implementation here.
What I have is a single Windows server that is my media storage as well as runs My Movies Collection Management. This Windows Server has the My Movies for Windows Server application\plug in installed on it and is monitoring my storage for additions to the Movies folder. I use a MM Collection Management install on my Win10 desktop PC to then manually update titles that have been added to the Movies folder with my custom Categories, included Discs, custom artwork, etc.
I currently also have two HTPCs running CMC and monitoring the Movies folder on the Windows Server and all works well, except for the new Win10 build that prompted this post.
Would I need to install CMC\CCC to the root of the Windows Server C:/ drive like on the HTPCs and operate CCC from there? If so, does CMC need to be running on the server? Do I need a license for this installation on the server as it would only be serving the purpose of running CCC?

Thanks for any clarification

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Re: Movie library is not populating

Post by mikemack » Thu Jul 14, 2022 1:48 pm

I think I answered my own questions by reading further past the 101-103 sections of the guide post. With that said I think I am correct that CCC needs to be running on the Windows Server that is also running the MyMovies Collection Management. However, does CMC need to also be running at that same time or only CCC?

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Re: Movie library is not populating

Post by Jamie » Thu Jul 14, 2022 8:49 pm

CCC runs on only one pc preferably your mymovies PC. CMC does not need to be running when running CCC. CCC is the movie import app and CMC is used for playing your movies. You should be able to run the full import of CCC to update all your titles one time and then ask it to update any new movies after the update. CCC should be running all the time on your server. CMC should be updated for each "client" pc to have it point at your server where CCC resides.

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Re: Movie library is not populating

Post by Jamie » Thu Jul 14, 2022 9:33 pm

Here's how cmc setup should look for pointing to ccc server. your server name should be different of course
cmc setup.jpg
cmc setup.jpg (167.48 KiB) Viewed 3098 times

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Re: Movie library is not populating

Post by mikemack » Sat Jul 16, 2022 11:15 am

Thanks for the clarification. I appreciate it.

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Re: Movie library is not populating

Post by Pauven » Sun Jul 17, 2022 10:00 pm

Thanks for helping out Jamie!

Everything Jamie said is right. One consideration though is keeping CCC up to date with new versions. CMC takes care of updating CCC and CME as well. You can copy CCC from your HTPC onto your My Movies server (this is actually what I do) but then you have to keep it updated manually.

Alternatively, you can have an unlicensed copy of CMC installed on your My Movies server, and you don't even have to configure it since you won't really be using it. When a new CMC version comes out, you can jump on your MM server, launch CMC, and let it update for you. So basically you would have CMC installed there just to provide updates services for CCC. Either way works, no right or wrong way.
President, Chameleon Consulting LLC
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