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[RESOLVED] eaccess violation from CMC playing one TV series

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[RESOLVED] eaccess violation from CMC playing one TV series

Post by dvoncannon » Mon Jan 18, 2021 7:32 pm

Every time I try to play an episode from "Sports Night" CMC kicks out an eaccess violation. It only happens with the Sports Night series, nothing else. How do I troubleshoot this?

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Re: eaccess violation from CMC playing one TV series

Post by Pauven » Mon Jan 18, 2021 8:27 pm

Enable Debug Logging, try to play an episode, after it fails you can turn debug back off. Then send me any Logs\DebugLog_PlayClick files that were created.
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Re: eaccess violation from CMC playing one TV series

Post by dvoncannon » Mon Jan 18, 2021 9:47 pm

It does not create a log file. The error happens instantly when trying to start the series, the series splash screen opens, the series data is completely incorrect, and CMC throws the error. The screen shot seems to be too large to upload, it's 3MB after shrinking. Is there an email I can send it to?
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Re: eaccess violation from CMC playing one TV series

Post by Pauven » Tue Jan 19, 2021 8:43 am

I don't publicly post the email address to prevent spam. You can reply to the license email if you bought a license, or use the contact form to initiate email based contact.

Are you using CME or CCC?
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Re: eaccess violation from CMC playing one TV series

Post by Pauven » Tue Jan 19, 2021 2:03 pm

Hey dvoncannon, I got your email. Thanks for sending the screenshot and info.

Here's a crop of the snapshot you sent:

image.png (866.83 KiB) Viewed 6727 times

You mentioned that it was odd that the series data was wrong for SportsNight, and you were spot on! Everything after the "1998-" was for another series, Game of Thrones. But 1998 is wrong for Game of Thrones, this is the correct starting year for SportsNight. It's also odd that the value after the dash is missing, it looks like the 2nd date caused the access violation.

I checked my code, looking at the portion that creates the "1998-????" year range, and that function looks like the problem. I'm not quite sure why it failed, but I just rewrote that function to be able to properly handle bad data, and I'm hopeful this will fix the issue. That fix will be in v4.2, which I am hoping to release before the end of the month.

You also mentioned that you are using CME. The requirements for configuring TV Series data in My Movies is higher when using CME, and if the data isn't perfect it won't export. CCC is the new companion app I released in v4.0, and it does a much better job of exporting TV Series data even if you haven't perfectly configured every element in My Movies. I suggest you give it a try. It's still possible that there is bad data in My Movies that will still cause this access violation, but if I was a betting man, I'd wager that CCC would prevent this issue.
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Re: eaccess violation from CMC playing one TV series

Post by dvoncannon » Wed Jan 20, 2021 5:02 pm

Thanks for looking into this. I will look forward to V4.2 when it's ready. I did a trial export using CCC. It took 24 hours to complete on the PC that is My Movies server. I haven't had the time to work with it since that trial.

More to come as I have the time.

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Re: eaccess violation from CMC playing one TV series

Post by Pauven » Wed Jan 20, 2021 5:53 pm

dvoncannon wrote: Wed Jan 20, 2021 5:02 pm I did a trial export using CCC. It took 24 hours to complete on the PC that is My Movies server.
How large is your collection?
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Re: eaccess violation from CMC playing one TV series

Post by dvoncannon » Wed Jan 20, 2021 7:31 pm

The collection is 32 TV series, 519 movie titles as reported by CMC. The My Movies PC is an older Core i5 that is used for ripping and storing the MyMovies database. Actual movie content is on multiple Synology NAS's

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Re: eaccess violation from CMC playing one TV series

Post by Pauven » Thu Jan 21, 2021 10:19 am

TV Series are slow to export, but overall your collection should be exporting much faster. I find this concerning.

For comparison, for my collection CCC exports 1989 Titles, 23 Standalone TV Series, 3 Discless Movies, and 52 Movie Collections, and this completes in just over 2 hours.

One of the users here has an even larger collection and I believe his exports in under an hour, closer to 30 minutes if I recall correctly.

I don't know what all factors control the export speed, but here's a few things to consider:
  • The storage media for your My Moves Database: If you have installed My Movies on a slower HDD, instead of a fast SSD, then My Movies will take longer to retrieve the metadata for each title.
  • The storage media for your CCC install: If you are using a HDD for CCC, it will definitely be slower to write each file. But more importantly, if you have installed CCC and My Movies on the same HDD, then they will be competing for disk access time during the export. HDD's are notoriously bad at handling competing requests, as the heads have to seek back and forth over the HDD to read data from one area and write it to another.
  • The storage media for your video collection: When CCC (or CME) requests movie data from the API, My Movies performs an additional media validation step, scanning the media folder, to include some extra data needed for players like Dune. From my own testing, this seems to be the biggest factor slowing down API export speed. I've asked Binnerup for an option to disable this path validation, as CMC doesn't need or use this data. If your storage media is slow, then this validation process will take longer.
  • My Movies Debug Logging: My Movies gets very slow when Debug Logging is enabled. If you are not actively troubleshooting an issue, turn this off.
  • CPU & Memory: For the most part, My Movies doesn't seem to use a lot of CPU or RAM. That said, I have seen My Movies grind to a halt when I didn't provide enough memory. A slow CPU and a lack of RAM would presumably conspire to slow down overall performance. And even though CCC is very lightweight (very low CPU and RAM requirements), if you're running CCC on your My Movies server then that load stacks on top of what My Movies consumes, and possibly pushes you over the limit of your hardware's capabilities.
I have a Virtual Machine running Win10 Pro with the only things installed being My Movies 5.31 and CCC. My Movies alone consumes over 6GB of RAM, and overall right now this Windows is consuming 9.6 GB of RAM, so 8 GB does not appear to be enough. I'd recommend at least 16 GB. Processor load stays fairly low, but having a quad-core CPU would certainly help keep processes moving along without contention. A dual-core might have enough horsepower, but due to My Movies being mostly single-threaded, a dual-core could easily get bottlenecked waiting on other threads to complete, so I'm not sure if I'd recommend less than 4 cores.

On my setup, My Movies and CCC are running on a very fast NVMe SSD. My media collection itself lives on a decently fast Unraid storage server on my Gigabit network, and I primarily use 5400 RPM class drives.

Tips for Using CCC on Your Setup
Even if you are unable to resolve the export speed issue, with some tweaks you should still be able to successfully use CCC.

The primary concern for your setup is the duration of the Full Export. By default, I configure CCC to perform a Full Export weekly, Thursday's at 2:00 am. This strategy helps ensure that any variances that crept in from the Changes Only processing gets fixed by the Full Export. But since I've made great progress in improving the accuracy and reliability of Changes Only processing, the need to do a Full Export is diminished.

So I would recommend you completely disable the scheduled Full Export in CCC's setting. After you do the first Full Export, you can just use the automatic Changes Only process to hopefully keep CCC in sync with My Movies. Changes Only processing is extremely quick, so this should be manageable on your system. Then, if you later notice some discrepancies appear in CMC, you can manually run a Full Sync on demand to try and resolve.
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Re: eaccess violation from CMC playing one TV series

Post by Pauven » Thu Jan 21, 2021 6:24 pm

By the way, I just added a new feature for CCC v4.2 to disable the export of Movie Posters:

image.png (235.64 KiB) Viewed 6708 times

In my attempt to keep CCC configuration as simple as possible, I had omitted this option. I figured it was simpler to just have it enabled for everyone.

But after you reported a 24 hour export time, I figured this could help you further reduce the export time by skipping the export of Movie Posters. You should disable this in v4.2, unless for some reason you want this feature.

I know there were a few users excited about using Movie Posters as DVD Covers, myself included, but after using it I ended up disappointed with the result - the poster size doesn't always scale well to fit inside DVD/Blu-ray covers - so I won't be using this myself. So by turning this off I will further reduce my export time and save disk space too.
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