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Cannot get CME to work

How-To and general support for the CMC Metadata Exporter (CME) which exports My Movies data via the My Movies API.
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Re: Cannot get CME to work

Post by pks » Sat Mar 28, 2020 1:38 pm

This morning I got everything installed and it all appears to be working fine. And I’m starting to notice and enjoy the enhancements you’ve made. Great job.

One question: I had originally assumed that the Metadata Exporter.exe would automatically startup and be minimized in the tray when I start CMC. But in the 3rd tutorial under Start Up Options it’s clear that I would have to add it to my Windows Start folder - as you stated. I just want to be clear. Are you saying I need to copy the Exporter.exe to
C:\Users\Peter\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup folder?

If so, can I just copy it or do I need to move it? Any other changes needed.

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Re: Cannot get CME to work

Post by Pauven » Sat Mar 28, 2020 1:47 pm

I don't think you want to copy the executable. Instead, just create a shortcut to the executable, and move the shortcut to your start folder.

I think there's an even simpler method to add executables to your start folder, but at the moment I don't recall, it's been a long long time.
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Re: Cannot get CME to work

Post by pks » Sat Mar 28, 2020 2:23 pm

Got it. Thanks

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Re: Cannot get CME to work

Post by pks » Sat Mar 28, 2020 2:38 pm

Just want to add one more thing as a kind of contribution. When I ran the exporter, I viewed the error log and saw that I had 13 movies that I had mapped to incorrect folder locations. So I went into MyMovies Collection Management and fixed them. The error log was quite handy because I have hundreds of movies that I don’t watch that often. So I hadn’t yet discovered these errors on my own.

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Re: Cannot get CME to work

Post by Pauven » Sat Mar 28, 2020 3:58 pm

That's awesome, thanks for sharing.

I find it useful myself. Every so often some data corruption creeps into my My Movies DB, and typically the CME error log is my first and only clue. My Movies definitely has a few unresolved bugs.

This CME feature is actually of great concern to me as I build the new CME functionally to create the CMC DB directly - I don't want to lose the ability to identify errors. Everyone who thought MM on WMC was perfect was not aware of these data issues causing titles to disappear or discs to not be playable.
President, Chameleon Consulting LLC
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