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Industry News & Discussion

General support forum for Chameleon MediaCenter (formerly MM Browser)
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Industry News & Discussion

Post by Pauven » Tue Jan 29, 2019 8:02 pm

Industry News & Discussion
by Pauven

Since we are all avid home theater enthusiasts, I thought it would be a nice addition to the web site to include a news section.

The topics will be HTPC related, and don't have to be restricted to Chameleon MediaCenter. Community discussion is encouraged.
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New UHD disc firmware downgrade software tool

Post by Jamie » Wed Jan 30, 2019 2:00 pm

If people are interested in adding UHD discs to their collection but worried about the somewhat scary process of downgrading the firmware of their newly purchased "friendly" UHD drive, DVDfab might have made the process easier to perform. Here is a link on their new UHD firmware downgrade software tool. ... ton=banner
Last edited by Jamie on Fri Feb 08, 2019 1:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Industry News & Discussion

Post by Pauven » Wed Jan 30, 2019 3:09 pm

LOL, I didn't realize that this post was visible!

I'm testing some new functionality, thinking about adding a news feed in a blog like format that users can comment.

This was just a test entry (though it does represent my plan), and I thought it was hidden.

Imagine my surprise that not only was it not hidden, that in less than 24 hours it was already found and used!!! Too funny.

I wasn't impressed with this news plugin, it just doesn't look the way I hoped. I'm planning to go in another direction.

If you want to see what the new paged looked like, here you go: app.php/article/news

Pretty blah in my opinion.
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Re: Industry News & Discussion

Post by Jamie » Wed Jan 30, 2019 3:13 pm

I probably saw it because I am a moderator. I think we should have a news, or new product section though. It was a good idea.
Last edited by Jamie on Wed Jan 30, 2019 4:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Industry News & Discussion

Post by Pauven » Wed Jan 30, 2019 3:27 pm

I used Adobe Muse to build this website (not the forum, everything else). But in the past year, Adobe went and cancelled this product. I can still use Muse, but it no longer has bug fixes or new features, so I really need to get off of it.

In looking for a news/blog solution to integrate with the forum, everything kept leading me to WordPress. It seems that WP is the mainstay of internet development these days. I had avoided it for one simple reason - the most popular platforms are the biggest hacking targets, and one hack can expose millions of websites.

I've now reconsidered. WP seems like the best solution, even with the additional risk that entails. I really doubt that this website is a valuable hacking target anyway, as I don't keep any PII or financial data or code here.

So I will be redoing the website (again), this time in WP. It will have the news blog linked into the forum, so you can comment on articles and such. I think it will also make content management easier. Adobe Muse was okay in this regard, but all the pages are static and I can only update them through Muse while at my main PC, and I have to do some customizations to the code to get certain results. With WP, I can maintain from anywhere.

The whole website will probably end up looking nicer too.
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Re: Industry News & Discussion

Post by Jamie » Wed Jan 30, 2019 3:49 pm

Hi Paul,

Over the last year I have been helping a neighbor with his WP application for a charity group he represents. They were charged thousands of dollars for development and support and their site was being held hostage. I agreed to help him to port the site to another hosting service and also create a WP development machine for him. Fortunately the previous developer agreed to provide a backup file which made my job easier to accomplish.

If you need any advice on setting up a development machine let me know. I have a lot of documentation on what you may need to do to get it started. For the web server software, I used wampserver, which made my job much easier too.

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Re: Industry News & Discussion

Post by Pauven » Wed Jan 30, 2019 6:50 pm

I thought you might have some WP experience. Any guidance or support you can provide is greatly appreciated - I'm a newgry (if you get that reference, +10000 points).

I run a LAMP, and have already installed the WP Option Pack, so it is up and running. You can see it at

There's nothing there yet, just the defaults. My biggest first task is just to pick a theme, that current one won't work well. There's just soooo many to choose from. I want one that is fairly compatible with the CMC info I need to present, with the following pages:
  • Home
  • Features (and there's so many features, and growing, I need to present this better)
  • How-To (though I've also thought about moving this to the forum)
  • Download & Changelog
  • Purchase
  • Support/Contact
  • News/Blog
  • Forums (still this forum, just embedded inside a WP page)
Not sure if you have any recommendations. I was watching a youtube video, and the guy used an Astra theme, and a special plug-in, and it drastically reduced the initial site build time, and gave some nice editing tools. Not sure how much better that is than other themes and editing, though, since I have no experience with WP.

You can check out video here: and the magic starts at about the 19 minute mark.
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Re: Industry News & Discussion

Post by Jamie » Thu Jan 31, 2019 11:27 am

The problem with WP is that there are hundreds of themes and plugins to choose from. I am helping my neighbor develop a new WP site for a conservation group that he serves as a board member. He liked the look and feel of the previous web site that i helped him with so I just stole that theme and incorporated a number of plugins too.

For migrating you web site from the development machine to the production machine I do recommend the all-in-one-wp-migration plugin. It is on the WP site. You do need to have WP, mySQL and PHPAdmin installed first but after that it moves the DB, the plugins, and tools to the new site. WAMPServer has all those tools and my neighbor is using hostrocket which is a WP host. i used this plugin for free, but since you are a business you might need to pay for it.


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