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CMC v4.0 Now Available - IMPORTANT CHANGES

General support forum for Chameleon MediaCenter (formerly MM Browser)
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CMC v4.0 Now Available - IMPORTANT CHANGES

Post by Pauven » Sat Dec 12, 2020 11:57 pm

I am happy to announce that Chameleon MediaCenter v4.0 is now available. This is a HUGE upgrade that has been in development for well over a year.

The big change is the inclusion of a new companion app named Chameleon CentralController (CCC). This is the app most of you have been waiting years for me to release!

CCC runs between CMC and My Movies, directly exporting your movie collection data to CMC. This adds a ton of new functionality, from Offline Titles & Movie Collections to User Accounts and Parental Restrictions, and a whole lot more. It's way too big to write up here, so please visit the new Chameleon CentralController support forum for more details:

Heads Up!
With the inclusion of CCC, I have changed the default mode for CMC for all users. When you upgrade to v4.0, CMC will now be operating in CCC mode, which disables folder scanning. You will see an notification pop-up indicating this has happened, and this alert will continue to show on start-up until you have completed either option A) or option B):

image.png (1.09 MiB) Viewed 69527 times

To continue with using CCC mode, you will have to setup CCC, run a Full Export (which will probably take several hours to complete), then setup CMC to connect to CCC and sync the new data.

Long story short - you won't be able to use CCC immediately, as it will take several hours to get going.

If you mistakenly upgrade to CMC v4.0 on a movie night, and don't have the time to wait around for CCC to finish exporting, the solution is simple - turn off CCC in CMC's settings. This will re-enable the folder scanning, and you can run a Full Sync and be right back where you were before the upgrade.

image.png (174.38 KiB) Viewed 69527 times

Then, when you have more time, get CCC setup and run that Full Export. Trust me, it will be worth the effort, CCC is so much better!!!

Huge Thanks!
Hopefully your upgrade to v4.0 goes smoothly, and you have a solid experience using CCC for the first time. If you do, you have these fine gentleman to thank, who gave their time and effort testing and retesting, documenting and innovating, for several months! Without their contributions, you wouldn't be enjoying CMC + CCC right now. In alphabetical order:
  • Chefpj
  • GaryReeve
  • Jamie
  • ScareDcrow
  • soundmanmike
Thank you all kind sirs!!!
President, Chameleon Consulting LLC
Author, Chameleon MediaCenter

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