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[RESOLVED] CCC bogs down server when running auto export

Chameleon CentralController (CCC) is used to export My Movies metadata directly to CMC's Movie DB, and manage User Accounts and Parental Restrictions, and tracks Watch History and WatchLists on a per-user basis.
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Re: CCC bogs down server when running auto export

Post by Teddyboy » Tue Feb 09, 2021 9:24 pm

The 2.4 ghz networks share the same channel. I turned off guest wifi, so it's just one 2.4ghz network. There is only one 5ghz network with a repeater attached to it. I manually picked different channels for the respective networks. I need to redo his network as it's a complete mess of wires going everywhere, but I'll take my time if the wireless networks don't clash anymore and throughput is adequate. Time will tell, but I think it will be okay for now. It only takes a day or two for the issue to crop up again, so I'll know soon enough. He definitely needs a upgrade to something more robust like UniFi.
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Re: CCC bogs down server when running auto export

Post by Teddyboy » Wed Feb 10, 2021 3:12 pm

I separated the radios to different channels spread far enough apart, and it’s so much better now.
Last edited by Teddyboy on Wed Feb 10, 2021 10:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: CCC bogs down server when running auto export

Post by Pauven » Wed Feb 10, 2021 3:38 pm

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Re: CCC bogs down server when running auto export

Post by Teddyboy » Thu Feb 11, 2021 6:12 pm

I RDP into my server just to see how the RDP connection doing. It’s doing great. Very responsive now. I opened collection management and it loaded quickly. I started looking at my settings because I haven’t looked at them in a very long time. I discovered that I had enabled debug logging! I don’t remember why I did that. Maybe I sent a log to Brian for him to look at, and I forgot about turning it off. I must have cleared the log quite a while ago because it’s only been logging since 2-11-21. Now my server has been in storage for almost a year, so the logging was probably turned on a couple of months before I moved in April of last year. It’s only been up and running for I think about two months now. The February log was when I first started using CCC.

Of course it’s turned off now! The performance should be even better now. :oops: :lol:

Regardless, the MyMovies API should still allow for some granularity when exporting data, so it doesn’t give you everything including the kitchen sink when it’s clearly not needed!

I’ll turn on auto export in CCC to see how MyMovies does when it’s hit with query’s. Should give me better incite as to how much resources it consumes now that I’ve removed the network bottleneck, and my own self induced bottleneck.
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Re: CCC bogs down server when running auto export

Post by Teddyboy » Thu Feb 11, 2021 7:51 pm

I forced CCC to do a full export to see how MyMovies was using resources when exporting data. Overall CPU usage was around 12-16% usually about 12-13% sometimes spiking to 20-32% but it would go back down rather quickly. Most of the activity was with the MyMovies general service around 2-3% and it would spike to around 10-12%. SQL server was around .5-5% hovering around 1.5%. I watched Drivepool activity and it was getting hit with MyMovies traversing the folders. Not a lot but you could tell that’s what was happening. When the export finished CPU use spiked to around 20% for about a minute. CCC hung for about that long then came out of it when it finished writing the log file.

While the export was running I shut down RDP and went back in again while the export was still occurring. I couldn’t tell if there was any appreciable lag. Maybe a slight lag for a moment when it was loading, but the connection was responsive once loaded, and I could move windows around and use file explorer. RDP has some lag to it, but it seemed normal. Collection management was loaded but not using any resources.

Overall the performance of the server was fine during the export. I have auto export turned on again and that only uses about 1-3% when it runs. There’s nothing to export at the moment, but I want to get some more movies so I’ll let you know how it goes.
Most of my issue was due to network issues that appear to be resolved now that the wireless radios have adequate channel separation.

I’m still of the opinion that you should request the changes you want to see for the MyMovies API. You don’t need all the data that MyMovies provides and the full export would probably go much quicker. Get that wishlist together.

I hope this information helps you.
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Re: CCC bogs down server when running auto export

Post by Pauven » Fri Feb 12, 2021 8:52 am

Teddyboy wrote: Thu Feb 11, 2021 6:12 pm I discovered that I had enabled debug logging!
For a feature that can cause such a huge performance hit, it surprises me that Binnerup doesn't provide an indicator that logging is active. That's one of the reasons I added the Debug Logging indicator to CMC's Sync menu, as that's where the performance hit is greatest and most likely to cause a problem.

Teddyboy wrote: Thu Feb 11, 2021 6:12 pm Regardless, the MyMovies API should still allow for some granularity when exporting data, so it doesn’t give you everything including the kitchen sink when it’s clearly not needed! ... I’m still of the opinion that you should request the changes you want to see for the MyMovies API. You don’t need all the data that MyMovies provides and the full export would probably go much quicker. Get that wishlist together.
I definitely agree, but I'm thankful I can get what I can get. I'd rather have too much than not enough.

Teddyboy wrote: Thu Feb 11, 2021 7:51 pm Overall CPU usage was around 12-16% usually about 12-13% sometimes spiking to 20-32% but it would go back down rather quickly. Most of the activity was with the MyMovies general service around 2-3% and it would spike to around 10-12%. SQL server was around .5-5% hovering around 1.5%.
I assume CCC was near 0%, with brief spikes as it processed the data it received.

Teddyboy wrote: Thu Feb 11, 2021 7:51 pm When the export finished CPU use spiked to around 20% for about a minute. CCC hung for about that long then came out of it when it finished writing the log file.
I'm not sure I've seen that behavior before. Or perhaps I simply know what's going on behind the scenes and don't pay attention anymore. What was CCC displaying during this time it was hung?

For sure, CCC will hang while waiting on a response from MM for each API request. One way I can make CCC more responsive is to put the MM API Requests into a separate thread, so that the main GUI thread is still responsive. But I haven't been very motivated to make this change since for the most part CCC just runs in the background without any issues, and isn't really meant to be an interactive app (though I do love my logging info!!!).

Teddyboy wrote: Thu Feb 11, 2021 7:51 pm I hope this information helps you.
Absolutely, thank you for sharing. And I'm glad you were able to resolve the performance issues. Hopefully this provides help for other users too that encounter similar slowness.

Teddyboy wrote: Thu Feb 11, 2021 7:51 pm I want to get some more movies
Amen, brother! Amen!
President, Chameleon Consulting LLC
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