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[Patially in v1.8] Requesting VLC Integration

Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2018 4:53 pm
by Gilles2
+1 on the VLC integration. This would avoid PowerDVD dependency and would make it more lean. Besides, VLC is one of the best player when it comes to managing sub-titles in MKV for instance, while some other players are not that great on this.
Thanks for the hard work.
As soon as VLC integration work, I will purchase a couple of ww Browser as I should be able to make my main WMC replacement option.

Re: MM Browser Roadmap

Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2018 7:50 pm
by Pauven
According to the VideoLan official roadmap (here), v3.0.0 is 5 weeks late, 98% complete, and has 7 active tickets that are blocking the release.

It's hard to predict how much longer until VLC 3.0 stable is released, though since they are on Release Candidate 8, it sure feels like it is close.

My plan is that once v3 is released stable, I will implement it, though I may start working with the release candidates as the blockers don't appear to be anything that would affect my coding of support.

I can't tell how complete the documentation is for 3.0 - a lack of proper documentation might make it too hard to implement in the current state, so no promises at this time. If documentation is a problem, I may have to wait for it to catch up.

I have no plans to code for pre-v3, since in a few weeks time those versions will be obsolete. Do note that I am open to changing my mind about pre-3.0 support if v3 turns out to be problematic for MM Browser users.

It might also turn out that VLC 2.2 is functionally equivalent as v3, at least as far as integrating with MM Browser, so there is the possibility that by adding v3 support, I also happen to add older version support. No idea, really, but that would be lucky if it is the case.

Have you done any testing with V3? I would be interested to hear your feedback, is v3 worth waiting for or are there new problems with it that make v2.2 a better choice?


Re: Requesting VLC Integration

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2018 9:29 am
by Pauven
Though VideoLAN VLC integration has been added to MM Browser v1.8.2018.0318, I am leaving this request open as the current implementation is not 100% complete.

v1.8.2018.0318 will only allow VLC to be used for Encoded Media, not for DVD, Blu-ray, or 4K UHD discs. This is because I did not like the quality of the playback for discs.

I will continue working on this. I recently learned that VLC can play ISO's directly, without mounting via VCD, so I plan to test this behavior and see if it meets my standards.

If anyone successfully uses VLC for DVDs or Blu-rays independent of MM Browser, please share your experience here so I can better understand how to do this correctly.
