This guide applies equally well to multi-disc movie titles, though having multiple discs per TV Season is much more common.
My Movies (and by extension MM Browser) work with media contained in various formats, including ISO rips, DVD/Blu-ray Folder rips, and converted media like MP4 or MKV files.
Unless you are working with converted media, you MUST do the following for ISOs and DVD/Blu-ray Folders.
If you rip/convert your media using My Movies, then most of the work here is already done for you. If you perform these tasks externally to My Movies, and then import your media into My Movies via Folder Monitoring, you most likely need to complete these steps.
Either way, we recommend you check this data to ensure it is correct and to your liking.
Also note that depending upon your personal configuration of My Movies and/or Folder Monitoring, your beginning state will vary. The main goal here is not to get everyone to the same starting point, but rather the same finish line. The end result is all that matters.
First, if you are ripping to DVD or Blu-ray Folders, you must store each disc in a separate folder:
If you are ripping to ISO or using Converted Media, you may place multiple files in a single folder if you want to:
In My Movies Collection Management, you need to specify the exact location of every Folder or ISO. Begin this process by clicking the Discs icon:
If you only have a single disc per folder, regardless of whether that disc is an ISO or DVD/Blu-ray Folder, you can set the "Location Type" to "Online (Folder)". Do this for every disc that you have ripped, and also set the "Location" to the correct folder for each disc:
If you are storing multiple ISOs in the same folder, then you MUST set the "Location Type" to "Online (File)", and assign the individual ISO for each disc:
One thing to be on the lookout for is a "Location Type" of "Offline". This is bad, as My Movies won't generate any mymovies.xml meta-data files for Offline discs, and without these meta-data files, MM Browser will be unable to display the correct data.
Helpful Tip: You can adjust the display names of the Available Discs by editing the "Name" box at the top of the panel. This can be helpful to make the disc options clearer as presented in MM Browser, and will also affect sorting, as all discs are sorted alphabetically in MM Browser, regardless of the sort order displayed on this panel.
If there are extra Discs in the list on the left, for which you have not ripped those discs, you can safely ignore them, or alternatively delete them from the list. Either way, MM Browser will not pay attention to them if the ripped media is not present or they are set to Offline.
After you are done making the disc assignments, click OK. Don't forget to 'Save Title' and 'Save Meta-Data':
Finally, you can Sync these changes into MM Browser, and when you go to play the Title, you will be presented with the options to play the assigned discs:
The extra setup you completed here will ensure you get informative options when playing discs. Notice here that the two discs options include the descriptions of which episodes are available on that disc - this is the same information in the "Name" field that was assigned in My Movie on the Assign Discs panel.
Stop Here If You Want
At this point, you have completed tutorials TV201 and TV202. If you have done this for all TV Series in your collection, then you will have enabled TV Series support.
TV201 enabled the TV Series Grouping functionality in MM Browser. This allows all your seasons to group behind a single cover for a TV Series.
TV202 configured all of your ripped discs so that they could be easily selected in MM Browser when you select a disc Title to play.
For many users, this will be good enough, and this is the end of the easy path.
But, if you want more...
Next Steps for Advanced Users - Enabling Episode Support
If you want direct access to individual Episodes, you have a lot more configuration to do.
The next step is to read TV301 - TV Episodes for Encoded Media. It is highly recommended that you read this section next, even if you do not use encoded media, as it lays the groundwork for using MM Browser's direct play functionality for ISO's.
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TV202 - Assigning ISO's to TV Series Titles
TV202 - Assigning ISO's to TV Series Titles
President, Chameleon Consulting LLC
Author, Chameleon MediaCenter
Author, Chameleon MediaCenter