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Bug identified when upgrading to 7.0 - screensaver selection

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2023 7:50 pm
by p64imp
First, thank you for implementing this feature! I suggested it to you a bit ago, and am very happy to see it added in this release! :)

That said, I found 2 minor bugs when pressing ok during a screensaver title to jump to that movie:

1. Wait for a screensaver title to show that is part of a collection (must not be the first title in the collection), click ok.
- Instead of jumping to that title, it opens the first title in your movie collection instead. (in my case, (500) Days of Summer when clicking on The Mockingjay Part 2).

2. If you have a movie category filter applied, instead of jumping to the movie highlighted in your list, it instead clears your category selection (displaying all titles on the base menu), then opens that movie and jumps to details. Not entirely negative, but not consistent with base functionality which simply highlights the movie in your collection list.

Re: Bug identified when upgrading to 7.0 - screensaver selection

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2023 7:52 pm
by p64imp
To be clear on item 2, i'm not talking about the removal of the filter being the issue, but that it drills into the movie as opposed to path 1 which just navigates to the title in your main menu strip.

Re: Bug identified when upgrading to 7.0 - screensaver selection

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2023 8:11 pm
by Pauven
#1 is definitely a bug - I never even thought about this scenario.

For #2, CMC first checks to see if the movie is visible in your current view. If it is, it goes to it. If it's missing, then the filters are removed to ensure it becomes visible and then it goes to it.

I'm both cases, the movie details are then opened. This is by design, the functionally copied from how the MyMovies App can play a movie in CMC.

I think what you're suggesting is to open the movie without first navigating to it. Unfortunately that is not currently possible with how CMC works.