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[Fixed in CCC 4.1.2020.1228] Connectivity issues after upgrading to 4.1 (12/25)

How-To and general support for the CMC Metadata Exporter (CME) which exports My Movies data via the My Movies API.
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Re: Connectivity issues after upgrading to 4.1 (12/25)

Post by klpaint » Mon Dec 28, 2020 4:14 pm

That worked! As always, thank you....


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Re: [Fixed in CCC 4.1.2020.1228] Connectivity issues after upgrading to 4.1 (12/25)

Post by Pauven » Mon Dec 28, 2020 4:23 pm

Excellent. Thanks for all your help troubleshooting.
President, Chameleon Consulting LLC
Author, Chameleon MediaCenter

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