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[Resolved] Red and Green Buttons Not working

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Re: Red and Green Buttons Not working

Post by Pauven » Wed Jan 03, 2024 4:23 pm

Happy New Year Gents!

Sorry to learn it's still not working for you. To echo Jamie's comments and train of thought - can you share the exact Inteset receiver model you purchased?
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Re: Red and Green Buttons Not working

Post by klpaint » Wed Jan 03, 2024 5:59 pm

Inteset IReTV USB IR Receiver for use with Nvidia Shield (2nd Gen & 2019 Pro), F-TV, Kodi, PCs, Raspberry Pi & Other Streamers with The INT422 & Harmony Remotes (Remote not Included) ... ast_sto_dp

Inteset 4-in-1 Universal Backlit IR Learning Remote for use with Apple TV, Xbox, Roku, Kodi, Nvidia Shield, Most Streamers & Other A/V Devices ... ast_sto_dp ... f_=ast_bln

I also reprogrammed the Logitech remotes to use the Windows WMC code set.

I now have 6 remotes that work with Windows 10 and not Windows 11. It's either the Inteset receiver I bought along with the Flirc I had are not playing well with Record and Start or there is something in Windows 11 blocking those commands. My gut says Windows 11.

It's interesting as all the buttons work except those two. I can look for, pick, start movies, all the arrow keys work, it is just Record (Alt+F4) and Start that don't seem to work. I wouldn't even care if I could find some other way to kill PowerDVD from the remote.

This is a brand new Lenovo loaded with Windows 11. I bought it specifically to be a movie client. I don't use it for anything else.

The Server (different machine) is Windows 11, the other Client is Windows 10 (works perfectly) and I bought this as a new Client for a different room.

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Re: Red and Green Buttons Not working

Post by Pauven » Wed Jan 03, 2024 8:01 pm

That's a jack of all trades receiver, which might spell trouble. I just scanned the reviews, and found this single mention of "MCE":
Just to help others who are looking for an actual IR receiver (such as an MCE IR device), this is not it. This device identifies as a USB HID device (i.e. it looks to the system like its a keyboard). This is great if your remote control is recognized by the device and translates the remote's IR codes to keyboard codes. It is not so great if you were looking for a device that operates at a lower level and works with, for example the Linux IR drivers.
Worse, I could find no mention of RC6 anywhere on the product page or comments. This is probably not an RC6 compatible receiver. The details also mention "This IR Receiver works only with Inteset INT422 & Harmony remotes", which is atypical of RC6 receivers that work with just about every MCE remote.

For comparison, here's the one I've used a couple times: ... 101&sr=8-8

The big difference here is that it clearly states RC6 compatibility. Sadly, this is the only RC6 compatible receiver I see listed on Amazon (though I may have missed other options). There are lots of pre-loved external USB options on Ebay, and most are pretty affordable, in case you're not able to use this internal design.

It might still be possible to use your new Inteset receiver. I noticed in the images/documentation it noted that remote mode C was MCE mode. As long as you haven't reprogrammed the remote, you should be able to switch to mode C and see if that makes a difference.

klpaint wrote: Wed Jan 03, 2024 5:59 pm I now have 6 remotes that work with Windows 10 and not Windows 11. It's either the Inteset receiver I bought along with the Flirc I had are not playing well with Record and Start or there is something in Windows 11 blocking those commands. My gut says Windows 11.
Let's put this theory to rest. My office PC is a fully up to date Win 11 install, and my main HTPC is the same. Both work just fine with RC6 receiver/remotes. I just launched CMC on my office PC with the Big Green Windows Button.

Most likely what is happening is that since this is not an RC6 receiver, CMC's registry updates to assign the buttons doesn't affect it at all. So even though there are MCE style buttons, they are defined somewhere else in the Windows registry, so they are not being reprogrammed by CMC (or the Advanced MCE Remote Mapper tool, on which CMC's functionality is based).

Short of getting an RC6 compatible receiver, I think your only option is to use a tool like Event Ghost, which is compatible with dozens (hundreds?) of different IR receivers, and likely works with your new Inteset receiver (and your previous receiver too). You would use Event Ghost to reprogram Record or Red to do ALT+F4, and Green or Big Green Windows to do CTRL+ALT+8. CMC already created a shortcut to launch itself with CTRL+ALT+8, so using Event Ghost (or other similar advanced remote reprogramming tools) to issue that hotkey is all that is missing.
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Re: Red and Green Buttons Not working

Post by klpaint » Wed Jan 03, 2024 9:47 pm

This get's more interesting by the minute.... before I share my latest test, I think the following is what I need. It says USB RC6 (I have to have USB as the system in the smallest client I could find), no way to add anything internal. ... SwnQhXnTdi

Now for what seems crazy to me. I did not want to run this test as I did not want to risk screwing up my theater plus the system is buried in a rack.

I unplugged the receiver from my Windows 10 machine and switched it with the receiver in my Windows 11 machine.

The new receiver did not work in the Windows 10 machine (same results as Windows 11). That made me say "OK, the new receiver I bought was not what I needed".

I then put the receiver that works in Windows 10 into the new Windows 11 machine and same results. All the keys work except Record and Start. Not sure I understand that part.

I get the receiver not working in Windows 10 as it is not working in Windows 11. What I don't get is why the receiver that works in Windows 10 doesn't work in Windows 11.

The thing that gives me hope here is that your Windows 11 system is working. Fingers crossed if I order the link above it will work. Still not sure I get why the receiver that works in Windows 10 doesn't work in Windows 11.

Remind me to never take up making remotes work with Windows as a profession (smile).

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Re: Red and Green Buttons Not working

Post by Pauven » Thu Jan 04, 2024 9:06 am

klpaint wrote: Wed Jan 03, 2024 9:47 pm I think the following is what I need. It says USB RC6
I'll say that this is most likely an RC6 receiver. I recognize the enclosure, and have had RC6 receivers in that enclosure myself. But I don't recognize the brand name - probably just an Asian market rebrand - and I don't see a model # either. Sometimes you get lucky and RC6 is listed on the receiver itself, but this one doesn't. That's not a deal breaker, though. My Microsoft branded receiver doesn't list RC6 either, though it most definitely is, and more often RC6 is on the remote instead of the receiver.

But that one is a bit of a gamble - you're trusting the listing and not able to verify based upon the product pictures.

Here's one that includes a remote which has RC6 markings, and the receiver is model OVU4003/00, which is identical to my Microsoft branded receiver: OVU4003/00 RC6 IR Receiver

Here's another for only $17, free shipping, and it's in Kansas so shipping to you should be fairly quick (within a week): IR Infrared USB Receiver OVU4003/00 with Windows Media Center RC6 remote

klpaint wrote: Wed Jan 03, 2024 9:47 pm I then put the receiver that works in Windows 10 into the new Windows 11 machine and same results. All the keys work except Record and Start. Not sure I understand that part.

I get the receiver not working in Windows 10 as it is not working in Windows 11. What I don't get is why the receiver that works in Windows 10 doesn't work in Windows 11.
Did you try rebooting? It's also possible that upon first installation of the RC6 receiver, Windows restored the default registry values (MS loves to do things like that), so you might need to run CMC as Admin, re-update the registry, and reboot.

It's also possible that your Win10 receiver is also not an RC6 receiver, and that you have software running in Win10 that mapped those buttons for you. I think you wrote that you set this up long enough ago that you don't fully remember how you did it.

Is there a model # on the receiver? Pics so I can identify it?

klpaint wrote: Wed Jan 03, 2024 9:47 pm Remind me to never take up making remotes work with Windows as a profession (smile).
I get it, this has been painful. But it's really not so bad, just 3 characters are the key to unlock success: Arrrggh---Seeeeee----Six!
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Re: Red and Green Buttons Not working

Post by klpaint » Thu Jan 04, 2024 10:35 am


Thank you. I ordered 2, the one I originally sent and the one from KC (from your append below). I will post the results from both once I receive them.

This does get more interesting as I keep digging. I posted a picture of the one that works on my Windows 10 machine. When I googled that Part number it came up under my purchases on Amazon from January 23rd 2012 (that's not a typo!). I don't see anywhere where it says RC6 on it either which might explain why it doesn't work on my new machine.

Maybe I did do something back in 2012 to solve the button issue. If so, I don't remember it but that was 11 years ago, I have a hard time remembering what I did yesterday!

Both new receivers are coming from E-Bay so a little delay over Amazon but guessing I will get them both early next week. I will absolutely post back once I try them.

This has been beyond interesting. As always, thanks for all the help.
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Re: Red and Green Buttons Not working

Post by Pauven » Thu Jan 04, 2024 12:51 pm

Any chance your Win10 PC was upgraded from Win7?

While the remote that came with the receiver is an RC6 remote, I'm not sure that the receiver is RC6. Seems like it might be something else, and requires special drivers. I believe these drivers came with Win7, and auto-installed. Might be that you upgraded from 7 to 10, and the drivers came along for the ride, or the maybe Win10 also included the drivers, whereas Win11 is perhaps missing them.

I would look in your System Devices with this plugged in, on both Win10 and Win11, and note how it is identified and what drivers are being utilized.
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Re: Red and Green Buttons Not working

Post by klpaint » Thu Jan 18, 2024 1:28 pm

I apologize for the delayed response, I had to leave for a week for work and came back to an all out blizzard. Crazy weather.

We are making progress. One of the IR receivers I purchased works perfectly and the other one does not seem to be. I am excited about the one that is working and focusing on it. Once I get all of this sorted I might go back and see if I can get the other one to work but way more focused on getting this done so my wife can use it without touching a keyboard. I am very close.

I do have an unrelated question. Please let me know if you would like me to start a new thread.

Have you guys ever seen a situation where you go to start a Blue Ray DVD (on disk in a directory) and PowerDVD just goes to a blank screen and stops. What is interesting is if I delete the directory and restore it, it will then work. Ever seen that issue? Any thoughts on what to check?



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Re: Red and Green Buttons Not working

Post by Pauven » Thu Jan 18, 2024 3:52 pm

klpaint wrote: Thu Jan 18, 2024 1:28 pm One of the IR receivers I purchased works perfectly and the other one does not seem to be.
Yay, some measure of success! Though now I'm curious which one worked. My money's on the OVU.
klpaint wrote: Thu Jan 18, 2024 1:28 pm Have you guys ever seen a situation where you go to start a Blue Ray DVD (on disk in a directory) and PowerDVD just goes to a blank screen and stops. What is interesting is if I delete the directory and restore it, it will then work. Ever seen that issue? Any thoughts on what to check?
Nope, never.

PowerDVD has a feature to resume playback (as do many other players... ) from the last position. I wonder if that's a factor. Perhaps blowing away the directory resets that. That's about all I can fathom.
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Re: Red and Green Buttons Not working

Post by klpaint » Sun Jan 21, 2024 7:25 pm

The picture below is the one that works. That was an interesting experience. All of that to get a button to work (smile).

I really appreciate everyone's help with this. Now if I can find a way to get over the Packers losing yesterday. I live in Green Bay, am a season ticket holder and I may never recover (Smile).

Thanks again!
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