On 7/16, Shout! Factory will release Space: 1999 – The Complete Series on Blu-ray Disc as 13 disc set including all 48 episodes in production order and special features (which are still TBA). The package will also include a booklet of photos and liner notes.
More info in this link.
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Space 1999 to be released on Bluray in the U.S. 7/16
Re: Space 1999 to be released on Bluray in the U.S. 7/16
What is Space: 1999? I've never heard of this...
President, Chameleon Consulting LLC
Author, Chameleon MediaCenter
Author, Chameleon MediaCenter
Re: Space 1999 to be released on Bluray in the U.S. 7/16
It was a UK series that was released in the 70's. In the opening episode, set in the year 1999, nuclear waste stored on the Moon's far side explodes, knocking the Moon out of orbit and sending it, as well as the 311 inhabitants of Moonbase Alpha hurdling through space. The series lasted 2 years. The premise of the show deals with the aftermath of the disaster that propels Moonbase Alpha through space. They leave the solar system, meet aliens, and encounter a black hole in some of their adventures. A little low tech and maybe a lot more unbelievable. Typical of a 70's British scifi show produced at the time. Just watch a few of the early doctor Who shows from that period. I believe doctor Who was a little better though. Like Doctor Who, space 1999 acquired a cult following.