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After Running CME Sort As Is Being Reset

How-To and general support for the CMC Metadata Exporter (CME) which exports My Movies data via the My Movies API.
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After Running CME Sort As Is Being Reset

Post by vanillagorillanb » Mon Nov 23, 2020 7:44 pm

Sorry in advance as I make this post I do not have any log files but I will get them if there isn't a "top off the head" type answer. I've been so busy I haven't had time to research it either. So I have some of my movies set up with special sorting. In order for CMC to recognize these special sorting fields I have to run the CME. However, CME will sometimes randomly reset a movie and put it back to default even though I do not recall asking it to do so. It even gets reset in the My Movies Collection Management. Is there a setting I'm missing in either MM or CMC/CME? I think this might be moot anyways as I saw MM now has a collection sorting feature (which is what I use it for, my example I sort all of the Marvel MCU movies together and in order of release).


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Re: After Running CME Sort As Is Being Reset

Post by Pauven » Mon Nov 23, 2020 10:46 pm

Hey vanillagorillanb,

I'm not exactly clear what you mean by special sorting. Are you referring to the Collection Number?

CME simply exports what is in MM, so if it is changing in MM then that explains why CME is exporting the change. It sounds like the solution is to block MM from making any changes. I often will "Lock" a title to prevent changes in MM.

Regarding the new MM collection sorting feature, I think you are referring to the new Movie Collections. If so, they are great. CMC v4.0, which is in Release Candidate now, and hopefully final release later this week, includes support for these new Movie Collections, but not with CME.

Instead, you'll have to use a new companion app, CCC (Chameleon CentralController), which is similar to CME but easier to use and doesn't write metadata to your media folders. Instead it directly creates your CMC movie db. So if Movie Collections are something you want to use, you need to plan on using CCC.

President, Chameleon Consulting LLC
Author, Chameleon MediaCenter

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