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Single cover row and fade in fanart

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Single cover row and fade in fanart

Post by RKEP » Sat Feb 13, 2021 4:29 am

Hi Paul

I have just been looking at [UPDATED Oct 2, 2020] Chameleon MediaCenter Roadmap and see the Custom Catagory option is on the "to to" list which I am very excited about.

I think I've requested this before but didn't see it in the list.

1. Could we have a single row of covers across the middle about the size they are displayed in the boxsets, for all views, title view and boxset view.

2. Currently we have the option to fade in the synopsis of a title. Could we have the option to set fade time and opacity for the fanart in the same way. This was a feature in WMC.

Best Regards


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Re: Single cover row and fade in fanart

Post by Pauven » Wed Mar 31, 2021 2:00 pm

Hi Richard,

Apologies. I thought I replied to your request here, I clearly remember doing so, but obviously something went wrong as your post has no replies. I did not intend to ignore you.

I believe this is the same request you brought up here: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=331

This work is planned, but as of yet I don't have a firm timeline on when I will be implementing it.

President, Chameleon Consulting LLC
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Re: Single cover row and fade in fanart

Post by RKEP » Wed Mar 31, 2021 2:50 pm

Hi Paul

Thanks for getting back to me, I thought I had made the request but as it wasn't in the todo list I wasn't sure. Glad it's in the pipeline and look forward to the future of CMC.

Best Regards


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