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[Fixed in 7.1] Movie Dates all 01/01/9999 ?

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Re: [Fixed in 7.1] Movie Dates all 01/01/9999 ?

Post by Pauven » Tue Apr 30, 2024 10:36 am

Fantastic. I figured it would work out, based upon all the data you provided, but it's nice to see it come to fruition.

Do note that other dates were likely affected by this issue & fix, not just the disc release date, so you may notice improvements elsewhere.
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Re: [Fixed in 7.1] Movie Dates all 01/01/9999 ?

Post by michae1a1ee » Tue Apr 30, 2024 11:32 am

I'm very appreciative of you creating this fix. All looks good after the Full Export. All the Disc Release dates are showing in the CMC GUI correctly. I've got my short date set to YYYY-MM-DD as it was before on both my MM Server/API Key and primary CMC test machine where I do my edits in CM. No issues with that; good to know the Windows Regional Format settings are effecting nothing other than the Disc Release display format in CM.
What other date fields are you eluding to where I might find improvements have been made?

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Re: [Fixed in 7.1] Movie Dates all 01/01/9999 ?

Post by Pauven » Tue Apr 30, 2024 11:41 am

Well, the CCC function that converts My Movies dates to CMC dates was shared, called for nearly all dates. So I made the assumption that if other dates also had the dashes, they would have been broken before I fixed the code.

But I just skimmed through the sample XML date you sent me, and it looks like Disc ReleaseDate was the only bad field. So I guess no other dates were affected.
President, Chameleon Consulting LLC
Author, Chameleon MediaCenter

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