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[Fixed in v7.1] v7 upgrade problem with Sync

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Re: v7 upgrade problem with Sync

Post by Pauven » Sun Jan 14, 2024 11:55 am

Okay, I figured out the bug. It is due to a change in CCC/CME v7:
  • Fixed: Linked Movies are now retrieved from Disc Title data - required for simple Box Sets without Child Titles
In the CMC code that processes the XML data, the new "<Movies>" tag in the XML triggers a section of CMC code that has a bug in it. Essentially, that code section blows away a variable's value, which breaks the processing later on.

Long story short, while the new CME export exposed the bug, the bug is in CMC. So your CME XML files are perfect. The next version of CMC will have this bug fixed.
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Re: v7 upgrade problem with Sync

Post by Pauven » Sun Jan 14, 2024 12:41 pm

robert5733 wrote: Mon Jan 08, 2024 12:30 amOnly errors I receive is the screensaver.
I also found and fixed this issue too. CMC was trying to apply parental filter controls, which come from CCC, in the folder scanning mode, where the parental controls don't exist - hence the access violation error.

The fix will be in v7.1.
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Re: v7 upgrade problem with Sync

Post by robert5733 » Fri Jan 19, 2024 7:02 pm

Pauven wrote: Tue Jan 09, 2024 11:43 am What you can do is complain to Binnerup that the media scans for DUNE data on API export are killing your ability to use your My Movies data. Complain in that same My Movies forum thread I posted earlier. The solution is that Binnerup needs to provide a method for turning off the DUNE data scan when the title and movie data are queried via the API. Let your voice be heard. The more people that complain, the more likely we are to get an actual solution.

Please, complain to Binnerup. We all need a solution, you more so than anyone else.
I took the advice and posted to Binnerup and here is their response.

It is not going to be addressed, sorry.
We have ended all development for front-ends, meta-data storage a server handling, and will be focusing our resources on collection management only.
This also means no further development on the API."

It sounds like the end is near. I have everything working with CCC, on two computers networked ( except some titles missing pieces of data in MM, can't do much about that since they use their own database and don't scrape IMDB), so am happy with where I sit for the time being. I didn't upgrade to MM pre-release 5.41 build 5, I am afraid of it breaking my working system now. The fact that they are moving away from meta data storage and front ends, along with no further developments on the API, makes me think 5.40 might be the last version working with CME_CCC, and I fear new titles won't have meta data even in this version.

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Re: [Fixed in v7.1] v7 upgrade problem with Sync

Post by Pauven » Sat Jan 20, 2024 9:50 am

robert5733 wrote: Fri Jan 19, 2024 7:02 pm I took the advice and posted to Binnerup and here is their response.
Yeah, I saw that. Very disappointing.

robert5733 wrote: Fri Jan 19, 2024 7:02 pm It sounds like the end is near.
Possibly, but no need to abandon ship. WMC died a decade ago, yet people still successfully use it. As long as Binnerup doesn't actively kill MM 5.40, I think it will serve us well for many years to come.

Unfortunately, we have seen Binnerup kill older versions by shutting off access to the online service, so fingers crossed they simply leave 5.40 alone for a while. We've also seen functionality broken by Windows updates, so it would be wise for us to keep our My Movies PC as static as possible.

This is one of the reasons I created CCC as a middle man, living between MM and CMC. You only need a single working MM install in your entire home, and then CCC will share that data out to all of your CMC PC's, and of course CMC is still maintained and works on all Windows versions from Win7 on. It's so much easier to only have to deal with the pain of a stable MM install if you only have to do it on one PC.

robert5733 wrote: Fri Jan 19, 2024 7:02 pm I didn't upgrade to MM pre-release 5.41 build 5, I am afraid of it breaking my working system now.
That's smart. Best to stay on 5.40. I wouldn't even consider 5.41 unless it is released as a stable version, and even then you should check here to make sure nothing important was broken or removed.

robert5733 wrote: Fri Jan 19, 2024 7:02 pm I fear new titles won't have meta data even in this version.
I don't share your fear, though maybe I'm not as observant. Most of the metadata is provided by users, and as long as these users have MM 5.40 I see no reason for the data quality to faulter. And worst case, you can always contribute metadata yourself. If something is missing, simply add it.

One last thing I'll say on this situation. Unlike Binnerup, I am an active My Movies user, ditto for CCC and CMC (as the saying goes, I'm not just the president...). My personal movie collection is one of my prized possessions, and something I intend to utilize until my final days. While we rarely know when our end will arrive, there's certainly the potential for me to have several decades of movie enjoyment ahead of me. Said another way, I have a very vested interest in keeping my movie collection metadata maintained.

I can tell you I don't have fear. But what I do have are a very particular set of skills, skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a blessing for people like you.

Feel free to read between the lines, but no confirmations will be provided until the time is right.
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Re: [Fixed in v7.1] v7 upgrade problem with Sync

Post by Pauven » Sun Apr 28, 2024 3:28 pm

For those who are members of the CMC Prerelease Group, the CMC v7.1 Beta 1 is now available. Please visit the Prerelease post here: viewtopic.php?t=566
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Re: [Fixed in v7.1] v7 upgrade problem with Sync

Post by robert5733 » Tue Apr 30, 2024 3:11 pm

i’m not part of the prerelease group, can I join? Interested in giving it a test run

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Re: [Fixed in v7.1] v7 upgrade problem with Sync

Post by Pauven » Tue Apr 30, 2024 4:01 pm

Sure, I just added you. The link should work now.
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Re: [Fixed in v7.1] v7 upgrade problem with Sync

Post by robert5733 » Wed May 01, 2024 12:55 am

Thank you. I have the download, I am traveling for the next 5 months, will give this a test and see if it solves my issues. i do have total faith in the results. Will post them when I get them

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Re: [Fixed in v7.1] v7 upgrade problem with Sync

Post by robert5733 » Wed Jun 12, 2024 5:29 pm

I have the beta installed and haven't came across any issues yet. Will keep you updated.

Circling back to the beginning of this post, I was having trouble with metadata export in CCC with my NAS. It would apparently freeze and just not do anything. CME works fine.

So I had placed a shortcut on the desktop to the NAS drive so I can check when it is spun up and ready before opening programs. I noticed when starting the metadata export with CCC, it is slow and appears frozen, if I open the shortcut and display the folder in explorer, then CCC starts and blazes through the update lickity split. Don't know what this means, but, at least I know how to solve the issue in the near term, until I can figure it out.

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Re: [Fixed in v7.1] v7 upgrade problem with Sync

Post by Pauven » Wed Jun 12, 2024 7:38 pm

It's probably related to CCC pulling the extra info from My Movies, which in turns causes an extra folder scan of your media folders.

But I would expect My Movies to spin up your NAS drive, so after the first movie it should be normal speed.

It seems very odd that spinning up the drive manually solves the issue. Perhaps you can monitor and see if My Movies fails to spin up the drive when doing the CCC export.

This could also explain why CME works fine, as since CME writes to your NAS drive, it spins it up to do the writes. Since CCC never accesses your NAS drive, you don't get the same benefit.

I wonder why My Movies isn't spinning up the drive, after all, it is accessing it to do a folder scan. Oh, and by not spinning up the drive, every folder scan fails (timeouts), so that adds a ton of time to the export.

Crazy My Movies.
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