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[Resolved] Red and Green Buttons Not working

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Re: Red and Green Buttons Not working

Post by Pauven » Sat Dec 09, 2023 5:15 pm

Okay, looks like you have one notable difference between your Win10 and Win11 configs.

On Win10, you have Green and Red configured the same as on Win11, doing [CTRL]+[ALT]+8 and [ALT]+F4.

But on Win 10 you ALSO have Windows (aka The Big Green button) and Record (aka The Red Dot) configured to do [CTRL]+[ALT]+8 and [ALT]+F4.

So while Green and Red is the current config on both PC's, the Windows & Record buttons also still being configured to do the same hotkeys might explain why it works on Win10 and not Win11.

So try changing the config on Win11 to use Windows and Record buttons instead of Green and Red. Perhaps it is your remote or the FLIRC that is handling these buttons as Windows and Record instead of Green and Red.
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Re: Red and Green Buttons Not working

Post by klpaint » Sat Dec 09, 2023 10:30 pm


Thank you. I flew out this morning and will gone until next Saturday. I will try that as soon as I get back and let you know the results.



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Re: Red and Green Buttons Not working

Post by klpaint » Sun Dec 10, 2023 12:06 pm


Thanks. As I mentioned yesterday, I am away for the week and can't test this until next weekend. I have been thinking about this and do have a question.

I know that CMC is set the same on both Win10 and Win11. They both say Red and Green in the config and it says that registry matches. I checked this several times before making sure they were the same.

It sounds like on Windows 10 that "Windows start" and "Record" are also set to [CTRL]+[ALT]+8 and [ALT]+F4. My question is if CMC is set the same on both, how do I add that for the Windows 11 machine?

There is something in the back of my mind that says WMC has something to do with this. A very long time ago I had installed WMC on Windows 10. I am wondering if it set those. If that is the case, how do I add it on Windows 11? What do I need to do on my Windows 11 machines to add "Windows Start" and "Record" to be set to [CTRL]+[ALT]+8 and [ALT]+F4?



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Re: Red and Green Buttons Not working

Post by Pauven » Sun Dec 10, 2023 2:48 pm

I think what happened is that when you originally set up your Win10 machine, you configured it with the Windows and Record buttons, which modified the registry. Then you changed it to Green and Red, and this too modified the registry, but did not undo the previous registry changes for Windows and Record.

So the end result is that you have both Windows and Green configured to do CTRL+ALT+8, and Red and Record to do ALT+F4.

Then when you press the button on your remote, it's either sending Green or Windows (can't tell from here), and because both are configured to send CTRL+ALT+8, that hotkey combo calls the CMC shortcut and launches CMC.

Essentially the Windows and Record buttons are orphaned config, but they might be the ones actually working, not the currently configured Green and Red.

On your Win11 PC, simply change the two buttons to Windows and Record and update the registry. The end result will be identical to your Win10 PC, with Green & Windows, and Red and Record all configured, because the old config doesn't get wiped out.

You don't want to play with installing WMC - it most likely will prevent you from using the Big Green Button (Windows) and the media buttons (like Record, TV, Music, etc.), same as it prevents it on Win7/8.1. Installing WMC removes remote programming capabilities, it takes ownership, which is the opposite of what we want.

Also, CMC has two ways to program remotes. I added an Advanced Remote Config tool a while back. I'm not sure I'd recommend using it, but it could help with troubleshooting. It has a System Tray component that runs, listing for remote button presses, and maps/forwards them to target programs. You could run this SysTray service and monitor the log window while you press buttons on your remote - this will let you see what Windows interprets each button as, and it may surprise you.
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Re: Red and Green Buttons Not working

Post by klpaint » Tue Dec 19, 2023 11:43 pm

I am back from my trip and have jumped back into this problem. I am not going to admit how many hours I have in this and I am still stuck. My guess is I am looking past something very simple but I am at a loss.

I started over and made the "Record" and "Windows" buttons the kill and launch. I attached the log file to show the registry and that CMC is doing its thing.

I have two remotes, both Logitech and one is for the Windows 10 machine and the other for the Windows 11. I can go to the Windows 10 machine and the Record button will kill PowerDVD from both remotes. That tells me the remotes are programmed correctly.

Neither of them will kill PowerDVD (or anything else) on the Windows 11 machine. I have to believe it is not a remote issue. I also have to believe CMC is doing everything correctly as ALT+F4 and CTL+Alt+8 both do their thing on the Windows 11 machine (from the keyboard).

That makes me think something is catching the remote codes in between the remote and CMC. Is it FLICR? I have tried to record buttons in there but that doesn't seem to change anything either. It almost has to be FLICR right? Is there anything else in the picture?

All the other remote commands work on the Windows 11 remote. I can move up and down, select movies, play them, stop them, I just can't kill PowerDVD.

When I go into FLICR there are 13 different "controllers" to choose. Which one do you guys use? I don't remember ever doing anything in FLICR on my Windows 10 machine (that was a long time ago though) but I don't know what else to look for. Any ideas?

Sorry for all the questions but this is driving me crazy. Any thoughts? Thanks in advance!
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Re: Red and Green Buttons Not working

Post by Jamie » Wed Dec 20, 2023 6:44 pm

Did you read Pauls previous message and update the windows registry? I would delete the bad entry if it was me but if you never played with the registry before you should follow Pauls tip on updating your remote config or use the advanced remote config tool to do it. You have to reboot after doing the updates

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Re: Red and Green Buttons Not working

Post by klpaint » Wed Dec 20, 2023 11:10 pm


Thank you. I think I have tried everything in his post although I could not figure out how I was supposed to use the Remote Mapper. It read like it was supposed to create something in the system tray but it doesn't seem to be doing that.

Are you running on Windows 11? I have spent so many hours on this I am starting to think I am chasing my tail. I am starting to question if Windows 11 isn't doing something behind the scenes.

I can take these remotes and they work on my Windows 10 machine. I can bring both of them to Windows 11 and they do everything except Launch CMC (I don't care about that piece) and kill Power DVD (this is critical). I have configured the Red, Record, Green, Windows. I can see them change in the registry but something is intercepting the commands somewhere. Every key on the remote works except Red and/or Record.

It's almost embarrassing how many hours I have spent trying to get one button to work. I guess I could just keep a keyboard in the room when I want to switch movies but that's not ideal.

Thanks again for your response. I will post if I ever figure it out but not sure what to try next.


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Re: Red and Green Buttons Not working

Post by Jamie » Thu Dec 21, 2023 6:15 pm

You menton that you are using a Flirc usb receiver but you didn't mention the remote specifically except that it is a logitech remote. Is it a harmony?
please mention that here and maybe add a picture if possible. Paul usually mentions using MCE specific remotes. If it is a harmony, how did you program it?

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Re: Red and Green Buttons Not working

Post by Jamie » Thu Dec 21, 2023 7:03 pm

You may be right that windows 11 maybe interpreting the red button differently due to a different driver for the flirc receiver, or something else. The only way to find out is using the config tool Paul mentioned. Please let us know and hopefully show us the remote.

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Re: Red and Green Buttons Not working

Post by klpaint » Thu Dec 21, 2023 9:20 pm


Thanks. I am actually testing with three Harmony Remotes (Harmony One, Harmony 1100 and Harmony 600).

I just ran a test that convinces me that this is something with Windows 11 or Flickr. I took all three remotes to the Windows 10 machine and used all three remotes to start a movie, stop a movie and then kill Power DVD (Record). All worked perfectly.

I then took the three remotes to Windows 11 and ran the same test and all three worked except being able to kill Power DVD. Alt-F4 does kill it so CMC is doing its thing. All three remotes work on Windows 10 and all three do everything except Record (kill Power DVD) on Windows 11.

It has to be something with Windows 11 or Flickr. I don't remember doing anything to Flickr on Windows 10 but that was a very long time ago so maybe I am forgetting.

I probably need to figure out how to use the remote tool Paul was talking about. I tried it last night and it was clicking with me on how to interpret what the remote was sending. I will have to go back and read the Forums to see if there is a good discussion on how to use the tool. I did go into the Flickr tool and I could see that the Record button is sending a command but it was not something I could read.

Thanks again for your response. I will let you know if I ever figure it out.

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