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ALERT - Sync Changes in CMC v3.2!

General support forum for Chameleon MediaCenter (formerly MM Browser)
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ALERT - Sync Changes in CMC v3.2!

Post by Pauven » Sat Mar 21, 2020 11:17 am

CHANGED! Depreciation of Legacy Functionality
When I originally programmed CMC (previously MM Browser) I designed it to work exclusively with the mymovies.xml metadata files. I also gave CMC the ability to import titles that are completely missing metadata, which allows you to find and play a new rip even when My Movies is on the fritz, but CMC flags these titles with error notices to help you find and resolve them. Nearly 3 years later, these design choices continue to provide a bad experience for new users.

Last year I added CME to provide a better metadata solution, but up to this point it has been an optional feature that is easily missed by new users. All too often, new users try to use CMC without properly maintained metadata files, and they then get really bad results. A change in strategy was needed.

Beginning with CMC v3.2, the import of 'mymovies.xml' files is disabled by default, and all users are expected to use CME to create metadata.

Along the same lines, the import of titles missing metadata is also disabled by default, so you will only see titles that have CME metadata.

These changes mean that with CMC v3.2, when new users run a Sync they will not import any titles if they are not using CME to create their metadata, which hopefully will get the user to realize they've missed a step. At that point, the user has the option of either using CME (ideal) or going into the settings and re-enabling import of mymovies.xml files and/or titles missing metadata.

If you are already using CME, this change will likely be transparent to you - except for new titles not showing up if you've forgotten to run CME to export them. If you are not using CME, or haven't used it for all of your titles, you may find that those titles disappear with v3.2 when you run a Sync.

If you are not using CME and need the legacy functionality, you can change this behavior in the Settings > Movie Library Scanning, as shown here. Enabling both of these options restores the behavior of previous versions:

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Re: ALERT - Sync Changes in CMC v3.2!

Post by Jamie » Sat Mar 21, 2020 11:39 am

I think you meant ro say "deprecation" not "Depreciation".in the top heading. I could be wrong and usually am. :D

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Re: ALERT - Sync Changes in CMC v3.2!

Post by Pauven » Sat Mar 21, 2020 11:50 am

Well, you sent me to the dictionary. One of the definitions of deprecate is "to depreciate", so it seems somewhat equivalent. Some of the other definitions (express earnest disapproval of, and to pray for deliverance from) seem at odds with my intended message.

Perhaps you're right that deprecation is better, I'm really not sure. Instead of changing it, I'll just let users read the comments section here and come to their own conclusions.
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Re: ALERT - Sync Changes in CMC v3.2!

Post by dannocron » Sun Apr 26, 2020 5:59 pm

Hi Paul,

Running in to a problem...presumably with CMC Mediadata Exporter. (Using My Movies 5.25.) I have recently added to my collection a couple of DVD's. I am running the exporter, but when doing a sync within CMC, they are not being picked up. (Blu Ray copies seem to be working fine with the exporter and sync.) One of them happens to be a three disk set. The other is a single disk.

Attached are screenshots of the folders under the main title for DVD movie "Dark Waters".

I have run both the full sync and smartsysnc after opening CMC. These new disks are not being picked up.

Were there any other changes made in the exporter when you updated it recently?
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Re: ALERT - Sync Changes in CMC v3.2!

Post by Pauven » Sun Apr 26, 2020 9:16 pm

No other changes.

CMC will not look inside of a VIDEO_TS folder. You have set the path incorrectly in My Movies. Set the path to ...\DARK_WATERS, not ...\DARK_WATERS\VIDEO_TS.
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Re: ALERT - Sync Changes in CMC v3.2!

Post by dsteinschneider » Thu Jan 07, 2021 11:55 am

Hi Paul,

Is there a way add non-commercial videos to the movie strip in CMC? I have a bunch of our band that I would put in CMC but they can't originate from MyMovies.



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Re: ALERT - Sync Changes in CMC v3.2!

Post by Pauven » Thu Jan 07, 2021 12:14 pm

If you're using folder scanning, then yes. Simply throw a video in a folder with artwork, and enable the option in CMC at Settings > Movie Library Scanning > Import Titles Missing Metadata.

But if you've moved over to using CCC instead (which I recommend), then this is no longer an option.

However, I don't understand why you say they cannot originate in My Movies. You can add your own personal movies to My Movies if you want - Binnerup even encourages this - you just wouldn't contribute them. This would allow you to add a lot of rich metadata like descriptions, genres, categories, etc, plus all the artwork.

If you add them to My Movies, this should work with both legacy folder scanning with CME, or with the significantly better CCC solution.
President, Chameleon Consulting LLC
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