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[RESOLVED] eaccess violation from CMC playing one TV series

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Re: eaccess violation from CMC playing one TV series

Post by dvoncannon » Sat Apr 17, 2021 6:20 pm

I finally resolved this problem. After the upgrade to CMC 4.2 the series splash screen was correct. However CMC did not show any discs or episodes associated with the entry. (See the enclosed screen shot)
To resolve I followed the following steps:
1) Deleted the series from My Movies
2) Restarted the server and My Movies
3) Re-entered all the series information in My Movies and allowed My Movies to download all the episode and meta data.
4) Ran a new CME export
5) Ran a full CMC sync

It's unclear to me why a single series, of the 29 TV series on the system, would quit working after the upgrade to 4.2 but that's what happened. I also don't understand why it was necessary remove and replace the My Movies entry when nothing had changed there.
Oh well, it's resolved now.
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Re: eaccess violation from CMC playing one TV series

Post by Pauven » Sat Apr 17, 2021 6:38 pm

I'm glad to learn you have resolved it. Your solution illustrates that the problem resided with the My Movies data, and that once corrected both CCC and CMC worked as desired.

It's quite possible that the timing of when the issue arose was purely coincidental with your upgrade to v4.2. From long term observations I've learned that My Movies is constantly importing updates from their online service. I've also had these updates cause my My Movies data to become corrupt - sometimes it even overwrites good data that I've input with bad data from the online service. Now, I make sure that I always LOCK my TV series to prevent any updates at all from My Movies' online service.

From your list of steps, I would hazard a guess that step #2 was not required, though certainly caused no harm. Better safe than sorry.

Also, I still encourage you to migrate to using CCC instead of CME. As I wrote on the previous page, there are some settings you can tweak to turn off the Full Export every week. Plus I added the option to disable exporting the movie posters, to further improve performance. Once you complete the CCC Full Export, you should be good to let the regular Changes Only functionality keep you up to date (the Run Batch Jobs button).

CCC is significantly better than CME, which is the main reason I'm encouraging you to make the switch.
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