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[New in v7.0] Functionality Request - Slide Show

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[New in v7.0] Functionality Request - Slide Show

Post by p64imp » Tue Oct 18, 2022 11:39 am


I wanted to make one request for an enhancement for CMC. I LOVE the slide show and was thinking one amazing change would be to be able to press the OK button on a slide and be taken directly to that movie. I often use the slide show to scan for movies I'd like to watch, but I have a 4090 movie collection, and selecting that movie always takes time. To be able to click the ok button on one of the movies that pop up to be taken directly to that movie would be such a cool feature!

Can this be done? :)

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Re: Functionality Request - Slide Show

Post by Pauven » Tue Oct 18, 2022 12:57 pm

Yes, I think this could be done. Are you thinking the OK/Enter button on the remote?

I've also been thinking it would be nice to go back to a previously shown slide, sometimes I just miss the movie name for something that looks interesting, so being able to go back a few and double-check would be nice.
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Re: Functionality Request - Slide Show

Post by p64imp » Tue Oct 18, 2022 1:38 pm


Yeah, i think the ok button on the remote for mapping would be best, or even the play button? I was thinking using arrow keys to go back and forward between slides + the ok button to select would maybe make returning back to the dashboard a bit un-intuitive being blocked by this functionality. Maybe if the skip back/forward + play buttons could be mapped that would be less of a general UI navigation hinderance? I wonder, can that be done?

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Re: Functionality Request - Slide Show

Post by Pauven » Tue Oct 18, 2022 5:05 pm

Good ideas, but problematic. CMC has a built-in Music Library, and I already have Play, Prev and Next mapped to controlling music playback. And yes, you can start music playing and then jump over to the Movie Library to browse for something to watch while listening. Music auto-stops when you start movie playback. Media control buttons don't interrupt the screensaver either (uhm, I think. For sure on the Music Library's screensaver, but can't recall at the moment on the Movie Library screensaver).

I was thinking of OK to open that movie's details, and Left to go back for a few seconds, with the screensaver auto-resuming. I wasn't thinking of using Right at all. The screensaver is completely random, though, so backing up a few slides and then letting it auto-resume will randomly show different slides. I'd have to create a log of previously shown slides to permit backing up at all.

So, just 2 buttons for slideshow control, and then any other non-media button to exit the slideshow, especially up/right/down and back/exit. It might be confusing at first, but I think users would figure it out fairly quickly.

I'll have to think about this some more though, as there are some technical issues to consider. For example, the movie screensaver kicks in any time you're in the movie library, even if you are already in a movie's details or box set or looking at an actor's filmography or even just in the settings. I'm thinking it would only be appropriate if you were on the DVD cover rows view for this feature to work, otherwise it might be more problematic if it jumps from other starting points.

Also, just an FYI, I'm working on v6 now, and the feature set is near complete, so this won't make it in to v6, sorry. I'll consider it for a future release.
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Re: Functionality Request - Slide Show

Post by Pauven » Sat Oct 28, 2023 6:19 pm

Hey p64imp, so sorry for the delay. I wanted to let you know that I just coded this feature, and it will be in the next v7, releasing on Halloween.

I did as I described, Left / Left Arrow to go to the previous slide, and you can do this up to 5 slides.

Enter/OK will navigate to that movie and open its details. Note, I only permit this if you are already in the movie covers view. If you are somewhere else, like the Settings menu, then Enter/OK won't do anything.

Also note that going left to show the previous slide will lose the history of slides that were shown after it. You can go backwards in time only, and not forwards again. When the slideshow resumes, it will be random whatever is shown next.

I know that's not 100% of what you asked for, but this is the best I can do at this time. Hopefully it's good enough for now.

President, Chameleon Consulting LLC
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