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[Fixed in v7.0] CMC is not synching with CCC

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Re: CMC is not synching with CCC

Post by Pauven » Wed Jul 20, 2022 10:19 pm

mikemack wrote: Wed Jul 20, 2022 11:09 am I am not sure what the exact fix was but at some point after I massaged MyMovies Collection Management and reran the CCC Full Export the issue resolved itself.
Yay, awesome!

mikemack wrote: Wed Jul 20, 2022 11:09 am I also ran the Validate File Paths utility under CCC > Settings and that came back with all paths valid.
I recommend doing this occasionally (i.e. quarterly). There's a bug in My Movies that if you trigger it, your newest file paths get corrupted. The earlier you discover it, the easier your cleanup. Your workflow may not trigger it, but mine does if I'm not careful. I've reported it to Binnerup, but never saw any response or resolution. That's one of the main reasons I added that validation tool. It can also come in handy if you lose a network share and want to discover what was on it, the validator will report any affected titles as having an invalid path.

mikemack wrote: Wed Jul 20, 2022 11:09 am This is the access violation error after the art caching error
Yeesh, that's not a good one. The error accessing "00000000" means the software is trying to access a variable that isn't initialized/created. Even worse, it doesn't have pretty error handling messaging around it, so this error is occurring in an area I've not seen issues before. Worst case, I may have to make some code changes to figure out what's going on.

But first, I need debug log files. With Debug logging enabled, do a Full Sync in CMC, and wait for the error to occur. Once it does, send me the log files.
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Re: CMC is not synching with CCC

Post by mikemack » Thu Jul 21, 2022 9:57 am

Debug and performance logs are attached. Thanks for looking into this.
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Re: CMC is not synching with CCC

Post by mikemack » Sat Jul 23, 2022 7:03 pm


I shut down both of my CMC clients (HTPC & MCPC) and then logged into the MyMovies server and shut down MM Collection Management and CCC. I then deleted the CCC folder and restarted the server. I cut and pasted a new\clean version of the Chameleon CentralController folder to the MyMovies server C:\ root and then reran CCC from there. Settings appeared to be retained from the prior version and I then ran a new Full Export job. Once the job was completed I booted up both CMC clients one at a time and verified that I am not longer getting the ArtCaching error nor the access error warning. I also verified they both were able to run a full synch and no errors.

However, weirdly I keep running into the HTPC CMC client is losing its settings regarding the title sorting, background image and cover rows. The title sorting reverts back to the default title sort of recent title, the background image file path is completely gone and has to be restored to a local file in a local directory and cover rows goes back to default of 3. Any ideas on why that happens. I do not see any indication or root cause reference in any of the log files.

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Re: CMC is not synching with CCC

Post by Pauven » Mon Jul 25, 2022 1:22 pm

Hey mikemack, sorry for the delayed response, it's been a crazy few days.

Thanks for the debug log files. The first thing I noticed is that you have a SmartSync.bin file, and sure enough looking at the other debug log files I can see that folder scanning is still occurring. This is very confusing, as the timestamps seem to be right on top of the CCC sync. It should only ever be one way or the other, not both.

This is probably a bug in CMC, just really surprised it hasn't surfaced before now. My advice to you is to make sure you remove all directories listed for movie folder scanning in CMC, just to make sure it only relies on data from CCC. I'll be sure to double-check the code and see if I can find the issue.

It's possible that the artwork caching error was related to CMC doing both a folder scan and CCC sync. When you use CCC, all artwork comes from the CCC share. When you do folder scanning, all artwork comes directly from your media folders. Perhaps having two sources for the same data was causing a conflict.

I have seen artwork caching errors related to a directory or file having read-only permissions, so it copies the first time but can't update afterwards. But it seems like that was a different error message from what you are experiencing. That access violation error you're seeing actually makes the most sense if CMC is using both local folder scanning and CCC syncing at the same time.

I'm glad that you seem to have resolved the issue on your own, great job, but definitely keep the above in mind and make sure you are only configured for CCC, with no folders listed for Movie Library scanning.

mikemack wrote: Sat Jul 23, 2022 7:03 pm However, weirdly I keep running into the HTPC CMC client is losing its settings regarding the title sorting, background image and cover rows.
This almost sounds like you are now using CCC's settings. Once you go with CCC, you can create multiple users (optional), and define their settings right in CCC. This is so that if you have multiple HTPC's in the house, each user can log into any PC and get their own preferences displayed.

It's supposed to work that you can either update CCC, and have the user's preference sync down to each HTPC, or alternatively you can make a change in CMC, and that syncs back to CCC and then syncs back down to other HTPC's.

What you're experiencing sounds like the default user parameters in CCC overriding your local settings. My advice here is to go ahead and define your preferences, at least the first time, in CCC's settings.
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Re: [Fixed in v7.0] CMC is not synching with CCC

Post by Pauven » Sun Oct 29, 2023 9:57 am

Hey mikemack,

I know this is an old issue that you've already resolved on your end, but I wanted to let you know that I did some more digging and finally figured out the bug in CMC.

I designed CMC to either sync with CCC or by folder scanning xml files, but not both at the same time. Or so I thought. It turns out that if you have an old folder scanning configuration, pointing at folders for scanning, AND have enabled to autoscan on startup, then CMC would still do a folder scan even if CCC syncing was enabled. That's a pretty big oversight on my part.

I double-checked your config files you shared with me last year, and sure enough you have folders configured for scanning, and autoscanning enabled, even though you have CCC enabled, so you were experiencing this bug.

While this fix is too late to help you, I do want to say thanks for reporting it and working with me to resolve it. This is now fixed for v7.0, coming out in a few days.

President, Chameleon Consulting LLC
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