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Update on CMC v5 & Pinball Stuff

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Update on CMC v5 & Pinball Stuff

Post by Pauven » Mon Jul 18, 2022 5:50 pm

I'm sure many of you are curious when (or if) CMC v5 will be released. I last worked on CMC back in December, and have since been distracted with other projects (both paying work and pinball development).

While I know that it might upset some CMC users that CMC development was put on hold for me to work on pinball stuff, the honest truth is that when I was working on my pinball software 5 years ago, I took a "2 week break" to code CMC, as a temporary distraction before continuing work on my pinball software. That 2 week break turned into 4.5 years of near constant development for CMC, as my pinball projects sat gathering dust in the corner. Hopefully, you'll all forgive me for taking a half year off CMC development to spend some time on my pinball project.

The good news is that I reached a milestone with my pinball project, when I took my latest mostly complete build to the Southern-Fried Gaming Expo (SFGE) here in Atlanta this past weekend. Similarly, for my paying work my year-long project went live a few weeks ago. So that means that for the first time in a really long time, I have some actual free-time to work on CMC. Expect activity to ramp up in the coming weeks, as I work to finally get CMC v5 out the door.

For those that are curious about my pinball projects, or simply curious to learn more about the normally camera shy CMC developer, here's a few videos for your viewing enjoyment.

This first video shows a game being played in my pinball machine, named "The Black Knight Rises". While the playfield itself is vintage 1980's, everything else is brand new. I not only wrote the software, but designed and built the electronics and the cabinet. The person playing it is Cody of 904 Pinball Zine, a purveyor of pinball and arcade machines down in Jacksonville, Florida.

Hint: turn on Comments on this video, I explain a lot of what is being shown.

The next two videos are an interview that Cody did of me and The Black Knight Rises. The first one talks about game and software.

And the second one goes under the hood to let you see inside.

While we're on the subject of pinball, here's one more video showing me creating some of the circuit boards that go into The Black Knight Rises. Note that this power driver is one of the simplest boards I make. Not shown is my I/O controller boards which is 10x more complex and harder to make.

Hope you enjoy this extremely rare look at the creator of CMC... ;)
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