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[Fixed] cmc 7.0 upgrade issue

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[Fixed] cmc 7.0 upgrade issue

Post by p64imp » Wed Nov 01, 2023 1:23 am


When launching CMC today to watch a halloween movie, i got prompted for the halloween release upgrade. I proceeded, however toward the tail end i got about 20 or so prompts telling me that the app was unable to copy files over during the update... files such as cmc.exe to replace cmc.exe.old, selveral dll's, etc. at one point i just clicked rapidly through the prmopts as so many appeared. When done, i re-launched it in admin mode expecting that was what was needed to upgrade (guessing that the app needed elevated permissions to copy over those files?) however, it launched like it successfully upgraded. Now all seems to be "upgraded", however I have a feeling i'm only partially upgraded due to all those important file transfer errors.

What should i do to stabilize my installation? Seems the upgrade failed!

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Re: cmc 7.0 upgrade issue

Post by p64imp » Wed Nov 01, 2023 2:04 am

This happened again while upgrading on my host pc, even when running as admin:

all the errors are posted here. Hopefully this can help shed more light. How do i repair my installation upgrades? =(
image.png (18.44 KiB) Viewed 8944 times
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Re: cmc 7.0 upgrade issue

Post by Pauven » Wed Nov 01, 2023 8:17 am

Hi p64imp,

So sorry for the troubles. This was an issue that showed up at the beginning of our testing, and I forgot to account for this when I packaged up v7 final.

First things first - the upgrade did work. The error message is wrong.

When I programmed CMC's upgrade mechanism, as a fail safe I have it check to make sure all the critical files were extracted from the ZIP. The problem here is that the old v6 is doing the work, using logic from a year ago.

CMC v7 has some significant changes, like I completely removed the old licensing files since CMC is now free, some of the BASS audio codec files have new names, and the https libraries were relocated to a different subdirectory. Because of these changes, CMC v6 thinks that the ZIP extract failed since these files are missing. It actually was a complete success.

The next step after extracting files is to restart CMC, which you did manually, so you completed the upgrade process, and you're now running v7. CMC v7 also has upgraded smarts to clean up any mess left behind by v6 being confused.

It was my fault though that I forgot to put the old files in the zip - I planned to create some empty files with the old names just so v6 didn't freak out like that.

Thank you for reporting this. I'll fix the ZIP file so other users don't have this bad experience.

If it makes you feel better, once I post the new zip, you can manually extract it into you CMC folder - that's basically all the auto upgrade process does. This will ensure everything is perfect, just in case v6 caused any harm when it tried to roll back the upgrade.

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Re: [Fixed] cmc 7.0 upgrade issue

Post by Pauven » Wed Nov 01, 2023 9:44 am

Hey p64imp,

Just following up. I've corrected the zip file to include the missing files (all empty zero-byte files so they don't take up any space) that used to be in v6. This should prevent the scary zip extract failed error messages that v6 generated when these files were missing.

I've also posted the v7 zip on the DOWNLOAD page. Please feel free to download, open, and extract all files & folders directly into your existing CMC directory, and allow it to overwrite any existing files. This will ensure that all v7 files are there, including these fake, empty v6 files that were removed.

When you then run CMC v7, it will clean up, including removing these fake files since they are no longer needed.

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Re: [Fixed] cmc 7.0 upgrade issue

Post by p64imp » Wed Nov 01, 2023 3:59 pm

Perfect, Thanks so much! I'm comfortable with your reply that all is well. I've been running it with no issue, i just wanted that piece of mind which you gave me.

Thanks again for all you do! I LOVE this project!

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Re: [Fixed] cmc 7.0 upgrade issue

Post by Pauven » Wed Nov 01, 2023 5:40 pm

President, Chameleon Consulting LLC
Author, Chameleon MediaCenter

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