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[Resolved] Titles with an & do not show up in CMC

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[Resolved] Titles with an & do not show up in CMC

Post by Jamie » Wed Feb 21, 2024 7:20 pm

Hi Paul,

I have a Mymovies title "Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory" that would not show up in CMC. I noticed the & in all the titles and changed all the titles including the sort title with "and" making the titles "Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory". When I did that the title showed up in CMC. The original mymovies creator of the title entered the "&" and the moderators accepted the Title with the &. I don't care whether this is fixed or not because I knew when I saw it that the & is probably the culprit. Since mymovies is accepting the special characters shouldn't this be fixed in CMC? It doesn't appear that CCC choked on the &.

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Re: Titles with an & do not show up in CMC

Post by Pauven » Thu Feb 22, 2024 3:17 pm

That seems odd.

I know I've specifically tested titles with ampersands, as I have to do something special to make the & show up, so these were definitely working in the past.

I also just checked my collection, and I have 26 titles with ampersands showing in CMC. I compared against my collection data in My Movies, and everything is correct.

While I do have a few titles with & missing (when I do a CMC search for "&" in the Title), it's because they are inside a collection. For example, Fast & Furious is missing because it's inside a collection called "The Fast and the Furious", so searching for & makes it look like that title is missing. This is a behavior I plan to fix in the future. This is not an & issue, but rather a search issue not being able to look inside collections.

So there does not appear to be an issue with & as far as I can tell. I'm not sure why changing the name to replace & with "and" made a difference for you, but I think the issue is something else.
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Re: Titles with an & do not show up in CMC

Post by Jamie » Thu Feb 22, 2024 7:32 pm

Did you check the mymovies sort field? My cmc collection heavily relies on the sort field in my movies. I wonder if it could have been overlooked. A lot of people seem to ignore that field.

All I know is that I only removed the ampersand from all the titles including the sort and the title finally popped up! I made no other changes. I can only report what I did and what I saw.

CCC was run with the emphasis on a partial title "willy wonka" both times before i made the change and after and it picked up both disks in the title with no problems.. I am really sure it was cmc that has the issue. I did enter a partial title "willy" to find it in cmc. The first time I could not find it even though I searched all the W's. The second time it was there. I don't use collections because I don't know how they make my experience any better than what it is now.

If the sort in you collection has an ampersand than I say, forget it. I have no issue with replacing the & with typing "and"

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Re: Titles with an & do not show up in CMC

Post by Pauven » Thu Feb 22, 2024 8:37 pm

Here's "21 & Over" in My Movies, and it appears in CMC for me:
image.png (432.72 KiB) Viewed 8041 times
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Re: Titles with an & do not show up in CMC

Post by Jamie » Thu Feb 22, 2024 9:58 pm

I put the ampersand back in "&" it appears to be working. If it happens or appears to happen again I will immediately take screenshots of what I see or not see. My eyesight is not the greatest I must admit. Sorry to waste your time.
willy wonka cmc.jpg
willy wonka cmc.jpg (738.15 KiB) Viewed 8039 times
willy wonka CCC.jpg
willy wonka CCC.jpg (586.05 KiB) Viewed 8039 times

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Re: Titles with an & do not show up in CMC

Post by Pauven » Fri Feb 23, 2024 8:52 am

No worries, I'm glad it is working for you now.

I'm sure something odd was going on, but I just can't imagine what it was. So definitely keep an eye out for any weirdness in the future, and don't hesitate to let me know.
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