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Post by Pauven » Sat Apr 06, 2019 10:49 am

As an avid movie collector, I'm always on the hunt for great deals on Blu-rays and 4K UHD discs - after all, this is an expensive hobby. Occasionally in my daily news feed I see special sales listed. Most of the time these are the frequent 3 4K for $50 sale that Amazon offers, but sales can pop up anywhere and anytime, though these sales are usually short lived so you have to act fast to take advantage of them.

Instead of keeping these great deals to myself, I thought I'd share them here with my fellow CMC enthusiasts. Be sure to subscribe to this forum so that you get notified before the sale is over. I'm mostly collecting just 4K UHD these days, so my focus is usually on these types of deals, though regular HD Blu-rays are game too if the content is interesting.

I also like to keep an eye out for noteworthy new releases, especially for classic films that I love to watch over and over. So I'll be sharing occasional news on new releases as these come through.

In case I miss any, I encourage all users to feel free to share any great deals and new release info they come across. The only requirement is that your posts should be restricted to UHD / Blu-ray / DVD sales or noteworthy new releases, for Movies and TV Series alike.

President, Chameleon Consulting LLC
Author, Chameleon MediaCenter
