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Star Wars Despecialized Editions

Sales happen. And when they do, we'll post about them here. Noteworthy new releases too. And if you find the deal first, post it here so we all can benefit.
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Star Wars Despecialized Editions

Post by Jamie » Sat Apr 06, 2019 12:02 pm

I am probably breaking Paul's rules here for this thread, but I will post this anyway. Paul please move this post if you think it shouldn't be here.

For people who crave the theatrical releases of the original 3 Star wars films here's a place where you can find the unaltered releases. I have been downloading these 3 films for a few years and I own the Star Wars movies from VHS, DVD, and bluray. Some call watching these films piracy so if you download any of these films, please beware. Paul does not support piracy in any form. So if you don't own these films on any format you are definitely a pirate.

I was going to place the official Despecialized film's website here, but decided not to because that would definitely brake the forum rules. Just be aware that they exist and a simple search on the web can find them. I enjoy watching them when I get nostalgic. ... ed_Edition ... 51914_0010

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Re: Star Wars Despecialized Editions

Post by Pauven » Sat Apr 06, 2019 12:52 pm

Okay, Jamie really did skirt the line on this one. I came very close to deleting this post. I'm making an exception and allowing this post to remain for a few reasons.

Jamie did not include any download links. Rather, the two links that Jamie provided are just articles on the Despecialized Editions.

I also think it is a shame that Lucasfilm doesn't release the original versions of these classic films themselves. There's obviously a market for this, and I don't understand why they ignore it.

This post also gives me the opportunity to mention that any links to illegal downloads will be met with a swift ban. And to be extra clear, I don't believe that there are any movies or tv shows that can be legally downloaded anywhere for free.

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Re: Star Wars Despecialized Editions

Post by Pauven » Thu Apr 11, 2019 8:02 pm

Ironically, this hit my news feed today:

The rumor is that Disney will be releasing a full 4K box set of all 9 films, including the original trilogy in their original form.

Fingers crossed!
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