Last updated Oct 14, 2020.
Known Bugs/Issues:
- [FIXED in 1.7.2017.1229] When stopping a playing Screensaver slideshow, sometimes it immediately resumes playing (bug)
- [FIXED in 1.7.2017.1229] Syncing in v1.7 is noticeably slower than before (due to Debug being enabled by default - disable Debug to fix)
- [FIXED in 1.7.2017.1229] Access Violation error when attempting to Save the Settings when no Titles had been Synced
- [FIXED in 1.7.2017.1229] MM Browser would not start when program folder was also named 'MM Browser' (with a space)
- [FIXED in 1.7.2017.1229] Cover Art missing for ISO/MP4/MKV files with Discs configured as 'Online File' and in root of Sync Folder
- [FIXED in 1.8.2018.0318] Starting an automated Program Update from certain screens (i.e. Select Disc prompt) fails to complete
- [FIXED in 1.8.2018.0318] Error message when opening an 'childless' Box Set (bug)
- [FIXED in 1.8.2018.0318] Older versions of My Movies (i.e. 5.13) cause an Access Violation on MM Browser startup
- [FIXED in 1.8.2018.0318] 2-sided discs with A/B sides in different parent folders cause false 'bad xml' import errors
- [FIXED in 1.8.2018.0318] Cover Profiles may not load all covers correct from the Cover Profile xml configuration file
- [FIXED in 1.8.2018.0318] Title data loaded from a bad mymovies.xml not replaced with good data by the SmartSync
- [FIXED in 1.8.2018.0323] TV Series Discs missing required TV Series ID value from My Movies meta-data do not show up in the Error Log
- [FIXED in 1.8.2018.0330] Blu-ray Folder and DVD Folder in same directory cause Sync to hang
- [FIXED in 1.8.2018.0330] When multiple media files exist in an Online Folder, they all show the Disc Name instead of their File Name.
- [FIXED in 1.8.2018.0804] Forcing a Full-Sync via the Settings panel does not update all data elements
- [FIXED in 1.8.2018.0804] Default Sort Order picklist is not visible from Settings screen.
- [FIXED in 1.8.2018.0804] Collections with more than 57 custom Categories do not display correctly, overflowing the screen.
- [FIXED in 2.0.2018.1031] Starting CMC in Music Mode shows both music and movie covers
- [FIXED in 2.0.2018.1031] Pressing Enter/OK on the Music Library's menu bar causes movie details to show
- [FIXED in 2.1.2019.0120] PowerDVD 17 & 18 do not autoplay DVD/BD ISO's.
- [FIXED in 2.1.2019.0120] Channel Up/Down don't scroll covers like they used to (broken in v2.0)
- [FIXED in 2.1.2019.0120] TV Series Covers show as Offline
- [FIXED in 2.1.2019.0120] When using the root of a drive letter for Syncing (i.e. D:\ ), 2 backslashes were added (i.e. D:\\ ) causing issues
- [FIXED in 2.1.2019.0123] Pressing Back/Exit while viewing Sync Error Report causes CMC to hang on black screen. Enter/OK works fine.
- [FIXED in 2.1.2019.0123] TS and MPEG2 files were not Synced as playable media
- [FIXED in 3.0.2019.1031] DVD Cover Glow effect doesn't work for My Movies stock profile
- [FIXED in 3.0.2019.1031] TV Series backdrop is not using the Local Artwork Cache
- [FIXED in 3.0.2019.1031] CMC_Watched.txt files are not automatically removed for ISO episodes after updating Watched status in MMCM
- [FIXED in 3.0.2019.1031] Box Sets with a movie for a parent don't show when the parent movie is marked as watched
- [FIXED in 3.0.2019.1031] Movies don't get updated as Watched/Unwatched when inside the Box Set view
- [FIXED in 3.0.2019.1031] Changing the Watched status on Box Set movie causes the Box Set cover to lose the Box Set perspective view
- [FIXED in 3.0.2019.1031] My Movies default Cover Profile does not use the artwork for 4K UHD discs
- [FIXED in 3.0.2019.1031] My Movies default Cover Profile still shows as available even after uninstalling My Movies
- [FIXED in 3.0.2019.1031] Corrupt umlauts in Parental Ratings map
- [FIXED in 3.1.2019.1130] Episode changes fail to process correctly with a SmartSync
- [FIXED in 3.1.2019.1130] Episode Watched/Unwatched changes were not detected with a SmartSync
- [FIXED in 3.1.2019.1130] When removing a folder from scanning, a SmartSync doesn't fully remove TV Series and Box Sets
- [FIXED in 3.1.2019.1130] CMC doesn't create the TV Series View after mapping episodes in MMCM when using a SmartSync
- [FIXED in 3.1.2019.1130] Updated Episode details in My Movies don't show up in CMC when using a SmartSync
- [FIXED in 3.1.2019.1130] Episode Images don't display for ISO based episodes configured as Online Files
- [FIXED in 3.2.2020.0321] Scaling and black bar issues when connecting/disconnecting via Remote Desktop
- [FIXED in 3.2.2020.0321] TV Series Release Date was wrong value, causing Sort by Release Date to be wrong
- [FIXED in 3.2.2020.0321] Music DB was not cleared when performing a Full Sync
- [FIXED in 3.2.2020.0321] Album & Track Year sometimes contained a full YYYY-MM-DD date instead of just a year
- [FIXED in 3.2.2020.0321] Playing a Music Genre plays full albums with matching genres, including tracks that don't match genre
- [FIXED in 3.2.2020.0321] Now Playing album cover would sometimes disappear when the next song started playing
- [FIXED in 3.2.2020.0321] Rare Access Violation error that randomly occurred when the next song started playing
- [FIXED in 3.2.2020.0321] Cannot play Blu-ray Episode when MPLS playlist lists multiple files (NOTE: DVDFab Player is not fixable)
- [FIXED in 3.2.2020.0321] Could not navigate using arrow keys to the setting "Delete the Movie Artwork Cache"
- [FIXED in 3.2.2020.0321] Invalid char from TV Series name in Watched Episode flag file name caused an error
- [FIXED in 3.2.2020.0321] Added logic to skip $recycle.bin during a Sync folder scan
- [FIXED in 3.2.2020.0321] Sync will now import converted media based TV Episodes (discless TV Series)
- [FIXED in 3.2.2020.0321] Access Violation error when viewing music genres after initial sync
- [FIXED in 3.2.2020.0321] Music Library menu active and shows Movie info when Music DB is empty
- [FIXED in 3.2.2020.0321] Music CD Cover navigation error related to genre filtering and changing album rows configuration
- [FIXED in 3.2.2020.0321] Fixed: Out of Bounds error when scrolling right in Music Library if # of titles is just under # of cover squares
- [FIXED in 3.3.2020.0420] Albums view in Music Library is sorting by Artist instead of Album
- [FIXED in 3.3.2020.0420] Movie Artwork Caching error message did not indicate which files caused the error
- [FIXED in 3.3.2020.0420] Movie Artwork Caching Debug Logging was split across two files
- [FIXED in 3.3.2020.0420] Movie Artwork Caching was adding a double backslash in the filepath for certain file types
- [FIXED in 3.3.2020.0420] Movie Artwork Caching attempted to copy the nex boxset.png files even if they didn't exist
- [FIXED in 3.3.2020.0420] CMC allows more than 1 program instance to run simultaneously - broken in a recent CMC release
- [FIXED in 3.3.2020.0420] Access Violation when playing an ISO and VCD drive letter is not assigned - broke in CMC v3.1
- [FIXED in 3.3.2020.0420] 'Discard' after Deleting a Sync'd Folder corruptss the folder list, 'Save' then makes it permanent
- [FIXED in 3.3.2020.0420] PowerDVD 19 was not correctly located if it existed in Program Files instead of Program Files (x86)
- [FIXED in 3.3.2020.0420] Mounting ISO's with PowerDVD instead of VCD was broken in CMC v3.2
- [FIXED in 3.3.2020.0420] External Link custom app params did not load correctly if they contained equal signs
- [FIXED in 3.3.2020.0420] CMC New Version Check fails with "Could not load SSL Library" error
- [FIXED in 3.3.2020.0420] Playback of DVD Folders using older versions of PowerDVD (broken in v3.2)
- [FIXED in 3.4.2020.0525] TV Series inconsistently sorted when using Sort by Collection Number
- [FIXED in 3.4.2020.0525] Non-US Parental Guidance Ratings show as Unrated
- [FIXED in 3.4.2020.0525] ISO dismount at program exit runs even if VCD not installed
- [FIXED in 3.4.2020.0525] Mounting Progress Wheel not visible when playing form the Movie Details or Collected Works views
- [FIXED in 3.4.2020.0525] Having both Sync errors and Artwork Caching errors sometimes causes GUI to hang
- [FIXED in 3.4.2020.0525] Artwork Caching Errors prompt incorrectly referenced Sync Errors
- [FIXED in 3.4.2020.0525] Improved the Movie DB loader integrity validation and error logging
- [FIXED in 3.5.2020.0704] If first Unwatched Episode is > 14 then it is off screen & user must scroll to show selected Episode
- [FIXED in 3.5.2020.0704] ISO Episodes lose CMC Watched Status after a SmartSync - Full Sync required to restore status
- [FIXED in 3.5.2020.0704] User is not prevented from starting another Movie Sync while background Artwork Caching is still running
- [FIXED in 3.5.2020.0704] Last Episode in a Season doesn't reflect Watched status until user scrolls up
- [FIXED in 3.5.2020.0704] @Recycle (instead of $Recycle) folder on QNAP NAS servers is scanned during a Sync
- [FIXED in 3.5.2020.0704] Discless Movie artwork not found during a Sync
- [FIXED in 3.5.2020.0704] Multi-Thread variable access contention issue causing slow startup in rare scenarios
- [FIXED in 3.5.2020.0704] A lot of <Movie> metadata was not imported correctly
- [FIXED in 3.6.2020.1001] Cast+Crew scrolling speed is very slow when more than 50 Actors
- [FIXED in 3.6.2020.1001] Disc mounting in progress cicle animation did not show in enhanced TV Series view
- [FIXED in 3.6.2020.1001] CMC did not recognize Potplayer 64-bit
- [FIXED in 3.6.2020.1001] Wrong disc path identified when full path of one disc is a substring in a longer path of another disc
- [FIXED in 3.6.2020.1001] CMC 3.5 reported Missing Episode MPLS # errors for non-TV Series Blu-rays
- [FIXED in 3.6.2020.1001] Opening External Link URL's with the new Chrome based MS Edge browser was very slow
- [FIXED in 4.0.2020.tbd] AnyDVD New Version Check is failing to notify when a new version is available
- [Unconfirmed] Buffer overruns when playing DVD Episodes with PowerDVD 16/17 (Note: PowerDVD doesn't support DVD Episode playback)
- [Unconfirmed] MM Browser shortcut creation does not add the CTRL-ATL-8 Hotkey when running on Windows 7
- Old categories no longer in use still display in CMC even with a Full Sync (Orphaned Metadata Issue)
Incomplete Features that Look Like Bugs
- [FIXED in 1.8.2018.0318] The 'Back' button doesn't work for a lot of panels
- [FIXED in 3.0.2019.1031] Audio information and icons are missing
- [FIXED in 3.0.2019.1031] The 'Filter' icon on the top menu does not work
- [FIXED in 3.1.2019.1130] Can't use numbers on remote to type letters in Search boxes
Other Things that Look Like Bugs
- The 'Categories' icon on the top menu does not work (it will only work if you have custom Catories assigned in My Movies)
- [FIXED in 3.0.2019.1031] The 'WatchList' icon always shows a blank screen (you must first add Titles to your WatchList in MM Browser)
- Search doesn't show a Title you know is in your collection (you have a Filter turned on: Unwatched, Genres, Categories, Media Type)
- Some Titles are missing artwork for covers and FanArt/backdrops (this is typically a My Movies meta-data issue)
- Some Titles are using the folder name, and not the real Title name (this is a My Movies meta-data issue)
- The 'Select Disc' prompt for multi-disc titles is displaying the filename and not the disc title (My Movies meta-data issue)
This is a notification only thread, and it is closed to replies.
If you need to report a bug, please start a new post.