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My Movies v5.30 Final!!!

Post here to suggest ideas for future versions.
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My Movies v5.30 Final!!!

Post by Pauven » Sun Oct 11, 2020 9:45 am

I just got this pop-up in My Movies Collection Management (I'm still running 5.24):

image.png (29.97 KiB) Viewed 10309 times

I thought we were still on 5.26 RC....
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Re: My Movies v5.30 ?!?!?!

Post by Pauven » Sun Oct 11, 2020 9:52 am

Sure enough, it looks like Binnerup posted 5.30 today. I'm on top of things for once! Looks like 5.26RC1 is dead in the water, and never made it to 5.26 Final.
Here's the changelog, for discussion:
My Movies 5.30 Pre Release 1 (Includes 5.26 Pre Release 1, as 5.26 was never released in a final version)

Added: Movie Collection type to track collections of movies.
Added: Sort button to extend sorting options in the title list.
Added: Support for LaserDisc with the disc title profile type.
Added: Support for movie profiles as personal items, which means manually created movie profiles are now directly uploaded to the online service, and updated when edited.
Added: Import box set child titles dialog

Change: Full cover scan import is now more intelligent in terms of using the cover type setting to better split cover scans.

Fix: Issue where an orphan leftover entry in a discs table could cause problems for batch move of title paths.
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Re: My Movies v5.30 ?!?!?!

Post by Pauven » Sun Oct 11, 2020 9:57 am

If anyone tries 5.30, I need some help on understanding the new "Movie Collection" type.

I'm guessing that this is formally taking the place of using fake Box Sets to make movie collections.

This is the first change in 3 years that I think might break something in CMC.
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Re: My Movies v5.30 ?!?!?!

Post by Pauven » Tue Oct 13, 2020 5:44 pm

So I've got 5.30 PR1 installed on a new PC (actually a Win10 VM running on my server, so a new virtual PC), and was able to get my 5.24 DB backup to upgrade to 5.30 without any real issues. Outside of some memory related VM configuration issues, 5.30 PR1 has been trouble-free.

The good news is that so far, nothing seems broken with respect to the API or CME's ability to export data.

I was right about Movie Collections being a replacement for fake Box Sets (or Categories), but was wrong about it breaking the API export for CME. Currently this is brand new data that simply isn't included in the API at all. So while I've already set up a few Movie Collections, I can't do anything with them outside of MMCM. Brian has indicated he plans to add this to the API, but as to when I don't know. I suppose it is still possible that the API changes to support Movie Collections will break CME, depending upon how he implements the change.

For those curious how Movie Collections work, here's a screenshot. I was able to add all 93 Best Picture Oscar Winners to a collection, even including titles I don't own. Titles I'm missing are greyed out.

image.png (1.46 MiB) Viewed 10295 times

On the left of the screenshot in the treeview you can see a few other Movie Collections:
  • The James Bond Collection (has everything except No Time to Die, which hasn't been added to My Movies yet.
  • The Lord of the Rings
  • Star Wars
  • The Bourne Collection
  • Harry Potter
As you can see, these make a great replacement for both fake Box Sets and custom Categories... well, almost. As of right now, you can only include Movies in a Movie Collection. I asked Brian to consider letting us add TV Series to them too, since you have popular collections like Star Trek that is both TV and movies.

I think my "The Academy Awards - Best Picture Winners" collection is perhaps the best example of the potential of this new feature, especially since you can contribute it for other users to use and maintain, and you can add movies you don't yet have to them.

Hopefully Binnerup extends the API soon so we can play with this in CMC.

Anyone else excited as I am about Movie Collections?
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Re: My Movies v5.30 ?!?!?!

Post by Jamie » Tue Oct 13, 2020 6:31 pm

Hi Paul.

Can you have movies used in collections, Box sets, and TV series multiple times throughout your collection. I seem to remember placing a Title in a box set, and a series, and CMC chocked on it. I figured that it was more a MM CM issues. Has this been tested? I for on am sticking with 5.24 for now.


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Re: My Movies v5.30 ?!?!?!

Post by Pauven » Tue Oct 13, 2020 6:38 pm

To be honest, I'm not sure. This isn't really a scenario that I've tested.

I've got very early alpha code of the new CMC DB creator working, exporting straight from the MM API and bypassing metadata files, and one of the things I've noticed is that box sets seem a little different in CMC this way, possibly more accurate. I need to do some side-by-side comparisons to see if it's really different. It's possible that it will handle the box set tv series scenario better, even without me making any changes.

It would be helpful if you can provide some details so I can recreate and test the scenario that you mentioned.
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Re: My Movies v5.30 ?!?!?!

Post by Jamie » Tue Oct 13, 2020 10:42 pm

I was wondering If you could have a star wars collection containing all the star wars movies and series. Have another collection containing just movies and another collection with just Tv series.

Could you have a boxset of all star wars movies and another boxset of star wars TV series. You then create a box set containing the movie box set and the tv series boxset. I think I tried the star wars boxset containing the movie boxset and the tv series box set and ran into issues. I think I tried this cme testing.

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Re: My Movies v5.30 ?!?!?!

Post by Jamie » Tue Oct 13, 2020 10:46 pm

Please let me know whether you want me or anyone do some beta tests. Did you have any install issues with MM v5.30. Any thing break on the MM CM and CMC?

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Re: My Movies v5.30 ?!?!?!

Post by Pauven » Wed Oct 14, 2020 9:31 am

So you want a Box Set inside of a Box Set, plus a TV Series inside of a Box Set inside of a Box Set. Possibly even a TV Series inside of a Box Set inside of a Box Set inside of a Box Set. I'm not surprised that broke on CMC.

I do have some logic in CMC to hide Box Sets inside of Box Sets. A CMC user, Doug if I recall correctly RKEP, has embraced this and actually creates a fake title representing the Box Set that he places inside the Box Set. That way he can see the Box Set cover and fanart and details by browsing the fake title.

He pointed out to me that TV Series were not behaving the same way, they were always showing the Box Set inside the TV Series Box Set, which makes sense as I only excluded Box Sets inside Box Sets, not Box Sets inside TV Series. The plan we hatched last week was to make the behavior consistent, and exclude the Box Set inside TV Series too. That way he could have full control over when the Box Set appears inside the TV Series, based upon whether or not he creates the fake title.

All of this may be moot with the new DB Creator, as I am now seeing Box Sets inside of Box Sets, so somehow it is bypassing my logic. Even worse, this seems to be ignoring the MMCM flag for "Include the Box Set Container when opened in presentation interface". I don't believe the API exports this particular tag, so I'm not sure how I will be able to fix it. Which is one of the reasons I originally hid Box Sets inside of Box Sets, as without that MMCM flag then the only alternatives were to always show them or always hide them.

Back to your point of wanting to nest Box Sets inside of Box Sets, I can confirm that CMC is not programmed to handle this correctly. Not only does it try to hide a Box Set inside of a Box Set, even if you could see it then CMC would treat it as a regular disc title only, and open the fanart details page, not another box set.

You've certainly given me some scenarios to contemplate. It never occurred to me to have a Box Set as a child of another Box Set. I'll have to play around with that and see if I can get the behavior correct. It will likely take awhile, and I doubt a fix would make it into v4.0. And it's entirely possible that this won't be feasible based upon MM API limitations.

Jamie wrote: Tue Oct 13, 2020 10:46 pm Please let me know whether you want me or anyone do some beta tests. Did you have any install issues with MM v5.30. Any thing break on the MM CM and CMC?

Thanks. We're getting closer to testing. My plan is to get a few users testing an early Alpha of the new DB Creator. Essentially, I need more eyes on the DB that is being created.

I've noticed some small variances in the data vs. what I get with the CMC Sync process. In most cases it is better - I see more cover artwork, especially for titles that are missing media folders, which would give you a false sense that your title is playable since you can see it, but if the media folder has been deleted then obviously you can't actually play it. This is very similar to the WMC behavior, where is shows you what's in MMCM, not necessarily what's in your media folders.

I think I have one major bug, I think it is missing discs for some titles.

Once I resolve the issues I'm finding, then I'll share the Alpha out for testing. What I'm wanting is for users to set CMC v4.0 and the DB Creator up in a separate folder, and never run a Sync on the new install. That way you can flip back and forth between CMC v3.6 and v4.0 and compare Sync results to DB Creator results, and see if you can find anything wrong.
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Re: My Movies v5.30 ?!?!?!

Post by Pauven » Sat Oct 17, 2020 12:05 pm

Just a heads up, 5.30 PR2 is out - DO NOT INSTALL IT.

Apparently it is very buggy, and won't work at all, and you'll have to painfully revert back to an older version.
President, Chameleon Consulting LLC
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