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[Fixed in 7.1] Movie Dates all 01/01/9999 ?

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[Fixed in 7.1] Movie Dates all 01/01/9999 ?

Post by michae1a1ee » Thu Apr 25, 2024 1:52 pm

Something I noticed is that all of my Movie Titles in my collection are showing what I presume to be a date in the format DD/MM/YYYY or MM/DD/YYYY, I'm not sure which. Regardless of the format, every title I check shows 01/01/9999. In Collection Management I have the "Disc Release" properly populated for everything, so this entry on the CMC UI does not appear to be pulling from Disc Release.
So, what location is this date being pulled from and if it is the Disc Release, how do I correct it from showing 01/01/9999 for everything?
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Re: Movie Dates all 01/01/9999 ?

Post by Pauven » Thu Apr 25, 2024 2:38 pm

01/01/9999 is a hardcoded value in CMC, used to indicate when the date is missing.

This was quite common in the early days of CMC, when we used the My Movies XML files as the data source. The date made it easy to sort all titles by the date, bringing all the problematic titles to the front so you could identify them and go into My Movies to fix them.

This issue has mostly gone away with CCC. I've also double-checked on my setup, and I'm not experiencing this issue, so I don't believe this is a bug.

I certainly wouldn't expect all titles to be missing this info. It also looks like the Stars rating might be missing, at least for this title.

Are you using CCC or metadata files with CMC? Have you double-checked that this didn't get changed in CMC? CCC should be enabled in CMC if you are using CCC to export your collection from My Movies.
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Re: Movie Dates all 01/01/9999 ?

Post by michae1a1ee » Thu Apr 25, 2024 3:16 pm

Okay, the first observation I'll make is that for the Star Rating, many of my Movie Titles show up in CMC with a star rating shown (that previous example does not), but in Collection Management, none of my movies have the star rating filled out. I'm guessing this a personal rating and what is shown in CMC is based on a public rating? I'll show you a different example, "The Iron Claw". I haven't watched or rated this movie myself (I haven't rated any of the movies in my collection but I still see some movies with ratings in CMC)

CMC shows a 4-star rating for this movie:
image.png (129.53 KiB) Viewed 4619 times
Collection Management shows nothing highlighted for Rating:
image.png (117.61 KiB) Viewed 4619 times
So I don't know where my ratings are being pulled from; some movies have one, others do not. None of them seem to be from the "Personal Data" section of Collection Management as none of my collection have anything populated for Rating.

Back to the DATE issue. So I take it from your reply that this is in fact the Disc Release date it's supposed to be showing in CMC.
Yes, I use CCC. CCC is enabled in CMC. Is there something else I needed to do to get it to pull the dates from Collection Management?
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Re: Movie Dates all 01/01/9999 ?

Post by Pauven » Thu Apr 25, 2024 3:46 pm

The Stars rating is My Movies global data. I'm not sure if it comes from the Movie (likely) or the Disc Title data. I cannot find it in the GUI anymore. It might import from behind the scenes, based upon the IMDB #, but I really don't know exactly how My Movies gets this global value if it isn't entered by us.

The Personal Data values, including the Stars rating that you can set, should be considered as local overrides of global data. If you did set the Stars value in Personal Data, CMC would use that value instead of the Global value.

The main reason I pointed out that it was missing is that this might have been an indicator of a bigger issue. But your experience, that it's there for most but missing for some, is standard fare and nothing to worry about.

There's nothing special you should have to do to get the release date to show, it should simply work. My recommendation would be to do a Full Export in CCC (make sure the text box is blank, we don't want any filtering). This will likely take hours. My guess is that something got out of whack, and a Full Export may fix it right up.
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Re: Movie Dates all 01/01/9999 ?

Post by michae1a1ee » Thu Apr 25, 2024 4:42 pm

I hope you're right. I'm running a Full Export right now that should be done in another hour. In the meantime, I notice that the Exporter Configuration Summary already lists performing a Full Export Weekly on Thursdays at 2AM. So that should have taken place earlier this morning and the CCC database should be up to date, including the Release Date field I'm hoping gets fixed by this current export.
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Re: Movie Dates all 01/01/9999 ?

Post by michae1a1ee » Thu Apr 25, 2024 6:30 pm

No difference.
2.5 hours of running a Full Export and it's exactly the same in CMC: all dates are 01/01/9999. Some movies have star ratings, others do not. All the movies in Collection Management have the Disc Release date field populated.

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Re: Movie Dates all 01/01/9999 ?

Post by Pauven » Thu Apr 25, 2024 8:11 pm

Where-abouts are you located in the world? (Country?)

What are the Windows date/time settings on both your CCC PC and your CMC PC? If the date format is different than standard US, it might trip up the logic.

For example, here are mine here in the USA, the most important being the Short Date, MM/DD/YYYY:

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Re: Movie Dates all 01/01/9999 ?

Post by michae1a1ee » Fri Apr 26, 2024 2:40 pm

I'm in Canada.
My test PC is running both CCC and CMC, so it shares the same Regional Settings shown below.
So the issue is I need to change the Short Date format for this to work? Is that a known issue/requirement for all MyMovies, CCC, and CMC PCs?
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Re: Movie Dates all 01/01/9999 ?

Post by Pauven » Fri Apr 26, 2024 3:26 pm

Yes, I believe changing the short date format to mm/dd/yyyy will solve this. You'll probably need to do another full export.

It's been a while since I've worked on this aspect of the code, so I'm a bit foggy as to whether this is a known issue, requirement, or something I haven't seen before.

I do recall that I've worked in my code (CCC and CMC and CME) to automatically format dates as mm/dd/yyyy, regardless of your PC's date format. The problem is that I don't get to maintain all of the code, i.e. Binnerup takes care of My Movies, so that's out of my control. I'm thinking that the date format reported by the My Movies API is inconsistent, sometimes using the PC's short date format, and sometimes using something else altogether. This means I have to discover, through meticulous inspection, how each date field in the My Movies data behaves. I think some of the My Movies dates actually behave more like text strings, not actual date values, which is why they don't always follow your PC's date format.

If you want to do some more troubleshooting, you could do the following:

1) In CCC > Settings > My Movies API Authentication, enable the checkbox for Show My Movies API Calls, and Save this change

2) Decide on a movie to export, and type the name into the text filter (i.e. "The Firm"), and then click Full Export

3) In the CCC logs, you will see extra lines of text that look like URL's, and a couple of those you'll want to grab:
NOTE: Yours will be different, so don't use my examples, other than to help find these two URL's in your log.

Copy both of those and open them up in a web browser window on the same PC. These are the My Movies API results for a Disc Title and the linked Movie. It will all be in XML format. Copy all of the data and post it here (you'll probably need to use the forum's <CODE> tags, the button that looks like "</>"). Alternatively you could just email them to me.

WARNING: My Movies includes your NAS username/password in the XML, usually near the bottom in the Dune data section. You may want to delete this before posting.

Do all this before you change the date format, and then I can review to see if any My Movies date fields are behaving oddly.
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Re: Movie Dates all 01/01/9999 ?

Post by michae1a1ee » Fri Apr 26, 2024 4:41 pm

To be clear, there is no Windows 10 Short Date option for MM/DD/YYYY on my PC.
The Windows Regional Date Settings example dates are based on April 5th, 2017, so the format options only include a DD/MM/YYYY option for an all-numeric format with a four character year. I'm guessing you meant to suggest a change to DD/MM/YYYY format?
EDIT - I took another look at your screenshot and yours IS definitely MM/DD/YYYY but I don't have that option.
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