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What is Unraid and how to build an Unraid media server

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Re: What is Unraid and how to build an Unraid media server

Post by Pauven » Wed Nov 08, 2023 8:49 am

Jamie wrote: Tue Nov 07, 2023 6:59 pm I also notice that I have a total of 10 power connectors on the case backplane but I only connected 8 to the power supply. Should all the power connectors on the case backplane be connected to the power supply?
From recollection, and at least in my own server case, each power socket is doubled up, most likely for redundancy. So if there are 10 sockets, that probably means there are 5 primaries and 5 secondaries. I think this may allow using with some kind of cheap redundant power supply.

That doesn't mean that you're okay, though, simply because you used 8. You have to make sure that you hit each primary/secondary pair. The secondaries are wired to the primaries, but the primaries are not wired to each other. So if you hit a combo of primaries and secondaries, the 2 that you missed might have been a primary/secondary pair, and that column or row might be dead - similar to what you've described.

I would say that your count, 10 power sockets, sounds wrong. Isn't your server a 24-drive case? If so, I would expect each row to have both a primary and secondary power socket, and you should have 6 rows of 4 drives, so 6x2 = 12 power sockets.

In my server, I simply made sure that each row had 1 power cable plugged in.

Jamie wrote: Tue Nov 07, 2023 6:59 pm Do you know whether they have cables greater than 3.3 ft?
The SATA spec length limit is 1m or 3.3ft, so there shouldn't be longer cables. At 1m you're already at the limit, so a good quality cable is important. Try not to use longer cables than you really need, 1m sounds really long. Perhaps there's a shorter cable path that you could utilize?
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Re: What is Unraid and how to build an Unraid media server

Post by Pauven » Wed Nov 08, 2023 9:08 am

One other thought for you: Those SATA breakout cable connectors typically have a metal retention latch to keep the plug from falling out. Unfortunately, normal motherboard SATA sockets are stacked too closely together for these latches to be used. You may have to rip off the metal latches to allow the SATA plugs to fit properly into your motherboard.

The top row is normally okay, but any rows below that don't have room for those latches.

You mentioned that the motherboard SATA ports are extremely tight, so this is likely a factor. It might be that it's too tight, and the SATA plugs are not seating fully.
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Re: What is Unraid and how to build an Unraid media server

Post by Jamie » Wed Nov 08, 2023 11:55 am

Hi Paul,

Last week I precleared my former parity drives which unraid reported that they had failed and disabled them. I used the new unassigned devices preclear app and ran it in advanced mode. It ran for 53 hours for each drive and the both finished successfully. Do you think that it would safe to put them back into the array as data drives? The unassigned devices preclear app appears to be the only preclear plugin available now and they say that it is based on the gfjardim preclear plugin. I am now on unraid 12.4. ... he-array/

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Re: What is Unraid and how to build an Unraid media server

Post by Pauven » Wed Nov 08, 2023 12:00 pm

Yes, they sound fine. But double-check the SMART attributes to make sure they are reporting healthy.

Unraid will mark a drive as failed for the slightest hiccup, including a loose cable or flaky drive bay or something like that. Often the drives are fine, but Unraid errs on the side of caution.
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The unraid story and pricing changes

Post by Jamie » Sat Mar 02, 2024 11:49 am


Attached is a podcast about the unraid history and coming changes as well as a new pricing model.

I felt that this was very informative and worth watching even though it is very long

Here's a link on pricing changes. ... ary-digest


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Re: What is Unraid and how to build an Unraid media server

Post by Pauven » Sat Mar 02, 2024 1:39 pm

Thanks for the link, that was an enjoyable listen.

I'm not surprised by the change in pricing, I've long felt that their pay once support forever model was unsustainable - particularly since I had followed the exact same model for CMC.

I first bought Unraid way way back in the v2.x days. I can't believe how much it has evolved, and continues to evolve. It feels good to be part of this community.

That said, I'm pretty happy where Unraid is today, I want for basically nothing. Except perhaps proper SSD/NVMe array support.

I'm actually one of those customers that own unused licenses. I had bought a 2nd license at a discount with my original. Perhaps one day I'll get to use it on a solid state storage array.
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Re: What is Unraid and how to build an Unraid media server

Post by Pauven » Fri May 31, 2024 8:35 pm

I saw this today. I'm not sure, but I think it may affect us and how we use Unraid. ... d-security

I don't currently use a username/password on my shares - I find it inconvenient and don't have a security concern in my home. If I'm reading this correctly, I don't think I can keep doing that.

I think Unraid uses a newer SMB version these days, but the fact I'm still connecting without credentials makes me wonder how my setup is configured. I've rarely paid attention.
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Re: What is Unraid and how to build an Unraid media server

Post by Jamie » Sun Jun 02, 2024 7:10 pm

Pauven wrote: Fri May 31, 2024 8:35 pm I saw this today. I'm not sure, but I think it may affect us and how we use Unraid.

I don't currently use a username/password on my shares - I find it inconvenient and don't have a security concern in my home. If I'm reading this correctly, I don't think I can keep doing that.

I think Unraid uses a newer SMB version these days, but the fact I'm still connecting without credentials makes me wonder how my setup is configured. I've rarely paid attention.
i have been using username and pw inside of windows file explorer for a month now for my unraid access. i am on windows 10 and i tell explorer to remember my credentials. i don't have 11 yet so i don't know whether you can tell windows 11 to remember your credentials. my concern is my outdated 2 drobo boxes which still use smb 1.0. i have been forcing windows 10 to install smb 1.0 but i wonder whether i can do that with 11

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Re: What is Unraid and how to build an Unraid media server

Post by Pauven » Mon Jun 03, 2024 2:19 pm

I guess I'll find out soon enough, most of my machines are Win11, and I let them inconveniently auto-update on Microsoft's annoying schedule.

I'm not opposed to using a username/pw, in fact I've had one on Unraid for years mainly because My Movies insists on having one. I just don't use it myself. Small sacrifice, I guess.
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