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Added a third media center - upgraded to V5

General support forum for Chameleon MediaCenter (formerly MM Browser)
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Added a third media center - upgraded to V5

Post by dsteinschneider » Sun Oct 30, 2022 12:02 pm

Hi Paul,

After buying a 4K large screen TV and 5.1 soundbar in our living room the projector/media pc in another room went unused for about two years. Recently I decided it would be the best for watching The Expanse so installed V5 on that and was surprised to see the announcement in settings that no license was needed.

Maybe you should set up a donate button somewhere here on the website.

PS - the CCC updater method is working great - when I installed this third machine it instantly was ready to go.


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Re: Added a third media center - upgraded to V5

Post by Pauven » Sun Oct 30, 2022 12:34 pm

Awesome on your new setup.

I did have a donate button posted when I released v5, but then the entire website got corrupted, and I had to restore from backup. The backup didn't include the new donate page, and I've just been too busy (or lazy) to recreate it. Maybe I can get around to it soon.
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Re: Added a third media center - upgraded to V5

Post by dsteinschneider » Mon Oct 31, 2022 8:52 am

Hi Paul,

Sorry to hear about the website - I've had to restore a few from backup myself.

After upgrading the CCC machine (running MyMovies and storage also) and the projecter/media pc I found I need to upgrade the other two machines from 4.2.2021.0203 to V5.

I'm getting an error on the second machine after I did an in-place upgrade - a memory access violation.

I decided to do a clean install of V5 on that PC but that install has the same issue. CMC launches but acts oddly. The arrow keys on the PC keyboard don't respond but I can click on a movie. I can get into Settings and change things but early into any session a memory access violation pop up occurs and at that point I have to end task to recover.

I didn't go to my stage 2 troubleshooting which is to nuke every registry entry, AppData folder, Program Data that has to do with the program.

I'm thinking this is some conflict with my Xonar DGX audio card or the Gigabyte GT 1030 video card. Also running MadVR

Should I put error logging on and send you the logs?


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Re: Added a third media center - upgraded to V5

Post by Pauven » Mon Oct 31, 2022 12:08 pm

Hey Doug,

Sorry you encountered issues on one PC. My first thought is that this is a rare bug that cropped up with v5, only one other user on one PC has experienced it. We traced it through a few weeks ago, and it seems to be coming from the startup logo splashscreen. I made a change on CMC v6, which is in beta, but I don't think that user has tested it yet, so I'm not sure if it is resolved.

Obviously, I'm jumping to conclusions that this is what you're encountering. Please share screenshots of the error and describe when it occurs. And yes, please enable Debug logging and send me the log files.

For the moment, I would hold off on any more extreme troubleshooting steps. I don't think you need to nuke anything, and I highly doubt it has a conflict with your audio or video cards.

By the way, the current plan is to release CMC v6 final later today.
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Re: Added a third media center - upgraded to V5

Post by dsteinschneider » Mon Oct 31, 2022 1:33 pm

I'll turn on debug logging - it does seem to have something to do with the initialization of the application

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Re: Added a third media center - upgraded to V5

Post by dsteinschneider » Tue Nov 01, 2022 10:40 pm

Hi Paul,

I did a fresh install of v6 on the machine that was having a problem with v5 and now it's working fine. Thanks

The other two machines I upgraded over the existing installation and they worked fine.

Scrolling seems smoother now.


Last edited by dsteinschneider on Tue Nov 01, 2022 10:48 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Added a third media center - upgraded to V5

Post by dsteinschneider » Tue Nov 01, 2022 10:47 pm

I haven't run MyMovies 3 on Android for a while. I just launched it and it's updating. Looking forward to testing running movies from it.

Also going to check out the Advanced MCE Remote feature.

Will let you know how it goes

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Re: Added a third media center - upgraded to V5

Post by Pauven » Wed Nov 02, 2022 10:26 am

dsteinschneider wrote: Tue Nov 01, 2022 10:40 pm I did a fresh install of v6 on the machine that was having a problem with v5 and now it's working fine. Thanks
Excellent, I'm glad v6 fixed that error for you. Thanks for letting me know.

dsteinschneider wrote: Tue Nov 01, 2022 10:47 pm I haven't run MyMovies 3 on Android for a while. I just launched it and it's updating. Looking forward to testing running movies from it.
Note that with the My Movies iOS/Android app, you have to run the new CMC SysTray Service which is part of the Advanced MCE Remote toolset. You don't actually have to use the remote features, but you have to use the CMC SysTray Service since that is what receives the commands from the My Movies app.

My recommendation is to enable "Advanced Remote Mapper" to use the "Configure Remote Mapper" and click the "Schedule CMC SysTray Service on Logon" button. That way the service is always running, and you can then use the My Movies app. You can also click the "Restart CMC SysTray Service Now" button to get it going without a reboot.

Of course, if you really want to do it manually, feel free to run and schedule "CMC Remote Handler\CMC_SysTrayService.exe" yourself as you see fit, but since I did all the hard work for you I recommend using the config tool directions above.

After that is done, you can disable the "Advanced Remote Mapper" to go back to old-style remote-control functionality if you want (CMC SysTray Service will still be running), or you can venture forward with trying to configure the Advanced Remote feature. Note that this only works with true RC6 MCE receivers (there's so many clones that just don't work), so if your remote doesn't work after clicking the button to "Install MCE Service" and rebooting, then chances are you don't have a true RC6 receiver.
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Re: Added a third media center - upgraded to V5

Post by dsteinschneider » Wed Nov 02, 2022 12:43 pm

I think the HP media center ir receiver and remote and the Sony media ir receiver and remote are RC6.

Not sure about the Inteset unit. - the colored buttons I programmed on that stopped working for some reason and I haven't had time to figure out what the issue is. This was before I made any changes to CMC so I suspect the unit lost what I setup on it.

Here's a weird one - last night I did a fresh v6 install, configured, did a full sync and then watched several different shows, closed CMC and re-opened it, tested again and finally closed it. This morning it reverted to freezing on opening and popping memory violation alerts (and some others) and then crashing. I'll turn logging back on and send them. I excluded the C:\CMC folder from Windows Defender a few days ago just to eliminate that variable.

UPDATE - Tonight I went in to turn on performance and debug logging and when I saved settings it went back to normal operation - the old it works while the IT guy is examining it. I watched an episode of a TV series and tested launching a couple of movies - it acted totally normal. Maybe this is a time of day issue :D

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Re: Added a third media center - upgraded to V5

Post by Pauven » Thu Nov 03, 2022 12:14 pm

dsteinschneider wrote: Wed Nov 02, 2022 12:43 pm Not sure about the Inteset unit.
My Intesets are RC6 compatible. :D

dsteinschneider wrote: Wed Nov 02, 2022 12:43 pm Here's a weird one - last night I did a fresh v6 install, configured, did a full sync and then watched several different shows, closed CMC and re-opened it, tested again and finally closed it. This morning it reverted to freezing on opening and popping memory violation alerts (and some others) and then crashing. I'll turn logging back on and send them. I excluded the C:\CMC folder from Windows Defender a few days ago just to eliminate that variable.

UPDATE - Tonight I went in to turn on performance and debug logging and when I saved settings it went back to normal operation - the old it works while the IT guy is examining it. I watched an episode of a TV series and tested launching a couple of movies - it acted totally normal. Maybe this is a time of day issue
I got your logs, thanks. I think there may be a small bug in CMC where it is not handling CCC being busy correctly.

That said, the root cause appears to be that you are doing a Full Export in CCC. When CMC tries to sync, CCC responds that it is "Busy", which means it is doing a Full Export. This can run for hours, depending upon the speed of your hardware and size of your collection. So, the question here is why are you running so many Full Exports?

I'll do some research on my end to see if I can determine why CMC isn't reacting correctly - it should just continue on its merry way, but for some reason it seems to be hanging.
President, Chameleon Consulting LLC
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