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103 - Installing and Running CCC

Chameleon CentralController (CCC) is used to export My Movies metadata directly to CMC's Movie DB, and manage User Accounts and Parental Restrictions, and tracks Watch History and WatchLists on a per-user basis.
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103 - Installing and Running CCC

Post by Pauven » Fri Dec 04, 2020 10:19 am


CCC is installed with CMC - it's in the same zip file. This way it gets updated when you update CMC.

To launch CCC, run: ...\<CMC Directory>\Chameleon CentralController\CCC.exe

If firewall / security alert asks if you want to allow network access for CCC, answer yes. Otherwise you will need to grant access later, a topic covered in more detail in tutorial 202 - Troubleshooting Connectivity Issues.

CCC will need to create a shared network folder, and will need admin rights to create it for you. You will be prompted at startup to let CCC create it if the folder share does not exist for the current program folder. Thsi is a required feature, so you need to answer yes and accept the UAC prompt.

From this point on, always keep CMC, CCC, and CME running the exact same version #, i.e. v4.0.2020.1212, on all of your PC's.

Skip to the next chapter: 104 - Initial CCC Configuration

Installing CCC
CCC is included with the downloaded Chameleon MediaCenter zip file, and is located in the Chameleon CentralController subdirectory:

image.png (22.74 KiB) Viewed 18763 times

There is no installation required. Once unzipped, CCC is ready to run.

Upgrading CCC
When CMC is upgraded, new compatible versions of CCC and CME are always included in the upgrade.

It is important to keep all your CMC PC's running on the same version # as CCC. To make this easier to validate, version #'s are synced up across all CMC companion apps beginning with version 4.0, for example:
  • CMC v4.0.2020.1212
  • CCC v4.0.2020.1212
  • CME v4.0.2020.1212

Running CCC
Open the Chameleon CentralController folder and run CCC.exe:

image.png (5.92 KiB) Viewed 18763 times

*NOTE: The Data subfolder includes a file named Ratings.xml that is required for CCC to run - do not delete this.

Allow Network Access
The first time you run CCC, you will usually be notified by your Windows firewall that network access is blocked, and you have the opportunity to grant network access. Here's an example:

image.png (161.68 KiB) Viewed 18745 times

You should allow access if you are asked, as CCC requires network access, both to read data from My Movies and to send data to CMC. There will be more detail on firewall access requirements, including some manual setup examples, in tutorial 202 - Troubleshooting Connectivity Issues.

Sharing CCC's "NetShare" Folder
To share exported movie artwork with other CMC PC's, CCC will create and share a new folder named NetShare:

image.png (6.83 KiB) Viewed 18760 times

At startup, CCC will check to make sure that the NetShare folder is currently shared on your network, and prompt you to let CCC share it if not already shared:

image.png (35.09 KiB) Viewed 18760 times

Usually you will only have to do this the very first time you run CCC, unless you later modify or move your CMC or CCC folder.

When you click Yes, Windows normally displays a User Account Control (UAC) prompt asking you to give CCC the admin privileges required to share the folder. Often, the UAC icon will be blinking on your Windows Taskbar, which looks like this on Windows 10:

image.png (3.67 KiB) Viewed 18760 times

Proceed to the next chapter: 104 - Initial CCC Configuration
President, Chameleon Consulting LLC
Author, Chameleon MediaCenter

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