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Cannot get CME to work

How-To and general support for the CMC Metadata Exporter (CME) which exports My Movies data via the My Movies API.
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Cannot get CME to work

Post by pks » Thu Mar 26, 2020 3:16 pm

I've been using CMC for quite a long time. A few days ago CMC stopped working entirely. Not sure what happened because I had not made any changes to my PC. But when I ran CMC there were no movie covers at all. The music library was fine. So I did the usual checking by looking at the settings.Everything was fine and as it should be. I attempted to do a full sync. But no movies appeared. I started to suspect something got killed from a recet Windows Update. But maybe not.
After a lot of time spent, I finally decided to delete the entire program and all files within C:\CMC and start over. I cleaned up my registry with CCleaner, rebooted and downloaded a new setup file from your download site. That's when I saw the new 3.2 release. So I executed the downloaded file and extracted everything to C:\CMC again. I began by executing CMC.exe as an administrator and set up everything in "setting". Then did a full sync. I saw it loading all 550 movies from each of my 4 HDs. But no movies showed up.
I supposed I went through then entire delete everthing-and-reinstall process 5 times before I started reading your installation instructions. Sorry.
So I then discovered the critical CMC_Metadata_Exporter.exe thing and executed that. I am not sure that I checked everything in all the tabs correctly. However, I did enter my login info for MyMovies. I have always had 3,000 points so I'm good there. I also entered my PC name as well as my API key. But I was thrown by not seeing some kind of 'Execute' button to get it running. I went back to CMC.exe and tried another full sync but still no movies. I reread the tutorials again (by the way, your links to the tutorials listed in 3a) are not working).
Now when I try to get back into CMC Metadata Exporter.exe nothing happens when I double click the exe file. No window containing the tabs, etc. Nothing. No matter what I do. But I can see it running in Windows Task Manager. By 'Ending' it and trying to re-execute it still brings up no screen.
What have I messed up?

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Re: Cannot get CME to work

Post by pks » Thu Mar 26, 2020 3:59 pm

Basically Paul, I think I made some mistakes setting up Metadata Exporter. How do I ditch the current settings and bring up the Setting Menu again so I can try to get it right?

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Re: Cannot get CME to work

Post by Pauven » Thu Mar 26, 2020 4:18 pm

Hi Pete,

The changes in CMC 3.2 are fairly major, and I expected just this scenario to occur (though I did try to prevent it as much as possible).

Anyway, here's what's changed. In CMC 3.2, I've turned off importing of legacy mymovies.xml files. If you had already been using CME, then you wouldn't have noticed any change, but since you were still using the legacy mymovies.xml files, all your movies disappeared.

Now, you did the right thing to try using CME, and we'll get to that in a second. But first I do want to mention that you can recover the pre-v3.2 behavior and re-enable importing of mymovies.xml files - just go into CMC Settings, and on the Movie Library Scanning panel just re-Enable the option for Import "mymovies.xml" Files. But I don't recommend this, rather you should use CME - it is so much better! - but I give you the option to revert back if that is your preference.

Regarding using CME, I've written several tutorials to get you going, and they are located here: viewforum.php?f=14

At the top, in the Announcements section, you will see those 4 tutorials listed:
Please go ahead and read #1 and #2, and that should get you going.

Once you've got the initial export completed, then read #3, which will give you settings to configure CME to be really fast (by changes only).

Let me know how it goes.
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Re: Cannot get CME to work

Post by pks » Thu Mar 26, 2020 7:32 pm

Thanks Paul,

I know I get an "F" in reading tutorials. Please do not send my report card to my mother. She's in a nursing home and under lock down.

Seriously, my problem is that I cannot execute the metadata exporter exe. It will not come up. So I cannot make any changes to whatever file I saved. How do I get the exporter.exe to come up as it did the first time so I can try to re-establish my options?

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Re: Cannot get CME to work

Post by Pauven » Thu Mar 26, 2020 8:00 pm

Hey Pete,

I hope your mother fares well, and you and all the rest of us. These are trying times. I've been self-quarantining for weeks, taking all precautions, but just found out a couple days ago that I'm only 2-degrees separated from a confirmed case. Transmission seems unlikely at this time in my case, as the intermediary (my mother) has made it 2.5 weeks with no symptoms, so it seems I perhaps got lucky, but technically we're not in the clear yet. I know the idea of your mother being locked down is harsh, but it is for the best. Show everyone how much you love them by staying far far away.

Anyway, back to better topics.

Since you are not able to run CME, my guess is that it is already running, and has minimized itself to the system tray (the icons by the clock). Look for it there - you can right-click the icon for options, or double-left-click to open it back up.

Sorry about that, I have CME (and CMC) programmed so that you can only run 1 copy at a time. I've been meaning to improve it so that if you run CME a 2nd time, instead of simply closing I want it to un-hide the original instance if it is minimized to the system tray.

Let me know if that was it.
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Re: Cannot get CME to work

Post by pks » Fri Mar 27, 2020 10:36 am

In your second CMC Metadata Export tutorial “2-CME Initial Setup” under “Test First” you say “Go ahead and click Auto-Test and the export simulation will begin”.
I do not see a button called Auto-Test. Did you mean to say click the TEST Export button?

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Re: Cannot get CME to work

Post by Pauven » Fri Mar 27, 2020 11:44 am

Yes, Test Export is the same as Auto-Test. The wording changes based upon your configuration. The important bit is the word "Test", which indicates that nothing will be written, but the log will produce a simulation of what will be written. You should review the log, especially for TV Series mmSeries.xml and Season jpgs, and make sure it is writing where you want the files to be written.
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Re: Cannot get CME to work

Post by pks » Fri Mar 27, 2020 7:36 pm

Sorry to keep bothering you. But when CMC is first downloaded, should I run CMC.exe first and set all my settings and movie paths, etc., and then do a full sync before running the Metadata Exporter.exe?

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Re: Cannot get CME to work

Post by Pauven » Fri Mar 27, 2020 9:09 pm

CME first, then CMC.

CMC reads the data from CME. CME is mostly stand-alone, and doesn't use any CMC settings.
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Re: Cannot get CME to work

Post by pks » Fri Mar 27, 2020 9:33 pm

Makes sense but had to ask.

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