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Re: CMC Upgrade Error Message

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2020 6:55 pm
by Jamie
Norton, I figured.

I had used norton for many many years possibly since windows 95, 98 days. 6 months ago I decided to get rid of it. I got tired with all the false positives and they will show up for CMC so beware. You should exclude scans of the cmc folder and beware when it reports that the executable being malware because it can't identify the file. This usually happens when Paul has a new install. Excluding the CMC folder should prevent this but Norton has a way to be obnoxious.

I've had problems with Norton having issues with plenty of other apps too. I just got tired of dealing with it. I do still have malwarebytes and I use MS defender. Most security people say defender should be enough protection but I have very few problems with malwarebytes. It has caught several real web sites and files that were infected and since updating the initial settings I have not had all the false positives Norton pretended to discover.


Re: CMC Upgrade Error Message

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2020 7:35 pm
by Pauven
I submit every new version to (which is a really cool service, by the way, which I use to check out new software before I install anything on my PC).

By scanning with, I ensure that I'm not uploading infected software for other users, and also I think I'm giving all of those scanners an early preview of CMC, which I hope trickles down to the desktop AV tools, providing for a better AV experience for CMC users. But that never seemed to help with Norton...

Anyway, I'm really glad I added the new Update Failed notification a couple versions back. It used to be that if it failed, CMC kept quite about it so as not to bother users who run offline. But then I added a switch to turn off the update check, which allowed me to add the failure notification. It has helped quite a few users, like you, discover they were blocking CMC and missing out on the auto-update feature.

Speaking of which, I've got another CMC bugfix update coming out tomorrow. It's got a fix for license validation and for checking for AnyDVD updates. AnyDVD update checking/upgrading was a feature I added to v3.3, but didn't realize that it would only work if there was a CMC update that a user declined, so most users haven't gotten to enjoy this great new feature yet.