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[Fixed in v7.0] JRiver MC31 not playing when 29 is also installed

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[Fixed in v7.0] JRiver MC31 not playing when 29 is also installed

Post by Jamie » Thu Jun 08, 2023 5:37 pm

Hi Paul,

I installed Jriver 31 for testing today and it appears the cmc wants to play jriver 29 instead. I thought that the most recent "higher" version would play by default. Is there a way to have both versions installed with the higher version taking precedence? I would rather not uninstall 29 because if I need to reinstall it, I'll lose my license to 29.
Jriver 31 not running.jpg
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Re: Jriver 31 not playing when 29 is also installed

Post by Jamie » Thu Jun 08, 2023 6:44 pm

Hi Paul,

I changed the "jriver 31" to "jriver 28" and 29 still comes up

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Re: Jriver 31 not playing when 29 is also installed

Post by Pauven » Thu Jun 08, 2023 6:56 pm

I'll have to double-check the code, but I think I may have only programmed up to version 29 or 30. I didn't know 31 was out.

Also, what is the full path to 31?
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Re: Jriver 31 not playing when 29 is also installed

Post by Jamie » Thu Jun 08, 2023 9:27 pm

C:\Program Files\J River\Media Center 31

This is the installer's default path.

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Re: Jriver 31 not playing when 29 is also installed

Post by Jamie » Thu Jun 08, 2023 9:31 pm

There are two executables in that folder.

Media Center 31.exe

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Re: Jriver 31 not playing when 29 is also installed

Post by Pauven » Fri Jun 09, 2023 12:37 pm

So I wrote this bit of code many years ago, back when we were on MC25 if I remember correctly.

Code: Select all

      if SHGetFolderPath(0, CSIDL_SYSTEM, 0, SHGFP_TYPE_CURRENT, Path) = S_OK then begin
        for I := 30 downto 13 do begin
          if FileExists(IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(Path) + 'MC' + IntToStr(I) + '.exe') then begin
            Settings.JRFilepath := IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(Path) + 'MC' + IntToStr(I) + '.exe';
So I had planned ahead for several years, using a search function to try all combinations of MC#.exe starting at 30 and going down to 13. I thought that would have lasted longer, and I can't believe we're already on MC31. I will crank up this # for the next release. I'll have to look at all the other players and see if I need to update any of those search functions as well.

As a temporary workaround, you may be able to change the name from MC31.exe to MC30.exe. Note, you need to do this in the Windows System folder (possibly System32 or SysWOW64, wherever you find it), not the JRiver folder. JRiver installs an extra copy in the System folder, and as a shortcut I simply programmed CMC to search that one folder, rather than try to reverse engineer every possible folder name JRiver would devise in the future.
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Re: [Broken] JRiver MC31 not playing when 29 is also installed

Post by Jamie » Fri Jun 09, 2023 6:33 pm

Wasn't easy but I got it to work. I had to copy the 'media center 31" folder to a new "Media Center 30" folder. Rename the executables and .tlb files from MC31 to MC30. Copy the MC30.exe file to syswow64 folder under system. Lastly, put the new "Media Center 30" folder at the top of the sys path variable. The mc30.exe, MC31.exe files are only under system32 and syswow64 folders. searching system probably works due to syswow64 and system32 being in the sys path

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Re: [Fixed in Version TBD] JRiver MC31 not playing when 29 is also installed

Post by Pauven » Sat Jul 15, 2023 10:48 am

Hi Jamie,

I made a change in the next version to support checking JRiver MC versions all the way out to v50, so hopefully that will fix the issue and be far enough out it will never happen again.

When we get to the beta stage, be sure to test this for me. Thanks.
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Re: [Fixed in Version TBD] JRiver MC31 not playing when 29 is also installed

Post by Jamie » Sat Jul 15, 2023 11:44 am

That's great news Paul! I will test it!

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Re: [Fixed in Version TBD] JRiver MC31 not playing when 29 is also installed

Post by Manni » Sun Jul 16, 2023 6:47 pm

Just to confirm that renaming MC31 to MC30 doesn’t work. Also, when MC29 isn’t installed anymore, CMC launches a pop up with an error message as it can’t find MC 31. Looking forward to the new version that solves this. :)

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