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How to use the new Music Library

Instructional Step-by-Step How-To's to using CMC with My Movies
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How to use the new Music Library

Post by Pauven » Sun Sep 30, 2018 7:30 pm

MM Browser v1.9 Music Library Instructions:

To access the Music Library, from the MM Browser main screen, arrow up until the Mode Switch Panel drops down from the top edge of the screen. Here you can select either the Movie Library on the left, or the Music Library on the right.

You will need to sync your music collection in a similar manner to how you sync your My Movies collection. For best results, you will want your music media organized into separate folders for each album, and to have all the MP3 tags written, especially ALBUM, ARTIST, ALBUM ARTIST, TITLE, YEAR, TRACK, GENRE, and COMPOSER.

Only MP3, WAV and WMA audio files are supported in v1.9. If you want support for other formats, please let us know.

Your music files should be organized as \<MUSIC FOLDER>\<ALBUM ARTIST>\<ALBUM>\<SONGS> or as \<MUSIC FOLDER>\<ALBUM>\<SONGS>, as shown in the examples below:

C:\Music\Aerosmith\Big Ones\Walk on Water.mp3
C:\Music\Aerosmith\Big Ones\Crazy.mp3
C:\Music\Nirvana\Best of Nirvana\01 - Smells Like Teen Spirit.mp3
C:\Music\Various Artists\MTV Unplugged Collection 1\Paul Simon - Graceland.mp3
C:\Music\Various Artists\MTV Unplugged Collection 1\R.E.M. - Half a World Away.mp3


C:\Music\Big Ones\Walk on Water.mp3
C:\Music\Big Ones\Crazy.mp3
C:\Music\Best of Nirvana\01 - Smells Like Teen Spirit.mp3
C:\Music\MTV Unplugged Collection 1\Paul Simon - Graceland.mp3
C:\Music\MTV Unplugged Collection 1\R.E.M. - Half a World Away.mp3

For best results, compilation CD's should have their ALBUM ARTIST tag set to 'Various Artists', 'Soundtrack', or whatever is appropriate for each CD. If this is missing, you may get undesired results for compilation albums with multiple artists.

v1.9 cannot read embedded artwork, so all album cover artwork should be stored as 'folder.jpg' in each <ALBUM> directory. For best results, we recommend artwork that is at least 300 pixels for best clarity. Anything larger than 500 pixels will not improve quality, and will result in slower performance to load larger files.
President, Chameleon Consulting LLC
Author, Chameleon MediaCenter
